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Nisam mogla da verujem da već ne postoji tema o ovom bendu...A imaju 6 studijskih albuma. Kao što se iz naziva vidi, radi se o jako avangardnom viking metalu, pa ko voli, nek izvoli.



» Jernlov 1995 Demo

» The Linear Scaffold 1997 Full-Length

» Neonism 1999 Full-Length

» Pills Against the Ageless Ills 2001 Full-Length

» In Harmonia Universali 2003 Full-Length

» Red for Fire: an Icelandic Odyssey ... 2005 Full-Length

» Black For Death: an Icelandic Odyss...2006 Full-Length




hmmm, nikad nisam bas uspeo da vidim folk (odnosno, viking) uticaje u njihovoj muzici...ovo je pre za avangardu, medjutim ni tamo (ni igde drugde) nema teme o njima.

  • 2 years later...

Сјајни су. Пре неколико година сам добио Black For Fire и Red For Death, а данас сам поскидао и остале албуме. Бољи су од 99% бендова који тренутно избацују black aлбуме. Могли би на авангарду, али се и овде уклапају.


Ja extra gotivim ovaj bend, a isto kontam da sam ja možda htela da postavim ovu temu ne bi mi se odobrila, kao ni nekoliko njih koje mi nisu odobrene..

ne znam zašto.. :huh:



Баш су кул.


If you want and have the wealth to be free

Maybe I can help you make another me

Many things are possible and equally expensive

A comfort for old age the advantage is extensive

I don't do visits but my nurses do

Call them anytime and they get back to you

It's true what I'm telling you get best

My cells make the highest prices in the West

Healthy intellectual, well-built, writing verse

Good with people, clean, talent for commerce

So nice and caring you'll get everything you need

Credit card accepted for 5000 euro seed

The A-bomb was a product of excellent sperm

Next genocide courtesy of my firm

Buy my sperm



Nisam ih slusao sto godina, mada, realno, njima je samo jedan kult zvani "The Linear Scaffold" bio dovoljan da se upisu u black istoriju. :da:


Taj i Neonisam su fantastichni albumi. Nehsto ne slusham puno ovu grupu, ali kako se secam nehsto mi se puno nisu dopali noviji albumi.

Jel' se ono kod njih u jednoj pesmi spominje "Serbian cock"? icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif


haha da, valjda druga sa Pills albuma.


The Linear Scaffold keva. Neonism je imao super ideje ali je produkcija krsina... Pills je konacno imao dobru produkciju ali su tektovi tu dosta bolji od muzike, tu je muzika malo straightforward isuvise.


[L:] My appartment works fine

No need for locations

It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians

[C:] At the moment I am working on the Eastern Block

I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock

[L:] Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint

Pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point

[C:] In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar

Baby close your eyes if you want your $

[L:] I write the story

I shoot the scene

Sometimes you see me dance across the screen

My critics claim that my movies are for men

What can I say I'm astonished when

[C:] People understand what I am trying to say

To show the world the American Way (x 2)

My appartment works fine

No need for locations

[L:] It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians

[C:] At the moment I am working on the Eastern Block

[L:] I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock

[C:] Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint

[L:] I'll pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point

[C:] In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar

[L:] Baby close your eyes if you want your $

I write the story

I shoot the scene

Sometimes you see me dance across the screen

[C:] My appartment works fine

No need for locations

It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians

I am working on the Eastern Block

I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock

Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint

Pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point

In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar

Baby close your eyes if you want your $

[L:] What can I say I'm astonished when

People understand what I am trying to say

[C:] People understand what I am trying to say

To show the world the American Way [x 2]


Pa jbt. stvarno ko otvori ovo ovde.


Jao, hao za ovo Serbo cock-I hail them!

Inače prvi album im je i najbolji, u suštini totalno Arcturus fazon, drugi mi je već bio pretežak za slušanje.



Za razliku drugih norveskih avangardi kod ovog benda mi smeta nepovezanost u tekstovima ...jebote

ako se ne varam, jedan od njih dvojice je zavrsio filozofiju mislim da ima cak i doktorat iz iste

Posted (edited)

prodajem Solefald - Neonism digipack i Solefald - Pills For Ageless Ills (isto digipack), za po 700 din. kao novi su naravno.


kontakt na PP


EDIT: dodacu ovde i Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors za 800 din, jer Acturus nemaju svoju temu :)

Edited by Buddha

Postoji vremenska odrednica koja se zove "godine", u toku kojih moze covek svasta da uradi - da zavrsi neku skolu, stupi u brak, smisli pametan post... pa zasto ne, i da kupi pokoji disk.

  • 1 year later...

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