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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Jel vredi skidati?


Ako hoces da se rasplaces od tuge, skini. Ja neznam KOJI KURAC su nastavljali ovaj bend bez Jonathan Levasseur, kad je ON ustvari CRYPTOPSY. OK, i Florent Mounier je tu od pocetka, ali opet...bez Gospodina Lord Worm je jeeedva nekako islo...a sad kad nema ni Jonathan...sve je otislo u kurac...uzasno mi zao sto makar nisu promenili ime benda pa nastavili ovim putem, onda bi CRYPTOPSY umro kao kultni bend...a sada...uzas...za fanove Lamb Of God sa scream vokalima, i uopste za fanove Modernog Metala...




Njihovi zemljaci i kolege GORGUTS su mnoooogo pametnije od reagovali posle "From Wisdom To Hate" (2001) kad im je bubnjar umro (R.I.P.), leps su promenili ime benda u NEGATIVA, i presli da sviraju neku totalno levu muziku...neznam zasto isto to nisu Cryptopsy uradili...uzas....uzas....bas sam jako razocaran jer je ovo bio jedan od mojih Top 5 bendova i ja ovaj bend pratim vec aktivno 5 godina (od kad sam prvi put cuo "None So Live" iz 2003), i sa ovim ce izgubiti SVE njihove prave fanove....

Edited by banedeathmetal

mogu ja ?

nisam bas u nekom death & grind mood-u ..

ali ovo je za mene deathcore scena ..

novi album mi se svidja, al kad budem cuo prethodne, javicu ,,

kolko mi se svidja ..

ovaj novi ..


\m/ \m/

Posted (edited)

Mislim da će novi album definitivno oboriti sve rekorde po tome koliko je sranje. Prodaće ga u 10 komada.


12 reviews, 5% :)


Like A Cattle Prod Sodomy :) :) :)

Edited by Gojko
Evo, da ti olaksam da postanes jos veci kvlt, i ja priznajem - bio sam sa devojkom na Jamiroquai-u (i bilo nam je fenomenalno, btw). A ako je istina ovo za Cryptopsy, uskoro ce i na njihovim svirkama biti slicna atmosfera :mhihi:


Ja sam bio sa devojkom na Cecinom koncertu,Seku Aleksic smo gledali uzivo,Acu Lukasa,Miroslava Ilica,Legende,Mariju Serifovic,Zeljka Samardzica,Zeljka Joksimovica,Shkabo,Marchelo,Wu Tang Clan,Zdravko Colic,Balasevic,Garavi Sokak,Boru Drljacu poznajem licno mnogo kul lik i zajebant.


Sad bi trebao da sam pozer,jebiga.Krivo mi je samo sto nisam gledao Rijanu i Kulija...

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Brate..... Sve je vec receno. Ovo je 100000000 puta gore od svakog sellout-a koji sam dosad video. Ne znam sta im je bilo u glavi ali bi ih trebalo naterati da menjaju ime benda,odreknu se logoa i bace se s najblizeg mosta,svi lepo zajedno za rucice i hop u vodu. Ili da pucaju sebi u glavu,hitno,to bi bio castan postupak.


Uzas,uzas,uzas. I prosto ne mogu da poverujem da su to ljudi koji su nekada davno napravili Blasphemy made flesh i ostale vrh albume. Jbt.


Mada,kapiram da su oni efektivno mrtvi od 2005.

Edited by Words Of Steel

Dobio sam intervju sa njima! ;) Sad ću da im jebem mater :)


Sa arhiva:


Ungentle Exhumation Demo, 1993 [1 review, 90%]

Blasphemy Made Flesh Full-length, 1994 [7 reviews, average 88%]

None So Vile Full-length, 1996 [22 reviews, average 82%]

Whisper Supremacy Full-length, 1998 [13 reviews, average 74%]

And Then You'll Beg Full-length, 2000 [9 reviews, average 59%]

None So Live Live album, 2003 [7 reviews, average 83%]

Trois-Rivières Metalfest IV DVD, 2005 [2 reviews, average 93%]

Once Was Not Full-length, 2005 [12 reviews, average 74%]

The Unspoken King Full-length, 2008 [15 reviews, average 8%]


Mislim da je malo reći da odudara :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Radis vju? Extra, haha

Ovaj Unspoken King nije toliko sranje koliko je tuzan, valja se u moru besmisla. Retko je videti da bend ovako izgubi kompas. Ko bi ih sad gledao uzivo, da cujem recimo Slit your guts pored ovih novih, brrrr… Tour sa Metallicom bi bio savrsen, hehe.

