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Ma Stiana Aarstada da zovu nazad. :)


Da, bendu jako nedostaje njegov cilindar. :)


Troll se aktivirao ponovo, imaće uskoro neke koncerte i album se očekuje, za Napalm records.

Info iz prve ruke :twisted:


Cuo sam za to. Ceka se album nestrpljivo...


Former DIMMU BORGIR Keyboardist Claims He Was Fired Via Text Message


Mustis (real name: Øyvind Mustaparta), the former keyboardist for the Norwegian symphonic black metal band DIMMU BORGIR, has released the following statement:


"Attention to all the worldwide fans of my work with DIMMU BORGIR: I feel that I must begin my note to you all by saying that your dedication and interest in my musical work with DIMMU BORGIR has been greatly appreciated by me for many, many years and you all have motivated me to continue to push the creative envelope farther each and every day.


"You might be able to see where this note is heading and if you are thinking correctly you will know that I am informing you all that I am no longer associated with the band and have left the ranks of DIMMU BORGIR effective immediately.


"My departure was not entirely of my own accord and while I had felt this change was something imminent for my future, my time had been spent addressing the fact that many songs written by me had not been registered properly under my name in their credits. Without naming every single track, let us just say that a good majority of albums like 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia' and 'In Sorte Diaobli' would have been vastly different had I not composed and created as much as I actually did. Sadly, based on terrible gaps in the communication process and a failure to find logical rationale for why this had been done this way found me hitting wall after wall as opposed to finding a professional and reasonable solution to the problem. My inquiries and investigation into the issues which I wished to resolve and move on from would in the end find me being fired from the group. No discussions about it, just 'goodbye' (via text message).


"I can say to you that this was not a new dispute and is something that has been going on for some years and since these are my individual creative rights and work that are being denied of me, we shall now let the resolution come from the lawyers instead of dealing with more dishonesty and lies on a one-on-one personal level. On this I cannot say anymore because we will be walking into sticky legal territory.


"I mentioned earlier that my fans have motivated me to create great music again and again and they should know that I will continue to do this and shall return to them in the not-too-distant future with material that I hope will keep their metal needs fed.


"In advance, I will say that I thank you for notes and texts of support and ask that you please understand that there is not much more I can say on this, nor will be able to answer every single message that I get. I ask you to please keep tabs on my official MySpace page. I will do my best to post what I am legally allowed to share with you so you remain informed."


Picke. I debelog su isto tako otpustili preko SMS-a. Jbg ljudi, cisto da znate, desava se to u bendovima, nije to nista novo. Znam iz licnog iskustva. ;)

Posted (edited)

Očigledno da se $hagrath i $ilenoz smatraju šefovima benda, ali da im nimalo ne smeta da im drugi komponuju pesme... Sad me zanima ponajviše šta će Galder da uradi.

Edited by Gojko

Мене занима кога ће довести на празна места у бенду и на шта ће то да личи. С обзиром да су ми сви албуми драги и не бих волео да им следећи буде промашај.


Norwegian symphonic black metallers DIMMU BORGIR have released the following statement:


"We regret to inform you that we have parted ways with both Vortex [bass, clean vocals] and Mustis [keyboards]. However, we do want to make it perfectly clear that the creative force in the band is highly intact, perhaps even more so than ever. With that being said, we're currently working on our next album and are excited to start a new chapter in the legacy that is DIMMU BORGIR."


U prevodu - sve će da rade Galder i Silenoz.


Ne mogu da verujem. Po mom mišljenju, Vortex je bio ono najbolje u bendu. Krivo mi je i zbog Mustisa, ali ni približno koliko zbog V. Šteta. Shagrath i Silenoz su sami sebe pokopali.


However, we do want to make it perfectly clear that the creative force in the band is highly intact, perhaps even more so than ever.


Koji vrh od saopstenja, u fazonu "ubedjujemo i sebe i vas". :D


Ako bi se to desilo, ja bih slavio kao krsnu slavu dan kada je izbacen iz Dimmu-a. :da: :da: :da:




Mada, bilo bi to dobro ali nije on bio glavni tamo.


Znao sam da ce ovaj izliv religioznosti da izazove odusevljenje. :D Da, tacno, on nije pisao muziku, ali sada ce svejedno imati visak slobodnog vremena pa me bas zanima cime ce da se bavi. :da: Uf, a kad sada krenu preganjanja po sudu oko toga ko je sta napisao, pa kad se stopira snimanje novog albuma... :)


Naravno, i bio je bolji u fazi bez njega :twisted:

Ocigledno iz Mustisovog saopstenja da su se posvadjali zbog kinte jer su verovatno sve Shagrath i Silenoz maznjavali. Kapiram da ce Galder ostati, on je Shagrathov drug iz skole, i bolje pare mlati u Dimmu nego samo u OMC.

Sta bih ja najvise voleo - da zovu Ihsahna da peva klinove i svira kljave, vrate Nagasha na bas, a dvojica isteranih da oforme Arcturus + Vortex da zameni Vintersorga u Borknagar. Nije lose, a?


Naravno, i bio je bolji u fazi bez njega :twisted:

To sam i hteo da kazem, ali sam se bojao da cu postati meta isfrustriranih goticarki.


Ocigledno iz Mustisovog saopstenja da su se posvadjali zbog kinte jer su verovatno sve Shagrath i Silenoz maznjavali. Kapiram da ce Galder ostati, on je Shagrathov drug iz skole, i bolje pare mlati u Dimmu nego samo u OMC.


Sad vam je valjda jasno da su u pitanju pare, kakav satana, kakva muzika, kakvi bakraci...


da zovu Ihsahna da peva klinove i svira kljave

da se to desi spalio bi sve svoje dimmu borgir majice,prodao diskove i izbrisao sve njihove snimke sa svog HDD-a..

Sad me zanima ponajviše šta će Galder da uradi.

verovatno ce ostati u bendu.iovako je poceo da svira kada mu se cefne i sve cesce i cesce uzivo svira ovaj lik sto stoji izmedju silenoza i shagratha.iskreno da vam kazem ovo me nije nimalo iznenadilo,bend je ionako odavno poceo samo za pare da radi tako da je i bilo ocekivano da ce se kad tad popickati zbog nekih para.manje/vise vecina bendova tako i zavrsi..

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