Valkyrie Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Pa nije riba jeftina ako pokaže sise ili noge... ili sam se ja teško prešla "Dubra duša" se teško primeti na prvi, drugi ili deseti pogled, ne vidim zašto bi bilo koga krivili zato što dobro telo brže privuče od pameti, dobrote i ostalih fraza koje se koriste u "ispravnom" odgovoru na pitanje Šta prvo primetiš kod devojke Ambeon, Astrid Super za pedofile, pogotovo pogled. Piletina. Ova je mlađa čak i od mene
gavrosaurus Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Pa, necu valjda da stavljam neke babe, majku mu? Born: 26-02-1986 in Emmeloord, The Netherlands Picka mu materina, upamtite vec jednom da devojka vise nema 15 godina!
Apeiron Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Prvo, mislim da je Astrid sada vec legalna... ili je tu negde, dakle ulazi u konkurenciju Ja se samo brinem jer sam isto to mislio i dok je snimala Ambeon, a ima dosta godina od tad Drugo, Natasha!, postoje metal ladies, i metal bitches. Bitches su uvek dobrodosle, dakle ako muskarci reaguju na njih, gde je onda problem? Sa druge strane, kulturne slatke devojke su takodje i vise nego dobrodosle, sve to zavisi od trenutnog raspolozenja EDIT: gavrosaurus objasni za Astrid, bas dok sam kucao ovo...
WIZARD OF GORE Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Rece covek koji u prirodi neodoljivo podseca na devojcicu!!!!! ma da ti si sad kao mnogo pametna a znas da sam u pravu, to sto sam rekao reci cu uvek i svugda! Zene u metalu su cist pozeraj! nema metal benda koji je nesto znacajno uradio a da je neka zenska u tom bendu! tooo ribo..josh samo da mu shutnesh djitru u dupe.. !!!fuckoff!!! niko te nista nije pitao mala @RNA koji si mi ono bend preporucio? Chastain? ili tako nesto? bend je sranje evo sad odma da ti kazem
Apeiron Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Pf, meni je od tih pop pevacica najbolja bila (a vidim i danas super izgleda) Kim Vajld. Ja bih rekao - Kylie Minogue nema metal benda koji je nesto znacajno uradio a da je neka zenska u tom bendu! Kolega RNA, hoces li mu ti odgovoriti ili ja?
Vlaja Buraz Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Е, ЈЕБЕМ ТИ МЕТАЛ, КАД ВИДИМ ГДЈЕ ОДЕ ОВА ТЕМА.
Karlo SE Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 O Laki, jel mogu ja, evo samo cu jedan, da pocnem, Sabina fuckin' Classen i Holy Moses, taj mi je sa zenskim clanom u bendu omiljeni, ajd vama ostavljam dalje. A da, mislim da je i Arch Enemy s Angelom uradio dosta, evo, necu vise.
gavrosaurus Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Da li se secate nje? Jos uvek prelepa ...
RNA Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Ljudi je smatraju lepom, ja je nikad nisam mirisao. Ima lepe oci, to je istina. skoro svaka prosecna devojka koja se izazovno obuce i nasminka moze da bude extra pi***, to ti tvrdim! znam X njih koje su kad se picnu dobre ribe a bez sminke nisu nista posebno... poenta je u tome! ako si nekom simpa onakav kakav jesi, onda je to to, a ne ako ce neko da te startuje samo zato sto izgledas ko pi*** To je sve istina. Cinjenica je da ces prvi utisak izgraditi na osnovu necije fizionomije, odnosno svidaj li ti se ili ne. Tek nakon toga pokusavas nekog da upoznas. Meni nikad nije padalo na pamet da budem sa devojkom koja se fraka pola sata. Ako je lepa, lepa je onakva kakva jeste. Drugo, nikad nisam mogao imati bilo sta sa nekom kojoj je samo spoljasnjost lepa. To je suplja lepota. Uostalom, ovde se i govori o fizickoj lepoti, sta ja znam kakve su ove ribe kad ih upoznas, kad ih nikad necu upoznati!
gavrosaurus Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 (edited) Hej, evo je! Ihriel, Ihsahn-ova zena. Hm, majku mu ... A sada? Jebote, napatih se sa Ihriel! Edited January 8, 2007 by gavrosaurus
DragonHeart Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Samo nemojte kaciti fotografije zena koje nemaju veze s Metalom, a to se pocelo praktikovati.
