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Bolesnici, jebem im mater.

Evo preslusah poslednje radove, definitivni napredak u odnosu na staro.

Sad mogu i da se puste s vremena na vreme, hehe.



poslednja 2 tj. Eschaton i Hell Is Empty And All The Devils Are Here su bolesno dobri........al mi ne dostaje onaj industrial blek zvuk sa prvog......

sad su mnogo nekako epic......al su i dalje koljaci naravno......:)

Posted (edited)
  Lord Aggronor said:
poslednja 2 tj. Eschaton i Hell Is Empty And All The Devils Are Here su bolesno dobri........al mi ne dostaje onaj industrial blek zvuk sa prvog......

sad su mnogo nekako epic......al su i dalje koljaci naravno......:)


to mislis zbog clean vokala,ali ne cujem sta je tu epic.a ima tu i tamo industrial momenata,efekata i sl.


a ovo bi mozda zanimalo mnogobrojne sledbenike ovog kulta,nasao sam na netu:


HUMAN, ALL TOO FUCKING HUMAN: title influenced from the book HUMAN, ALL TOO HUMAN from Friedrich Nietzsche.


BELLUM OMNIUM CONTRA OMNES: title influenced from the same titled Latin phrase meaning "the war of all against all", it is the description that Thomas Hobbes gives to human existence in the state of nature thought experiment that he conducts in De Cive (1642) and Leviathan (1651).


BETWEEN SHIT AND PISS WE ARE BORN: title influenced from the same titled (in latin) quotation INTER FAECES ET URINAM NASCIMUR of St. Augustine, philosopher and theologian.


THE YELLOW KING: title influenced from the The King in Yellow, a collection of short stories written by Robert W. Chambers and published in 1895. The stories could be categorized as early horror fiction or Victorian Gothic fiction, but the work also touches on mythology, fantasy, mystery, science fiction and romance.


WAITING FOR THE BARBARIANS: title influenced from the same titled poem from the greek poet Constantine P. Cavafy.


THE DESTROYING ANGEL: title influended from the same titled name of several similar, closely related species of deadly all-white mushrooms in the genus Amanita.


TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO DREAM FUTILE: title influended from the quote To err is human, to forgive divine from the

english poet of the eighteenth century Alexander Pope.


REVALUATION OF ALL VALUES (TRACTATUS ALOGICO MISANTHROPICUS): Revaluation of all values title is influenced from the same titled philosophical concept of Friedrich Nietzsche. Tractatus ALogico Misanthropicus title influenced from the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus book published by Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.


THE FINAL DESTRUCTION OF DIGNITY (DIE LETZTEN TAGE DER MENSCHHEIT): Die Letzten Tage Der Menschheit (The Lasts Days Of Mankind) title is influenced from the same titled satiric play about the First World War that was written by Karl Kraus, an eminent Austrian writer and journalist, known as a satirist, essayist, aphorist, playwright and poet.


RAGE, RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF LIGHT: title influenced from the same titled sentence that it can be found inside the poem Do not go gentle into that good night that was written by Dylan Thomas, a Welsh poet.


DER HOLLE RACHE KOCHT IN MEINEM HERZEN ("Hell's vengeance boils in my heart"): title influenced from the same titled second aria sung by the Queen of the Night in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte).


i ovo:


Samples in The Codex Necro album from the movies: Event Horizon, Excalibur, The Legend of Hell House, The Final Conflict and Platoon.

Samples in Domine Non Es Dignus album from the movies: Hellraiser (The Revaluation of All Values) and 1984 (Do Not Speak).

Samples in Escaton:

The sample "Kill everybody in the whole world!" from the intro of "The Destroying Angel" is clipped from the British comedy series Blackadder II.

The sample "Drive deeper the thorn," at the start of "The Necrogeddon" is Sam Neill as Damien in the film Omen III: The Final Conflict.




The album title Hell Is Empty An All The Devils Are Here is a quote from the first act of William Shakespeare's The Tempest


Solifugae, which is latin for those that flee from the sun, is an order of arachnids, including most famously the camel spider.


"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" chorus found in LAMA SABACHTHANI song, were among the last words uttered by Jesus Christ as he died on the cross. Translated they mean, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"


The title "Procreation of the Wretched" is possibly a tribute to Celtic Frost and their track "Procreation of the Wicked".


The Destroying Angel also is another name of the angel of death from the book of Exodus.

Edited by Goxy
  Goxy said:
to mislis zbog clean vokala,ali ne cujem sta je tu epic.a ima tu i tamo industrial momenata,efekata i sl.


Ma čovek hoće da kaže da Anaal Nathrakh u potpunosti zadovoljava njegove apetite za progresivnom muzikom koja se prepliće sa brutalnošću i epičnošću.

  • 1 month later...

Nemogu nigde da se nadju liriks za ovaj novi album. Gojko ima li mozda u Bookletu lyrics?


Eh da, da josh jendom kazem novi album kida li kida. :)

  Lunar said:
Nemogu nigde da se nadju liriks za ovaj novi album. Gojko ima li mozda u Bookletu lyrics?


Eh da, da josh jendom kazem novi album kida li kida. :)


Ne objavljuju oni svoje lirike... Ne znam koja je fora.

  Gojko said:
Ne objavljuju oni svoje lirike... Ne znam koja je fora.

A, ti živ, kako je tamo?

Jbt, nikada neće poslatiovaj intervju, a baš si se trudio, činimi se bilo 20 pitanja

  • 1 month later...

ta pesma daje dostojan finis albumu i stavljena je na pravo mesto,kao soundtrack za poslednji cin konacnog unistenja,smaka sveta koji traje tokom citavog albuma.zaista,mnogo opasan album i bend.

meni je zanimljivo sto se mick kenney svojom pojavom nikako ne uklapa sa muzikom svog maticnog benda,na prvi pogled,sto mu je svakako plus.btw.i riba mu je extra.pitam se li je nekad poslusala annal n. :razz:



  • 1 month later...



Mick has finished writing the next Anaal Nathrakh album and is currently deep in the belly of Necrodeath studios hammering it into shape.




Vocals will be recorded in february by Mr. V.I.T.R.I.O.L. and we hope for the album to be released in June.




More news and studio updates will follow shortly...


Fuck yeah :rockdevil:

Guest ИВАН

само codex necro и total fucking necro!

остало срамота!


Stigao mi danas When Fire Rains... reizdanje i mogu samo reći da kida! Neverovatno kako dobar bend, iako na prvo slušanje izgleda kao besciljno drkanje instrumenata. Cenim da ima vrlo ograničen broj poštovalaca :) Naročito rana faza :)

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