Valtiel Posted June 8, 2007 Report Posted June 8, 2007 RNA said: Није све што је еpic налик Rhapsody-ју... Чак, напротив, већина правих еpic бендова немам никакве везе с њима. Stavih smajlije. Ne preteruj sa ozbiljnoscu, bratac. Quote
ennche Posted June 10, 2007 Report Posted June 10, 2007 Lhabia said: Pesma "Like A Saint In Velvet Rugs" je zasluzna za to . Svaka cast! Zelim vam sve najbolje!!! ... in Velvet Rags preslušala sam pesmu 'My Love' na njihovom myspace profilu, i zaista sam oduševljena, najblaže rečeno! svaka čast!!! Quote
PlanetHell Posted June 11, 2007 Report Posted June 11, 2007 Moze da se preslusa svaka pesma (2 minuta traje svaka) A moze i da se kupi album Quote
Guest jackcarver Posted June 23, 2007 Report Posted June 23, 2007 WARNING! We want to warn all of our fans and customers that our released album "From Always" was stolen by our, now former label "Vision Metal Records" TN, USA. The band was mislead and betrayed by the owner of this label Kenneth Poole because he has stolen our music and illegally started the distribution and selling without band permission and officially signed verified contract. That aside, no less important is that this CDs have been made by the mention label in very cheap technology of production. Namely, this CD doesn’t content a regular booklet pages (10 pages) and "thanks page" but only content two printed pages on the cardboard quality. Also, the CDs were not made in high tech Silver production since they have a greenish tint on them. Of course, so called CD-R format. This quality of CDs don’t give to your stereos a best laser reception. Furthermore, the CD jewel cases have no good plastic material thereby all these cases are most likely broken or with small broken pieces inside. So this product has no made quality as the cd album "Aurora" had. All these information has come directly from us, from the buyers, vendors and our friends. So this is also our own experience with these CDs. With this warnings we wish to prevent our fans of buying this suspicious and illegally made CDs and we ask for your support and solidarity how we could altogether stop this unlawful acts and delict by this label who want to get the whole profit for thierselves with the pirated release damaging the fans and band. With warm wishes your Diluvium band! informacije uzete sa zvanicnog web sajt Quote
Guest fromalways Posted August 6, 2007 Report Posted August 6, 2007 Narucite album "From Always" iz Srbije i inostranstva na e-mail From Always Quote
karizma Posted August 10, 2007 Report Posted August 10, 2007 fromalways said: Narucite album "From Always" iz Srbije i inostranstva na e-mail From Always Spam :twisted: Salim se, odlican album, My Love je fantasticna pesma Quote
Apeiron Posted November 3, 2009 Report Posted November 3, 2009 (edited) Ganjao sam taj album od kad je izasao, pokusao kulturnim "novinar - posaljite promo" kontaktom, ali nije upalilo, na kraju ga skidoh sa neta, jbg. Preslusati se moralo, jer drag mi je Diluvium bas. Zaista lep album, i sasvim sigurno jedan od domacih bendova koji je, da je postenja, srece, i evropskih standarda, do sada trebao imati svetsko priznanje. Pesme stvarno zrele, lepa svirka, ideje, vokal... pomenuh te "evropske standarde" posebno zbog dela koji se zove produkcija, jer tu bi imalo jos da se poradi na ovom snimku, ali to je tehnicki detalj. Svirka i ideje, da ponovim, stvarno su odlicne. I eto, nikad prezaliti necu sto ne videh ovaj bend uzivo nikad, bila prilika jedna u Domu omladine u Beogradu, ali nesto me sprecilo, vise se ne secam ni sta Sa srecom momcima i devojci, ako jos uvek rade, valjda ce docekati zasluzeno priznanje. Edited November 3, 2009 by Apeiron Quote
Descender Posted November 3, 2009 Report Posted November 3, 2009 Slazem se u potpunosti! Rijetko kvalitetan bend za nase standarde, zasluzivali su mnoooogo vise. Nadam se da jos uvijek nesto rade... Ako neko ima neke informacije nek napise stagod... Quote
PlanetHell Posted January 12, 2010 Report Posted January 12, 2010 (edited) Ulogovah se na Yu metal posle 2 i po godine da zamolim nekoga da ponovo digne sajt ili vaspostavi neki vid komunikacije izmedju ljudi koji vole ovaj bend, i eventualno benda, ako ne trazim previse. Edited January 12, 2010 by Illusionist Quote
Valtiel Posted June 3, 2010 Report Posted June 3, 2010 Upoznat sam sa cinjenicom da Milorad D. Mladenovic i Miodrag Stevanovic reorganizuju postavu benda, videcemo sta ce biti. Quote
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