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  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Meni se ovaj zadnji album baš svidio. Našao sam ga u lossless formatu na mulcu. Da li se i ostali albumi mogu lako naći u nekom od lossless formata?

Edited by Saša Grbić
  • 2 weeks later...
Naravno da nece,nema to dusu.


Ima dushu klasichne muzike obucheno u bolesno izandjalo thrash telo koje pokushava da progresira. Skini novi, give it a shot!


Inache, ja tek danas provalio da MD obradio Genesisa! Dodushe, ja tek relativno skoro krenuo sa Genezom, ali opet.. Daklem, "Dance On A Volcano", sa Kaleidoscop-a je, dobra obrada, lechka ga ubrzashe, ali dosta je true to the original, dodushe nikako bolja. Pre svega..ne znam da l' zbog produkcije, ali jednostavno original zvuchi vishe heavy nego obrada :) I ozbiljan, glavni nedostatak, su klavijature. Jbg, nije isto kad ti Tony Banks svira a kad ne..da je barem Hubert odprasio te melodije na basu recimo, pa da to zvuchi zanimljivo, ovako je praznije, posebno na onim soloima na svrshetku..

Треба да чујеш како су Азазел обрадили 'Jesus He Knows Me'. ;)


Bas bi voleo to da cujem , Inace od Azazel- a sam cuo samo dve pesme (otkidaju)



Ima dushu klasichne muzike obucheno u bolesno izandjalo thrash telo koje pokushava da progresira. Skini novi, give it a shot!


Pa verovatno i hocu...u poslednje vreme sam neocekivano tolerantan prema stvarima koje mi se nisu svidele,pa ih probam ponovo.Ali svejedno opet zavrse u prasini. :)


  • 2 months later...

Legendary German progressive thrash outfit MEKONG DELTA has announced the addition of vocalist Martin LeMar (TOMORROW'S EVE) and drummer Alex Landenburg (AT VANCE, ANNIHILATOR) to the group's ranks.


An audio sample of Martin performing the track "Epilogue" from MEKONG DELTA's second album, "The Music of Erich Zann", is available for streaming at this location.


Alex Landenburg had the following to say about his new gig: "I'm proud to announce that I'm the new drummer for legendary progressive masters MEKONG DELTA! His schedule would not allow Uli [Kusch, ex-HELLOWEEN, MASTERPLAN] to perform with MEKONG DELTA live in 2008, so he asked me personally to try out for the job. Being a longtime fan of Uli's work, his request was quite an honor, to say the least!


"The last few weeks have been pretty busy, learning the MEKONG DELTA stuff while also preparing for the shows I did with AXXIS…quite a task! So, I hope to see as many as possible of you crazy MEKONG DELTA fanatics at the shows!


"I will do my best to do justice to the music and to the legacy of the great drummers who have come before me (Jörg Michael, Peter Haas, Uli Kusch) but even more importantly, to the expectations you guys have in finally seeing MEKONG DELTA live again!"


MEKONG DELTA's new lineup:


Ralf Hubert - Bass

Alex Landenburg - Drums

Peter Lake - Guitar

Martin LeMar - Vocals




Za ovog bubnjara imam neki blind faith da ce fino se uklopiti..ali za ovog lika, ne znam...jebo ih "Epilogue", shto ne rimejkovashe "True Lies" pa da ga chujem...ovde mi zvuchi kao neki prosechni prog/poweric vokal...to MDu ne treba...

  • 2 weeks later...
Mekong Delta... drkoshi teshki :D

Najmiliji su mi Kaleidoscope I Mekong Delta albumi, ovaj Pictures At An Exhibition pustim kad ocu da chilujem.

Fin je bend al ume da me smori.

Pesma Black Sabbath, sa Mekong Delta albuma je smor za medalju... Kill The Enemy i The Hut Of Baba Yaga su mi omiljene pesme sa MD albuma. Shere Eclipse je fantasticna stvar sa Kaleidoscope-a.


Uzdravlje B)



  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Legendary German progressive thrash outfit MEKONG DELTA has completed recording its new album, "Wanderer On The Edge Of Time",for a tentative late spring/early summer release. According to aposting on the band's web site, "It has become clear that the storythat began with one song ('Shades Of Doom'), followed by half an album (Rondo for Rockgroup 'Dances Of Death') is continued as a full album on 'Wanderer On The Edge Of Time'. More progressive than MEKONG DELTA has ever done, this album will definitely beat 'Dance Of Death' as MEKONG's finest."


"Wanderer On The Edge Of Time" track listing:


01. Intro - Concert Guitar

02. Ouverture

03. "A Certain Fool" ( Le Fou ) / Movement 1

04. Interlude 1 - Group

05. "The 5th Element" (Le Bateleur) / Movement 2

06. Interlude 2 - Group

07. "The Apocalypt - World In Shards" ( La Maison Dieu ) / Movement 3

08. Interlude 3 - Concert Guitar

09. "King With Broken Crown" (Le Diable) / Movement 4

10. Intermezzo (Instrumental) / Movement 5

11. Interlude 4 - Group

12. "Affection" (L' Amoureux) / Movement 6

13. Interlude 5 - Group

14. "Mistaken Truth" (Le Hérétique) / Movement 7

15. Finale


The artwork is being created by Eliran Kantor.


MEKONG DELTA's current lineup:


Ralf Hubert - Bass

Alex Landenburg - Drums

Benedikt Zimniak - Guitar

Erik Adam H. - Guitar

Martin LeMar - Vocals



Jeste Ralf tu najbitniji, al' mater mu ispromenio citavu od proslog... Koji jes' bio genijalan, al' docekacu ovaj album malo "spusteniji"... (posebno nakon Paradox i Artillery iskustava)

  • 1 month later...

AAARRG Records has set a June 10 release date for "Wanderer On The Edge Of Time", the new album from the legendary German progressive thrash outfit MEKONG DELTA. According to a posting on the band's web site, "It has become clear that the story that began with one song ('Shades Of Doom'), followed by half an album (Rondo for Rockgroup 'Dances Of Death') is continued as a full album on 'Wanderer On The Edge Of Time'. More progressive than MEKONG DELTA has ever done, this album will definitely beat 'Dance Of Death' as MEKONG's finest."





Istrpiovan cover :]


Ovo uporedjivanje sa Dances mi malo ide na k'. Ako stvarno bude ki taj, secem jaja.

  • 1 month later...

Mekong Delta – Wanderer On The Edge Of Time (2010)




1. Intro – Concert Guitar 02:18

2. Ouverture 02:50

3. “A certain fool” (Le Fou) // Movement 1 03:37

4. Interlude 1 – Group 00:52

5. “The 5th element” (Le Bateleur) // Movement 2 06:32

6. Interlude 2 – Group 00:34

7. “The Apocalypt – World in shards” (La Maison Dieu // Movement 3 05:43

8. Interlude 3 – Concert Guitar 02:03

9. “King with broken crown” (Le Diable) // Movement 4 05:41

10. Intermezzo (instrumental) // Movement 5 05:23

11. Interlude 4 – Group 02:11

12. “Affection” (L’Amoureux) // Movement 6 02:53

13. Interlude 5 – Group 00:51

14. “Mistaken truth” (Le Hérétique) // Movement 7 05:10

15. Finale 02:56

Playing Time 49:34


Country: Germany

Genre: Thrash

Subgenre: Progressive Thrash Metal

Bitrate: 192 k

Size: 68.26 MB


no pass

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