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Na www.myspace.com/mortuaryofsouls postavljena je pesma Corridors of Banishment ponovo snimljena u novim aranzmanima, novom produkcijom. Pesmu sam snimio sa mojim dobrim prijateljima a povodom 15 godina od kada je pesma nastala. Proverite i ako vam nije tesko napisite neki komentar jer bih zaista voleo da znam kako sada ljudi gledaju na Mortuary nakon toliko vremena.


mogu recu da super zvuci

glas u stilu Napalm Death :rockdevil:

muzika neki death/thrash chini mi se

pravi old school, dobro je :muzicar:

prvi death! kg je bas nekad imao zanmenitu scenu

zao mi je nisam uspeo da odgledam

neki od koncerata tadashe lokalne death scene....

ali bejah suvishe mali..




Ovo je odlicno, pogotovo sto ja obozavam old school death metal, inace sam i poceo da pravim bend koji ce svirati nesto u fazonu Bolth Thrower-a misleci da cemo biti jedini na ovim prostorima koji to rade, hehe.


Inace imao sam ranije neku kasetu Mortuary-a ali se ni ne secam kako je zvucalo sve to, ali sa ova produkcija je veoma dobra!!!!





Rekoh vukli, nisam rekao da su i bili thrash. Ali, odlicna muzika u svakom slucaju.

Evo recenzije koju sam napisao za poslednji broj The Vault-a.


For those of you not aware of this old band, I’m just going to say that it was one of the very first Serbian real death metal bands. Fronted by the infamous Serbian metal fighter, Max Butcher, Mortuary left a big mark on the rising death scene in the beginning of the 90’s. “Epitaph” is a sort of a retrospective of Mortuary’s work, containing all songs from their four demos that were released between 1991 and 1993. The CD is done as a collector’s edition of 500 copies, with lyrics of all songs and liner notes written by Max Butcher himself. The way it’s done here, it can be a representative example how re-releases over here should be done. Only a couple of others are as complete as “Epitaph”. For those who don’t manage to get this outing or for those who dislike the CD format altogether, all four demos have also been repressed on cassettes on Buffalo Revenge label. Now, a little something about music. First demo “Infected By Pollution” brought a total rough thrashing sounds that could be compared to early Sepultura and Possessed, and it resembles very much of another Serbian pioneering band Bloodbath from their demo period. This means that structure and riff-wise this is harsher thrash than death metal presented by the likes of Morbid Angel of Immolation. That’s why I like it so much. “Dismembered Illusions” brings four songs from the first demo re-recorded with somewhat better production and two new songs pretty much in the same style. This better production work clarified their sound a bit, but the vocals are way up front with strange echoing effect that bothers me a bit. Still, music is also great. “Void” brought 4 new songs recorded in the end of 1991 (both previous demos were recorded the same year). The sound on this one is very churned down, almost suffocated how low tuned it is. This one could truly for the first time be called death metal. No traces of thrash riffing here, no melodic solos that had fit the old songs so well, and by this time Max started using deep growls instead of harsh shouts on “Infected…” and “Dismembered…”. It was probably a consequence of “Altars Of Madness” influence, I reckon. “Unspoken” was the final statement of Mortuary from 1993 that brought 5 songs plus an outro. Sound-wise it somehow compromised the style from their old works and the new all-out death metal, which resulted in good material, that can’t be clearly put on either side of the thrash/death metal fence. My personal preferences are still with first two demos and if you’re into old Yugo metal and bands like Heller, Bombarder, Bloodbath and Necrophobia, make sure you give Mortuary a chance. They deserved it.


Ma ok, bio mi je uključen web filtering u Kerio firewallu, nije se video player uopšte :)


Krajnje interesantan remix :) Ko da je došao Vader i odsvirao ga :) Staru verziju sam čuo zilion puta na Scream Until YU Like It, ali je i ova veoma dobra.

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chini mi se a imaju spot, uradjen pre mozda desetak godina, zar ne?



Za to nisam cuo ! Voleo bih da ga vidim! :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :pivopije:

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