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Ad Nocturnum još nisam u stanju da svarim. Najviše mi se sviđaju Abhorence (fenomenalne klavijature i orkestracija) i Death Worship (odlične gitare) koje sam do sada jedine uspeo skroz da upijem i uđem im dublje u muziku.


Omiljena pesma verovatno Funeral of Death.


Inače,nije da je ne znam koliko bitno ali nazivi pesama im baš i nisu inventivni. laugh.gif


The Ultimate Death Worship je mnogo zajeban i komleksan album. Nazivi pesama jesu naizleg naivni, doduse kad sam preslusavao taj album totalno sam se ubedio u suprotno. Imaju stila, ako nista...


Pa sta znam albume koje najcesce slusam su In Abhorence Dementia i TUDW. S' obzirom da sam preslusala sve i svasta oni su definitivno bend koji se po svakom (barem mom) standardu odvaja od ostalih.

Uprvo slusam Suicide Commando->genijalno


The Ultimate Death Worship je mnogo zajeban i komleksan album. Nazivi pesama jesu naizleg naivni, doduse kad sam preslusavao taj album totalno sam se ubedio u suprotno. Imaju stila, ako nista...


Kada se navikneš na albume slične kompleksnosti onda ti TUDW legne k'o dupe na nošu. laugh.gif Stila imaju na izvoz i mene je začudilo kada sam ih počeo slušati nakon što sam apsolvirao Zyklon i začudio se kako to da Daemon peva totalno drugačije. E,da...na TUDW je ritam mašina mnogo opasna. Možda po prvi put da mi ama baš ni malo ne smeta što je ona prisutna.


Abhorence je jak ne malom zaslugom zbog simpho delova. icon_rockdevil.gif

  • 8 months later...

Jel Limbonic Art više ne postoji? icon_confused.gif


Bila sam nešto na njihovom sajtu pre nekog vremena i kaže nešto u fazonu: "slava legendama black metala"...

  • 9 months later...

LIMBONIC ART: Back From The Dead!


Symphonic black metal masters LIMBONIC ART have returned from the dead! On 06.06.06, the group's two members, Daemon and Morfeus, decided to recurrect the band and have written and recorded a new album. The band has re-signed with Nocturnal Art Productions/Candlelight Records, and the comeback CD, entitled "Legacy of Evil", is set for release this summer. According to a press release, "LIMBONIC ART strike back with full force, more intense and malevolent than ever. This is a well-crafted black metal massacre, with heart and soul!'


Symphonic black metal masters LIMBONIC ART have returned from the dead! On 06.06.06, the group's two members, Daemon and Morfeus, decided to recurrect the band and have written and recorded a new album. The band has re-signed with Nocturnal Art Productions/Candlelight Records, and the comeback CD, entitled "Legacy of Evil", is set for release this summer. According to a press release, "LIMBONIC ART strike back with full force, more intense and malevolent than ever. This is a well-crafted black metal massacre, with heart and soul!'


Ovaj bend ne moram da predstavljam, verovatno svi znaju o cemu se radi :bigblue:

Mozda je ova tema i bila ali ne mogu da je nadjem :mrgreen:


Nego, Limbonic Art se vraca na scenu! To je najvaznije! :red:

Jedva cekam novi album, do sada nisu imali ni jedan los album pa mislim da ce i ovaj comeback album biti ubica! :rockdevil:


Btw.Izgleda da ce 2007 biti odlicna godina za metal! :rockdevil:

Pojma nemam, valjda im je dosadno bez muzike. Ma neka se rejunajtuju, nema tu nista lose, kazem ja ova godina ce biti dobra! :da:


Ako je ovakav pocetak godine, sta li ce biti do kraja, zivo me interesuje... :opusteno:

  • 2 months later...

Symphonic black metal masters LIMBONIC ART will release their comeback CD, entitled "Legacy of Evil", on September 27 via Nocturnal Art Productions. According to a press release, "LIMBONIC ART strike back with full force, more intense and malevolent than ever. This is a well-crafted black metal massacre, with heart and soul!'


Symphonic black metal masters LIMBONIC ART have returned from the dead! On 06.06.06, the group's two members, Daemon and Morfeus, decided to recurrect the band and have written and recorded a new album. The band has re-signed with Nocturnal Art Productions/Candlelight Records, and the comeback CD, entitled "Legacy of Evil", is set for release this summer. According to a press release, "LIMBONIC ART strike back with full force, more intense and malevolent than ever. This is a well-crafted black metal massacre, with heart and soul!'


06.06.06. to kao sluchajno :lol:


more intense and malevolent than ever. This is a well-crafted black metal massacre, with heart and soul!'

Ух, сав се најежим кад чујем овакве ствари!

То ми реци!



Posted (edited)

Sad sam bas duboko u fazi Limbonic Art-a, davno nisam slusao a sada ne mogu da se odvojim! Ovo je nesto neopisivo! Tako mracno, snazno i zlo... neponovljiv bend! :rockdevil: Trenutno najvise slusam "In Abhorrence Dementia" album, jezivo dobar album! Kakve mi sve slike stvara u glavi... :opusteno::red::red:


Btw. Jedva cekam njihovo novo ostvarenje! Bice zlo! :twisted:

Edited by Wolflord

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