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Ufff... webmasteru nam crko ofis ali rekao je da ga popravlja tokom vikenda, čim on završi online je. Imamo 16 intervjua za objavljivanje, Gojko isto obećava opasan chat sa 1349.

Posted (edited)

Danas sam 'obrnuo' Circle the wagons, i kako jebeno dobar album :da:


I onda se vratim na Gojkovu recenziju novog 1349, u kojoj kaze:

While not exactly fulfilling the requirements for a masterpiece or classic, it will send a large portion of 2010’s black metal releases running for cover, showing how it’s supposed to be done in AD 2010 (unlike some hiking metal punks who completely gave way to booze and random impulse)


Ako je provokacija, onda je dobra. Ako ovo stvarno mislis, onda si promasio big time. Iako vise ne spada pod klasicnu kategoriju black metal, za bendove kao sto je 1349&co, DT i u 2010. godini izmislja pojam 'metal' muzike. Naravno, ne mislim da ovim potecjenim ijedan bend, eto i taj zadnji 1349 mi je bas dobro legao. Al Darkthrone je enciklopedija metala i jedan od rijetkih kultnih bendova koji i dalje objasnjava kako se to radi. Na svoj nacin. Legende, i meni sigurno najbolji bend ikad. Jedino sto im je diskografija velika, treba krv propisat pa nabavit Sve te originale :haha: Al vrijedi!


Edited by morbid god

Jesam turio svoju recenziju ovog kulta?


Some bands just won’t dissapoint you, and one of them is for sure Darkthrone. Now that the majority of tr00-kvlt retards finally lost all hope that they will release another „Under a funeral moon“ and successfully fucked off from undisputed kings of Norway to suck the cocks of new „saviours“ of scene, we can now peacefully enjoy continuation of exciting exploration of the various soulful styles of the extreme done by Fenriz and Nocturno Culto. „Circle the wagons“ continues down the route of their previous couple of releases, but trained ear will notice some subtle changes in Darkthrone world after repeated listening. The most prominent feature is prevalent inclusion of Heavy / Speed Metal sound; just check out „I am the graves of the 80’s“ or the title track for my assumption. In his own words, Fenriz decided to finally throw in Agent Steel circa „Sceptics..“ style into Darkthrone and mentioned tracks for sure prove this as they sound like some mutant banger between Agents of steel and Motorhead, topped off with Fenriz’ inspired vocal performance. While we’re at it, it should be said that the songwriting duties are again split between the two men and Nocturno got a bit lazier this time - he wrote 3 songs, while Fen did 5 and they have co-written "Black mountain totem" which is one of the finest album's moments and shows the criss-crossing of their styles. Speaking of which, I think I can safely say that one can already separate their songs easily as they have chrystalized their songwriting. While Fenriz is more in metal punk waters and his numbers are anthemic rocking assaults, Nocturno Culto seems to be more concentrating on the atmosphere with doomy riffing underlined with somewhat blackish atmosphere and slower tempo, but still coming out very Heavy fucking Metal. Also, both are singing on the tracks they have written and it is apparent that Nocturno is leaving his throaty rasp for a little bit cleaner gush which helped the infusion of more vocal melodies (of course, Fenriz is always in that vein); you can even find some completely clean choruses like in „Those treasures will never befall you“ which reminded me whole lot on Manilla Road. But I won’t give you any more clues, as (in my opinion) there is nothing like putting the new Darkthrone album in the stereo, turn off the lights & light up a cigarette and delve into their world full of various references but still coming out with something of their own. Album title and front cover is dedicated to Indians of the underground, warriors of true Metal fighting the plastic opposers of today, and through their various actions (myspace promotion, interviews, albums...) Darkthrone has truly become the totem of Undergorund resistance, a beacon to all the likeminded individuals who circle their wagons around them and create again very strong filthy metal ambience. With their reputation and status, they could have go dormant, make 5-year breaks and live off the n-th re-release of „A blaze in the northern sky“ but their burning will simply make them go further forever tied to righteous values. That fact alone is worth the the mark below, if only "Circle the wagons“ is not the killer release it is. Essential.


Slobodan Trifunović (10)


Сјајна рецензија, све на месту (закључно са оценом). Ових дана баш преиспитујем последња 4 албума. Царски радови, дефинитивно.


Hvala, hvala ;)

Meni ti albumi kako vreme prolazi sve više prirastaju za srce i ova era se polako izdvaja, praktično će se o njoj govoriti umalo kao o Peaceville trilogiji.


Nocturno got a bit lazier this time - he wrote 3 songs, while Fen did 5 and they have co-written "Black mountain totem" which is one of the finest album's moments and shows the criss-crossing of their styles.


Vidis, meni Fenrika u vjuu rece da je "Black..." Nocturnova pesma. :D

  • 4 months later...

A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Under a Funeral Moon i Transilvanian Hunger su takodje poceci mog black metal obrazovanja i zbog toga, ostali duboko urezani u mom secanju, te ih slusam cesto i dan danas... volim i kasnije radove, ali zanmljivo kako ono sto prvo cujem, automatski volim najvise.


Britain's independent heavy metal powerhouse Peaceville Records will begin releasing new editions of classic DARKTHRONE albums later this month from the recently acquired Moonfog Productions catalogue titles.


The first reissue, "Panzerfaust" — DARKTHRONE's fifth album overall — will be made available on October 25 as a double-disc set and individually numbered vinyl (2000). The 2-CD edition includes a bonus disc featuring commentary from DARKTHRONE's infamous drummer/lyricist Fenriz for a first-hand perspective behind the creation of the 1995 frost-fuelled black metal masterpiece. Additionally, Peaceville Records will reissue the rare second ISENGARD release, "Høstmørke" (1995), on October 25. The album, which was performed entirely by Fenriz, also features a special commentary disc conducted by Fenriz, reflecting on the recording process, as well as an insight into the time of the recording.


"Panzerfaust" and "Høstmørke" can be pre-ordered now at the Peaceville webstore.

  • 3 weeks later...

Stigao mi ovaj Panzerfaust. Nema promena u izgledu izdanja, najbitniji feature je bonus CD gde preko muzike Fenriz daje svoje komentare. Najbolji quote "Uh, that was a bit too much technical drum break... I couldn't help myself, I guess" :lol: ali cela priča je čisto zlato, kao i uvek sa njim. Nocturno nije koristio nikakve efekte na vokalu, snimalo se kod Fenriza na gajbi i kaže on da je bio u kuhinji dok je Ted snimao u sobi i da se pod tresao od siline :rockdevil: mada meni je najzanimljivije kad za rif za koji ja mislim da je čist Black Metal Fenriz objasni da je inspirisan Vader "Necrolust" demosom, Maidenima, Steely Danom... malo razmisliš i vidiš da ima smisla :lol: naravno, veći deo albuma je tribute svi-znaju-već-kome. I da, Fenriz je bio veoma inspirisan ranim Burzumom samo Varg koristi spore ritmove a on brze, i po njemu Varg to bolje radi, skromno. Priznao je da je pogrešio u sviranju par puta ali da ga boli kurac :lol: sve u svemu, baš poslastica za fanove.

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