WIZARD OF GORE Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 O Laki, jel mogu ja, evo samo cu jedan, da pocnem, Sabina fuckin' Classen i Holy Moses, taj mi je sa zenskim clanom u bendu omiljeni, ajd vama ostavljam dalje. A da, mislim da je i Arch Enemy s Angelom uradio dosta, evo, necu vise. ako hoces da kazes da je arch enemy sa tom pevaljkom uradio dosta u death metalu onda se ili zajebavas (da ne kazem sprdas) ili o death metalu nemas pojma.....treceg nema
WIZARD OF GORE Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Ima... da ti nemas pojma! a kao arch enemy je jedan od najboljih death metal bedova??? aha oce to....
Karlo SE Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Polako polako, za pocetak, ja sam ljubitelj Floridske skole death-a, ne ljubim Svedjaniju i nisam nigde rekao da su jedni od najboljih, to si mi ti dodao, drugo-jeste Arch Enemy radio i izgradio temelj s pevacem, ali su sa Andjelom usli u (tako da kazem) popularnije vode, tj. probili se i (valjda) prvi put imali solo turneje(nisam siguran stvarno). Holy Moses-u nisi mogao nista da osporis pa to nisi ni uradio, to mi se vec dopada. Apeironu i RNI ostavljam dalje bendove.
mrtva Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 mali ti u gacama..''fuck off'' se pishe odvojeno.. ---da se vratim/o temi---i za sve mushke p. koje misle da zene ne pripadaju metal sceni..FUCK OFF AND DIE..vas je sigurno tata rodio..a mama pravila.. -~- Women In Metal: The Underrated Players Let's face the fact: metal is a genre of music that's dominated by males more than females. It's sad, but it's the truth. With the sudden rise of female popularity in recent months with the addition of Angela to Arch Enemy, and Rachel to Sinister, I felt compelled to write something in praise of many female artists that have graced the best genre of music, heavy metal. I won't be giving a history, but it's more of a tribute to the women in metal that I like, respect what they do, and how talented they are. Let's start with the amazing vocals of Karyn Crisis of Crisis/Soulsick Nation. Karyn uses her voice to the most fullest effect depending on the music in her bands songs. Karyn has the ability to go from a beautiful melody, to a piercing shriek, and a full on death metal growl, and she can do this all in one song! Check out the Crisis album Deathshed Extermination, and see for yourself. She is one truly amazing singer. But, it's not just singers that are in metal bands, but, there are in fact metal bands that are all female. Probably one of the first ones to make a splash was a band from New York called Meanstreak. Although Meanstreak's career was short, I thought they made some groundwork by proving that a bunch of talented women could get together, form a band, and make a name for themselves. This will lead us to Mythic from Pennsylvania. Mythic who could probably claim the title "The First All Female Death Metal Band", really laid some groundwork with their 3 song EP, Mourning In The Winter Solstice. Though, the Mythic EP was only 3 songs, it has achieved legendary status from it's sheer intensity of the music, and the demonic growls of Dana Duffy. Mythic was also home to bassist Mary Bielich who went on to join such bands as Wormhole, November's Doom, and Penance. But, Mythic and Meanstreak weren't the only all female metal bands to grace us with their presence. Canada's November's Grief, who could probably be the female version of Cannibal Corpse really stepped up the death metal moreso than Mythic did. November's Grief only played one way, and that was fast. November's Grief's bassist/vocalist, Stephanie could rival any of her male counterparts in her growling delivery. While drummer Anne could pound the drums and move the double bass at a lightning pace. Promisqes are yet another all female metal band who I've gotten into the past few months. These 4 women know how to play, and write some great songs. With some great lead work, good growling vocals, and excellent drumming, I'm surprised this band is still relatively unknown. Their song "Auto Erotic Asphyxiation" is a song any death metal fan should hear. Of course this tribute could not be complete without the mention of Dawn Crosby of Dente, Fear Of God and one other band that's escaping my brain right now. Dawn had one of the best vocals ever. She used her voice to the fullest of her ability. Though she wasn't super