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Vain are a glam metal band formed in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1986, at the last wave of the Glam Metal era, and in a time when the city's main musical export was thrash metal slowly changing to Old Skool Punk. The band were formed by vocalist Davy Vain, and were signed to Island Records in 1989 upon the release of their debut album No Respect that same year. The band also embarked on a European Tour in support of Skid Row.




The five members of Vain are:


Davy Vain (vocals)

Jaime Scott (guitar)

Danny West (guitar)

Ashley Mitchell (bass guitar)

Louie Senor (drums)



In 1991, things were to take a turn for the worse for Vain, and it would be finances rather than grunge which claimed this glam metal casualty, as their label collapsed before the band could release their second studio album All Those Strangers.


West and Rickard left the band in late 1991. Guitarist Shawn Rorie and former Guns N' Roses drummer Steven Adler joined the band, which was re-named Roadcrew. The band quickly fell apart due to Adler's drug habit(s), but many of the Roadcrew songs can be found on later Vain releases.


In 1993, the classic Vain lineup, minus Rickard, got back together to release Move On It, a Japan-only release. Louie Senor joined the band as its drummer for the album, and the band released Fade. Both albums showed maturity and growth from the debut, and were critically well-received.


Solo careers


Guitarist Danny West released a solo album in 1995 called Taste the Sounds on Geron Records. The album was a Japan-only release.


In 2000 Davy Vain released a solo album called In From Out of Nowhere, and also found work as a record producer. He earlier helped produce the debut album of Death Angel in 1987. He later helped as an engineer on Christina Aguilera's Stripped Album.




In 2005 had something of a revival when Gott Discs re-released the band's first album No Respect worldwide in January of that year. The band also recorded a new album, entitled On the Line which received critical acclaim. A UK tour (supported by Red Star Rebels and New Generation Superstars) proved immensely successful, and one show was awarded the maximum KKKKK rating by Steve Beebee from British metal magazine Kerrang!




(1989) No Respect

(1991) All Those Strangers (Unreleased [but available via p2p sites])

(1994) Move On It

(1997) Fade

(2000) In From Out Of Nowhere

(2005) On The Line






Najpoznatiji singl Who's Watching You ... zbog kojeg su se i proculi uopste


Nije bas glam bend kao sto pise. Muzika je progresivnija, bar na albumu No Respect iz '89 koji sam ja slusao. Taj album mi se jako svideo. Lepo je cuti nesto malo drugacije od ustaljenog klisea hard rock bendova osamdesetih. Imam jos nekoliko albuma ali nikako da stignem da ih preslusam.


Toliko progresivnija nije da bi ih svrstali u progresivu :) ipak je glam. Jesi cuo On the Line ovaj kao novi.

  • 2 weeks later...

NO RESPECT (1989) je fenomenalan album. Nabavio sam ga (nekako) cim je izasao i do dana danasnjeg mi je neprevazidjen album od VAIN-a. U medjuvremenu kaseta se negde izgubila (neko je maznuo) tek nedavno (pre nekih godinu-dve) skinuo sam ga sa neta posle mnogo trazenja. Cim sam ga pustio vratio sam se u tu 1989. godinu! Zar nije to bilo super vreme!??

  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

krenem da skidam celu diskografiju sa davy vainom solo,dodje do 87.1% i nece dalje.skinuo samo 'no respect' i 'fade'.no respect je odlican vrlo dobar,fade prilicno ok.

dajte neki torent na zajam.


desavalo se da iz nepoznatog razloga,peerera ima recimo 2 sa 100% i skine,ali ne Vain.

nabavih jos On the Line i All Those Strangers.

No Respect je i dalje neprejebiv.

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