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ma znam, napisao sam gore da nemam nista protiv nikoga, jednostavno obozavam Edguy i taman mi potvrde koncert i onda otkazu, nemas pojma koliko sam se razocarao...

Nema veze sa ZP, dobri su oni, jednostavno se tako potrefilo, ko zna zasto je to dobro :)



Ma dobro, razumem..i ja sam se bio exxtra skenjao kad chuh otkazan edgaj, al' onda mi neko javio zashto..i onda sam explodirao od odushevljenja :) Jebga, ipak ZP slusham circa 3-4 godine duze od oveju likova...a i iskreno sumnjam da ce mi ijedna EdGuy svirka, ili Avantasia, biti onako dobra. Ok, sad mozda malo kenjam, moze to da se desi..ako dodju Kai i DeFeis :)

  • 1 month later...

Bash mi je krivo sto ne dolazi EDGUY na CASTLE FEST,bolje bi mi lego od Avantasia-e! :/

Mislim da cak nisam dao ni jedan komentar na ovoj temi a vreme je!

DEFINITIVNO JEDAN OD NAJBOLJIH BENDOVA NA PLANET!Cenim da su prava remek dela tek pred njima...a ovo sto su do sada uradili je stvarno savrsenstvo!


Drago mi je da imam istomisljenike :)

Ali ne slazem se da bi mi bolje legao od Avantasie, ovo je jedinstvena prilika da cujemo Avantasiu, ko zna da li ce ikada vise nastupati, mada ja sam ubedjen da ce organizovati jos jednu turneju ako ova uspe, kada izadje Scarecrow pt2...

Ali Edguy cemo sigurno imati jos dosta puta priliku da vidimo, recimo kad izadje novi album, rekli su ljudi iz TerraNostre da su im oni medju prioritetima


da, to je projekat iz dva dela, a i ako si se posvetio textu pesama zakljucujes da je ovo ostalo skroz nedovrseno, cak prestaje na najzanimljivijem delu :)


Plan je ovakav:

Avantasia turneja

Edguy novi album pa turneja

Scarecrow pt2


Tobi ne prestaje da radi nikada :)

  • 2 weeks later...
umro sam od smeha

ko voli Tobijeve sale neka pogleda kako zajebava bubnjara na koncertu :)




Haha evo ja tek sad odgledah ovo... ma Tobi je carina, obozavam tog choveka, jer je zeshci zajebant...

  • 3 weeks later...

APRIL 26TH, 2008



Edguy are currently preparing to hit the studio to work on the successor of their recent album "Rocket Ride".


Tobias: "People think that we are quite fast but that's not the truth. I completed the Avantasia album last autumn, the Avantasia songwriting itself was completed even way back in 2006. All the new ideas I've had since then could be taken for Edguy. In fact, this is a long time to refresh your creativity and gather new stuff. The material sounds very fresh, it embraces all the different trademarks of Edguy, I think it is a logical continuation of Rocket Ride and Hellfire Club. Maybe it doesn't come across as goofy as Rocket Ride, but I am sure if we have fun in the studio we'll have enough possibilities to ruin the day for notoriously bitter people, haha. Yet it's more bombastic and heavier, not too fast cause I really don't like pure Speed Metal that much anymore. I like Lavatory Love Machine, The Piper Never Dies, Mandrake and Sacrifice. There's three fast tracks, but they are all good, not 'just fast'! We'll enter the studio next week and work whenever producer Sascha Paeth and me come back from the Avantasia weekends."


Furthermore Edguy will be touring the USA and Canada as special guest of Kamelot in October. Three more headline dates have been added. Check the tour section for details. If you want to see Tobias Sammet's Avantasia project on stage this summer, check his website www.tobiassammet.com.


Jebote,onaj Tobi je sitan ali dinamitan,kratak ali jebitacan,jel spava on ikad ili smao radiradiradiradi?!

Kad nisam iz koze iskocio kad sam cuo da su otkazali!HITNO morau da ih dovedu!


cekajte bre kad da dodju?!?!

ide sad turneja sa avantasiom i snima se polako novi album

na jesen zimu ide edguy na americku turneju i zavrsava se album...

ja ih ocekujem kod nas na prolece leto 2009 tj kad bude neka evropska turneja

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