famous, she did achieve fame in the underground more with Fear Of God than any of her other bands. Though she died in the mid 1990's due to alcohol poisoning, she did however leave us with some good music with her amazing vocals. Dawn Crosby R.I.P. There are those of us that still remember you. Although, I couldn't get to every band that features females, I still hope you got something out of this. In that, females possess alot of talent, and can leave a mark in the hallowed halls of the metal world. There are many metal sites that play host to female metal musicians. Wether they're band sites, database sites, zines, and what have you. There are a bunch of resources where you can read and learn about the many females who have graced the metal scene with their talents. Here are a few recommended sites I suggest visiting so you can read and learn more about women in heavy metal: Blood Sisters -Excellent database of females in metal and hard rock bands. Endemonida Webzine -Excellent webzine featuring female metal musicians, as well as columns, and a station at featuring women in rock and metal bands. Metal Maidens Zine -Excellent zine from the Netherlands and a very informative website dedicated to females. Features interviews, an extensive list of female musicians, reviews, and more. by Jewel Throne
WIZARD OF GORE Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 (edited) Polako polako, za pocetak, ja sam ljubitelj Floridske skole death-a, ne ljubim Svedjaniju i nisam nigde rekao da su jedni od najboljih, to si mi ti dodao, drugo-jeste Arch Enemy radio i izgradio temelj s pevacem, ali su sa Andjelom usli u (tako da kazem) popularnije vode, tj. probili se i (valjda) prvi put imali solo turneje(nisam siguran stvarno). Holy Moses-u nisi mogao nista da osporis pa to nisi ni uradio, to mi se vec dopada. Apeironu i RNI ostavljam dalje bendove. holy moses nisam ni pominjao jer je to jedan totalno marginalan bend ajd da cujem jos neki bend ali stoji i dalje da je arch enemy totalno bez veze bend da ne kazem sranje @tvigi :skinimisesakurcavisezenskaglavonistatenisampitaonitimezanimasbre: da se mozda i ovo ne pise odvojeno??? A sta ovaj tekst (koji si iskopirala ko zna odakle) dokazuje? neki anonimus je napisao hvalospeve o nepoznatim bendovima i nista vise, na stranu sto sve to nema veze sa mozgom. Verovali vi ili ne meni je drago kad vidim da devojke slusaju metal a jos vise kad ga i sviraju ali nikad nisam lagao pa necu ni sad: vecina tih bendova (ako ne i svi) su tesko sviranje kurcu! (bez uvrede ) Ajde da ne bude da stalno udaram kontru, cekirajte zensku u sledecem bendu: Sadomasochism (ili tako nesto) gde zenska svira djitru (ili bas, ne secam se tacno) Natashi! ce se svideti siguran sam. Nisam slusao bend pa ne znam vredi li icemu (mislim na bend a ne na zensku ) I moj favorit (sto se tice riba u metalu) je Ana gitaristkinja benda Haemorrhage devojka lepo izgleda a jos uz to bend je fenomenalan! Izuzetak jebiga :) Edited January 9, 2007 by NUNSLAUGHTER
gavrosaurus Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 mali ti u gacama..''fuck off'' se pishe odvojeno.. ---da se vratim/o temi---i za sve mushke p. koje misle da zene ne pripadaju metal sceni..FUCK OFF AND DIE..vas je sigurno tata rodio..a mama pravila.. -~- Women In Metal: The Underrated Players Let's face the fact: metal is a genre of music that's dominated by males more than females. It's sad, but it's the truth. With the sudden rise of female popularity in recent months with the addition of Angela to Arch Enemy, and Rachel to Sinister, I felt compelled to write something in praise of many female artists that have graced the best genre of music, heavy metal. I won't be giving a history, but it's more of a tribute to the women in metal that I like, respect what they do, and how talented they are. Let's start with the amazing vocals of Karyn Crisis of Crisis/Soulsick Nation. Karyn uses her voice to the most fullest effect depending on the music in her bands songs. Karyn has the ability to go from a beautiful melody, to a piercing shriek, and a full on death metal growl, and she can do this all in one song! Check out the Crisis album Deathshed Extermination, and see for yourself. She is one truly amazing singer. But, it's not just singers that are in metal bands, but, there are in fact metal bands that are all female. Probably one of the first ones to make a splash was