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Swedish black metallers SHINING have inked a deal with Norway's Indie Recordings for the release of two full-length albums and the first-ever DVD from the band.


Commented SHINING frontman and creator Niklas Kvarforth: "SHINING has reached a stage now where we have a considerable following that is growing rapidly all the time, and I believe we have reached a new maturity with our music, expanding beyond what people expect from us, and we expect to go even further. It was, therefore, time to notch things up in respect of labels. We liked what Indie have been doing for their other bands, and we felt that SHINING would be comfortable in a relationship with them."



Gle ludaka (da, znam :) ) :


Swedish black metallers SHINING have issued the following update:


"SHINING has once again entered the Slaughterhouse [studios] to begin work on 'Shining VII'. The seventh album will take a different direction from that taken on the sixth (which incidentally we have been told will be released on the June 30th unless there are any other problems with the printers). Tracklist and samples from 'Shining VII' will follow as soon as we start mixing the album."

  morbid god said:
Kako vise slusam album, sve je bolji i bolji. Ulazi lagano u uzi izbor za naj bm album 2009e.


Jučer sam ga obrnuo najmanje 5x.


Sa izuzetkom standardno vrhunskih solaza, meni ovaj album nije aman bas nista posebno, narocito ne u poredjenju sa proslim. "Halmstad" (meni licno) x puta bolji. Jbg.

  Talvi said:
Sa izuzetkom standardno vrhunskih solaza, meni ovaj album nije aman bas nista posebno, narocito ne u poredjenju sa proslim. "Halmstad" (meni licno) x puta bolji. Jbg.


Slazem se potpuno.


oooo,veliki je javio!aj kad si tamo vidi sta se desava sa novim thornsom,nista po netu nema.blize je tebi iz swe da skontas.


inace,novi je za cistu 10ku,ne zajebavajte.


Ovaj album je daleko od savršenstva, ali je odličan. I stvarno, ja nisam toliki šajning fan, ajde mi recite koji su to albumi za 10.


Album za 10? Pazi, kao neko ko recenzira tonu black albuma mesecno mogu ti reci da do sada jos nijednom bendu nisam dao tu ocenu. Tipican primer albuma za desetku ti je, evo, "In The Nightside Of Eclipse". Nije dovoljno da album bude samo tehnicki dobar i u tom tenutku kvalitetan da zaradi tu ocenu, desetka ide albumima za koje se u startu vidi da ce se slusati jos godinama posle njihovog izlaska i na kojima ce se buduce generacije uciti. A ovaj novi Shining je, recimo, miljama daleko od toga.

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