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meni je ceo album odlican ali onih par su bas neke koje mi se izdvajaju na prvu loptu.ovaj poslednji se kod mene vrteo mesecima zajedno sa poslednjim urgehalom. sad me jedino zanima sta ce biti sa novom postavom tj ko ce biti na vokalima. ne bih voleo da se puno menjaju pa da useru motku ko marduk sa ovim ep-om i wormwood-om...

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  On 6/29/2011 at 8:19 PM, dimmu1 said:

e sto volim ove kriticare sto samo traze nesto novo,kvalitet i sto imaju zamerku na ama bas svaki album. zasto lepo svi vi ne uzmete i ne snimite neki album koji ce biti nesto potpuno novo,sveze,inovativno i veoma kvalitetno? dark funeral odavno pravi pesme na isti kalup i to se ljudima ili svidja ili ne svidja i tu treceg nema. kako nema hitova na poslednja dva albuma? evo par pesama koje se meni barem izdvajaju kao 'hitovi' stigmata,my funeral,declaration of hate,king antichrist,666 voices inside,godhate,atrum regina itd itd,a uostalom luka je sve lepo rekao

A ja naročito volim taj argument "ako ti se ne sviđa, napravi sam". Logička greška nekoga čija argumentacija u raspravi ne ide dalje od "ne, JA ću TEBI da jebem mater".


Moraš da malo mućneš glavom i shvatiš da nisam rekao da su poslednja dva albuma smeće, a usput i da skontaš da iznošenje negativnih aspekata albuma ne isključuje postojenje pozitivnih.

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Izgleda da ni fudbalere niko ne bi smeo kritikovati jer je tu argument "Izađi ti na teren pa igraj". Ne jedite govna, 'leba vam. Prosečan slušalac njihove muzike nije neko ko treba samo da im ljubi dupe jer postoje nego potencijalna mušterija i neko ko bi mogao da odvoji pare za tu njihovu muziku ako mu se svidi, stoga i ima puno pravo da bude kritički nastrojen.


Btw, "Wormwood" je super album a EP raznosi.

Posted (edited)

ok ali treba danas sesti pa smisliti nesto novo i razlikovati se od drugih,a i u tom samom pokusaju mogu da omanu i da izdaju neko sranje od albuma kao sto se nekim bendovima vec desilo.kao sto sam pre rekao DF je bend koji radi albume na slican kalup i tu neke preterane novine nema,a govorilo se kako su prosla dva albuma dosadni,nemaju nikakvih novina itd itd.onda ako tako gledamo jedina novina je bio prvi album,a ovi ostali su svi smor..

dobar je wormwood i novi ep ali nojzerima i ljudima koji vole funeral mist,a vi mortuusovi fanovi lupajte sad minuse do zore :haha:

Edited by dimmu1
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  On 6/29/2011 at 8:19 PM, dimmu1 said:

zasto lepo svi vi ne uzmete i ne snimite neki album koji ce biti nesto potpuno novo,sveze,inovativno i veoma kvalitetno?



  On 6/29/2011 at 9:29 PM, Lou said:

A ja naročito volim taj argument "ako ti se ne sviđa, napravi sam".




  On 6/29/2011 at 9:39 PM, Talvi said:

Izgleda da ni fudbalere niko ne bi smeo kritikovati jer je tu argument "Izađi ti na teren pa igraj".


Nisam kvočka da ležem jaja, ali znam šta je mućak.

  On 6/29/2011 at 9:41 PM, dimmu1 said:

dobar je wormwood i novi ep ali nojzerima i ljudima koji vole funeral mist


Mene stvarno zanima koja je to radikalna razlika u zvuku između Salvationa i Panzer Division Marduk. Tj. po čemu je prvi buka, a drugi nije.

  On 6/29/2011 at 8:29 PM, soul wandering said:

Kad je izasao ATS znam da mi se najbolje legla Atrum Regina i tako ostade do danas...


Између свих песама које је бенд снимио, кад би ме неко питао која је најбоља, то би био мој одговор. Једна феноменална творевина. Уф, сад ћу да пустим, наложих се опет.


  On 6/29/2011 at 9:29 PM, Lou said:

A ja naročito volim taj argument "ako ti se ne sviđa, nemoj da slušaš i preterano da sereš.".




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  On 6/29/2011 at 11:29 PM, oʞɾoƃ said:

Ja sam pitao za zvuk (fizički), ne za muziku. Zašto je Funeral Mist za "nojzere", a Panzer Division nije.

poslusaj i sam obe pesme i sam ces cuti zasto. meni je funeral mist bio i ostace samo gomila buke,panzer jeste mardukov album sa losom produkcijom ali da je bas toliko losa...nije.

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Posted (edited)

Što je dobro kad se black metalci svađaju oko toga ko sluša veću gomilu buke. :haha:


Ovo je najagresivnija muzika ikad, i treba da bude haotična, čilirajte.

Edited by Talvi
Posted (edited)

Btw, "Wormwood" je super album a EP raznosi.


Ne dirajte nam novi MARDUK :) :) :) !!!


