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evo sta sam iskopao danas - kineski folk metal bend:


[DE-001]Empylver-Wood Woud Would


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*Full length /Cd/1000 Copies/6 panel digipack





*As the solo project of A.J.ALEX, Empylver is the first folk metal band in China. With the neofolk,doom,black and many elements, Empylver created an individual music style which mix the Scandinavian and typic orient melody.


Deep tranquilly and melodic feelings are the essence of Empylver's debut album"Wood Woud Would", but you can also taste an extreme emotion with raw metal riffs. With the theme of nature and many sampler of nature, A.J.ALEX will tell us a story parted as four seasons to declare his attitude of environmental protection.


A.J.ALEX vanished silently after he finished this album.


*Track List


01.the summer(day of rising doom)

02.old boy

03.dead brook(who will arise and go)

04.sail to kajamin

05.the autumn(moonlight)

06.died in finland

07.the winter

08.Castle in the air


10.another piece of wood(part I)

11.another piece of wood(part II)

12.the soroerer's carnival

13.battle with kajamin

14.the spring(god sits nearby)




a evo gde moze da se skine, sa jos mnogo drugih stvari (ali pozurite, linkovi nasilno umiru :) ):




za ovaj album:



Па, оно, није толико лоше ...

Управо га слушам и капирам да су не-метал делови сасвим солидни а њих има заиста пуно; гомила пасажа, рецитовања, неколико занимљивих инструмената, којих, по правилу, у металу нема ...

ОК - послушајте, није губљење времена, свакако.


Ма, ово је екстра!

Слушам га данас цео дан (ово је, сада, трећи пут да га, целог, слушам!) и ово је стварно занимљиво.

Хвала за ово, човече!




A limited (100 handnumbered copies) woodbox edition was also released, came with

a bonus enhanced CD with video clips and cellphone ringtones, a seal and some


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Ako je dao sve pare za dobrotvorne svrhe svaka mu chast i respekt za to... Sada kada chitam ove pozitivne komentare... Chini mi se da tju nadjem onaj dvd de mi je to da preslusham o5 :D

Bice zanimljivo ako ovi Kinezi u Srbiji krenu da prave folk metal bendove. Bice ih pun Novi Beograd.

Hahahahah pa jbg... Daj bozhe da krenu da prave folk metal bendove od 21903234 njih MORA se natji jedan dobar... Shto bi bash bilo fino... Znachi KINEZI iz BEOGRADA prave FOLK METAL :ph34r:

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