a band from New York called Meanstreak. Although Meanstreak's career was short, I thought they made some groundwork by proving that a bunch of talented women could get together, form a band, and make a name for themselves. This will lead us to Mythic from Pennsylvania. Mythic who could probably claim the title "The First All Female Death Metal Band", really laid some groundwork with their 3 song EP, Mourning In The Winter Solstice. Though, the Mythic EP was only 3 songs, it has achieved legendary status from it's sheer intensity of the music, and the demonic growls of Dana Duffy. Mythic was also home to bassist Mary Bielich who went on to join such bands as Wormhole, November's Doom, and Penance. But, Mythic and Meanstreak weren't the only all female metal bands to grace us with their presence. Canada's November's Grief, who could probably be the female version of Cannibal Corpse really stepped up the death metal moreso than Mythic did. November's Grief only played one way, and that was fast. November's Grief's bassist/vocalist, Stephanie could rival any of her male counterparts in her growling delivery. While drummer Anne could pound the drums and move the double bass at a lightning pace. Promisqes are yet another all female metal band who I've gotten into the past few months. These 4 women know how to play, and write some great songs. With some great lead work, good growling vocals, and excellent drumming, I'm surprised this band is still relatively unknown. Their song "Auto Erotic Asphyxiation" is a song any death metal fan should hear. Of course this tribute could not be complete without the mention of Dawn Crosby of Dente, Fear Of God and one other band that's escaping my brain right now. Dawn had one of the best vocals ever. She used her voice to the fullest of her ability. Though she wasn't super famous, she did achieve fame in the underground more with Fear Of God than any of her other bands. Though she died in the mid 1990's due to alcohol poisoning, she did however leave us with some good music with her amazing vocals. Dawn Crosby R.I.P. There are those of us that still remember you. Although, I couldn't get to every band that features females, I still hope you got something out of this. In that, females possess alot of talent, and can leave a mark in the hallowed halls of the metal world. There are many metal sites that play host to female metal musicians. Wether they're band sites, database sites, zines, and what have you. There are a bunch of resources where you can read and learn about the many females who have graced the metal scene with their talents. Here are a few recommended sites I suggest visiting so you can read and learn more about women in heavy metal: Blood Sisters -Excellent database of females in metal and hard rock bands. Endemonida Webzine -Excellent webzine featuring female metal musicians, as well as columns, and a station at featuring women in rock and metal bands. Metal Maidens Zine -Excellent zine from the Netherlands and a very informative website dedicated to females. Features interviews, an extensive list of female musicians, reviews, and more. by Jewel Throne Nama, trebaju SLIKE a ne filozofiranje! Nije ovo "Najpametnija zena metala" vec "Najlepsa zena metala".
Grobodan Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 Nunslaughter me podseti na kuju iz Haemorrhage,dobra je,Sabina mi je OK(Holy Moses marginalan bend - ne seri),Angela mi je isto OK(death metal :) :),abortus metal pre)...seticu se.
Goxy Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 Nunslaughter me podseti na kuju iz Haemorrhage,dobra je sta je na njoj dobro,majke ti???
Grobodan Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 ne znam,ima nesto zanimljivo u njoj,nesto privlacno,voleo bih da se malo druzim sa njom ne gledam na zene kao na stvar koju treba otkinuti od kurca,mora da ima jos nesto
Amphitritê Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 1. Tristessa 2. Angela (a od "stare garde" Lita Ford i devojcice iz benda "Vixen" )
+Abigail+ Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 boginja mmm ima i izgled i fenomenalno svira mada eto...da navedem jos koju barem sto se face tice Miss iz Epice i gosp. Sandoval s Anneke
Grobodan Posted January 9, 2007 Report Posted January 9, 2007 @Abigail:jel to ona devojka iz Electric wizard,liz 13?extra je!
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