  On 6/30/2011 at 9:10 AM, dimmu1 said:

poslusaj i sam obe pesme i sam ces cuti zasto. meni je funeral mist bio i ostace samo gomila buke,panzer jeste mardukov album sa losom produkcijom ali da je bas toliko losa...nije.


Ti prijatelju za jednog istinskog blekera mnogo mrzis buku :)...

Edited by HeLLsarma
Što je dobro kad se black metalci svađaju oko toga ko sluša veću gomilu buke.




Ovo je najagresivnija muzika ikad' date=' i treba da bude haotična, čilirajte. [/quote']

Chill out uvijek. :opusteno:

Posted (edited)
DARK FUNERAL Announce New Vocalist




I must admit that it surely was not an easy task to find a worthy replacement for Emperor Magus Caligula, who has been doing an amazing job for Dark Funeral during the past 15 years. He has not only been "the vocalist" for the band, but also a very good friend of mine and he always will be!




Anyway, 10 months of intense search worldwide have finally given result. And I'm VERY proud to announce and welcome "NACHTGARM" to the horde.




I think, I can speak for everyone in the band and say that besides completely knocking us down with the strength of his vocals and wide register, what truly blew us away was his presence, energy and the amazing spirit he showed during the final audition. He just came into the rehearsal room, found and took his rightful spot. And then just set the whole place on hellfire!




It's really hard to explain "that" certain feeling one is looking for, but once you get it, you just know that you've found the right man for the job. And that is something we all got “deluxe”. No doubt about that! Mankind has no idea what is coming upon them. And I can't wait to bring this maniac on tour for the world to experience DARK FUNERAL in the most intense and hellish way ever!




During the 10 month we have been looking for a new vocalist and drummer, we have received over 1000 applications. The interest to join DARK FUNERAL has been way over expectation and quite overwhelming to say the least. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who applied for the jobs. One thing is for sure: There are a lot of unknown talents out there. And once they've found the right band to deliver their goods, I'm sure we all will hear from many of these guys in the future. Good luck! / Lord Ahriman




Chaq Mol Comments: When E.M.Caligula quit the band my first thought was "how the fuck will we be able to find a worthy replacement now?". In my eyes he was the best vocalist in the Black Metal scene. Anyhow, after we had listened through a couple of hundreds applicants, there were two guys that really stood out and sounded very promising indeed. The question now was, would they nail it on a live audition too, and would their personalities be of that kind we were looking for?! Well, after 10 month search we finally found the right man for the job! And all my previous doubts and concerns are now a memory forgotten. NACHTGARM, welcome to the horde!




Nachtgarm comments: To me, Dark Funeral is the epitome of Black Metal. To be a member of this institution now, is not only a big honor for me, but is also complementing my work as a lead singer as well as my action at the front of the stage throughout the years. Consequently, I am very glad that Dark Funeral put their unholy faith in me and my abilities.




As the successor of Emperor Magus Caligula I am quite aware of the high expectations being directed to my person. However, I can assure every one of you out there, that with every breath I take I will live up to these expectations. Hands down. This is the arrival of Satan’s Empire. Now let us set this world aflame!




But that's not all, DARK FUNERAL are also proud to announce to board 70000 TONS OF METAL, The World's Biggest Floating Heavy Metal Festival that will sail Monday, January 23, 2012 aboard the Royal Caribbean “Majesty of the Seas” from Miami, FL to George Town, Cayman Islands and will not return you to the real world for four days until Friday, January 27, 2012.




Make no mistake, 70000TONS OF METAL is not your grandma's cruise. It's also not one of the cruises that share the ship with regular cruise guests. This is an all Heavy Metal cruise! Can you imagine that? A whole luxury cruise ship full of metalheads? You can enjoy tons of onboard live shows on several in and outdoor stages from early in the morning until late at night, open-mic nights, Heavy Metal karaoke with members of the bands, bars that never close, again: bars that never close..., a fun-and-sun-filled day on the beautiful island of Grand Cayman and since there is no backstage area you will have the opportunity to mingle side-by-side with the artists in this incredibly fan-friendly scenario that has no comparison. It's like everyone has a backstage pass!




So far 14 out of a total of 40 bands on board are known:






Ticket prices start at US$666 plus US$289 taxes and fees per person and include all on-board entertainment, non-alcoholic and non-carbonated beverages, all meals at the dining rooms, most on-board restaurants and even 24 room service!




What are you waiting for? You might even need a vacation from this vacation when all is said and done! Check out http://www.70000tons.com/ for more information and book your cabin NOW!




Stay tuned. More news and announcements to come shortly...




i da to je nachtgarm iz negatora.tamo mu je vokal slican kaliguli,a sad kako ce pevati u DF-u to ce se jos cuti...

Edited by dimmu1
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Jebeš black metal koji piše ovolika saopštenja, sve ih zamišljam kako se grle i ljube sad kad su zajedno u bendu. :bigblue:


Mene ovo nasmeja k'o nezdravog:


Chaq Mol Comments: When E.M.Caligula quit the band my first thought was "how the fuck will we be able to find a worthy replacement now?". In my eyes he was the best vocalist in the Black Metal scene.



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