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Where everything seems

To be just fine

Where the rivers and trees are alive

Everything seems so easy

It’s black and white lie


You can hear a children’s voices

The screaming and crying

You can hear them today

But tomorrow they are going to die

Just like they did before


Skeleton of legends that died

Wind and rain did blow them away

Cursed by the destiny

Where is a life now?


Standing on the bridge

With the dust of the dead

Your mind is screaming

Rust in peace you will say

That him into the waters of mad


It comes so fast

And it goes just like that

Never made to tell the secret

So many pours died

And there are no stories about them


A poet or a song

It’s not important meaning now

Hold them, take theirs hands

Feed their body

Feed their brain


You can feel them in the dust

You can see them in the sky

Sad looking little child

He has no more tears to cry

What was a point of his life


Skeleton of legends

Sailing on the river of dead

You can feel blood and pain

Asking for help but no one is there


Posebno mi se dopadaju sisarke, a i tresnje.

A volim ja i krempite.


Super! i ja volim krempite




Inace thnx za vase komentare.


@maria blacksmith- Oket!Bas me zanima sta je u tvojoj glavi :razz:


@Anarki StarScream- HVALA! :redface:


@Gothic-Rock- thnx moje su omiljene zadnje tri strofe :bigblue:

  • 2 weeks later...

Ne svidja mi se poezija koja se ne rimuje...


i stvarno bi mogla da overish onaj link, imas gramatickih gresaka.


sto se tiche sadrzaja... mozda je lepo napisan, ali lici mi na tipicnu darkgothuberemo pesmu.

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