  • 1 month later...

evo neshto malo shto je uspelo da mi kol'ko-tol'ko digne moral nakon cancela Priesta:


Former CRYPTOPSY keyboardist/samplist Maggy Durand has posted the following message on her MySpace page:


"You guys never saw me on stage, interview and videos with CRYPTOPSY because, both of us decided that it was better for me to leave the band for many reasons, but the principal one is money problems. Many years ago, I put that little picture on my [Vampire Freaks] profile that says that 'Every time you steal music, god kills a kitten...' I WAS THAT F*CKING KITTEN, YOU, STUPID A*SHOLES DOWNLOADERS AND THERE IS NO GOD!!! Yes, I assure you, downloading music unfortunately kills great artists. Everyone in the media/entertainment industries is really worrying about the problem. So, because of it, I didn't have the luck to experiment what's a video clip realization, neither what's a world tour, but my tracks [are] on the [just-released CRYPTOPSY] album and I still really glad about it: 'The Unspoken King', SO BUY IT IF YOU LIKE IT. For the orther bands who says in their little monkey mind: OMG! She's free to be in an other band... Before to get involved as a keyboarder/samplist/back vocal in an other band, I'll do and wear a five-meter-long necklace made with my own intestines and wear my ex-boyfriend's bloody nuts as ear buckles before it... So it means I never want to be involved in a band again until I'm classified as music arranger or music composer by contract for them. This adventure doesn't bored me at all about music, I still working on my company (still very slow, but in progress) and may accept any contract for film/video games music scoring, band intros/arrangements/compositions, piano show (in Quebec province, except if pay is really interesting...) So, I finished my explanation right here, hope you still enjoy my songs and 'Don't worry, be happy' (Did you know that the author of this hit actually kill himself one day after writing it? Paradox...)"



:) :)




kesa na glavu i super.


Former CRYPTOPSY keyboardist/samplist Maggy Durand has posted the following message on her MySpace page:


"You guys never saw me on stage, interview and videos with CRYPTOPSY because, both of us decided that it was better for me to leave the band for many reasons, but the principal one is money problems. Many years ago, I put that little picture on my [Vampire Freaks] profile that says that 'Every time you steal music, god kills a kitten...' I WAS THAT F*CKING KITTEN, YOU, STUPID A*SHOLES DOWNLOADERS AND THERE IS NO GOD!!! Yes, I assure you, downloading music unfortunately kills great artists. Everyone in the media/entertainment industries is really worrying about the problem. So, because of it, I didn't have the luck to experiment what's a video clip realization, neither what's a world tour, but my tracks [are] on the [just-released CRYPTOPSY] album and I still really glad about it: 'The Unspoken King', SO BUY IT IF YOU LIKE IT. For the orther bands who says in their little monkey mind: OMG! She's free to be in an other band... Before to get involved as a keyboarder/samplist/back vocal in an other band, I'll do and wear a five-meter-long necklace made with my own intestines and wear my ex-boyfriend's bloody nuts as ear buckles before it... So it means I never want to be involved in a band again until I'm classified as music arranger or music composer by contract for them. This adventure doesn't bored me at all about music, I still working on my company (still very slow, but in progress) and may accept any contract for film/video games music scoring, band intros/arrangements/compositions, piano show (in Quebec province, except if pay is really interesting...) So, I finished my explanation right here, hope you still enjoy my songs and 'Don't worry, be happy' (Did you know that the author of this hit actually kill himself one day after writing it? Paradox...)"



LOL riba zna engleski ko da je 9-godisnje dete iz... pa,iz francuske ;)




Auh covece si ti procitao malo gore sta pise? XD


Neznam sta da napisem vishe o ovom bendu






Bondage Goat Zombie Cryptopsy !

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