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Dehumanizer ima više od 15 godina, tako da ne očekujem nešto slično. Mislim da će biti nešto kao ove tri pesme sa Dio years + Iommi & GZR solo work, što me ne raduje preterano, mada ko zna, možda iznenade

Edited by Dead Man Drinking
Meni je Headless Cross omiljeni...

Тај није са Диом, али је вероватно најбољи од ових из Мартинове ере.

Тај није са Диом, али је вероватно најбољи од ових из Мартинове ере.

Znam, to mi je omiljeni Sabbath album :meshuggah: A sa Diom definitivno Heaven & Hell.

Blah...meni se neshto i ne svidjaju...al dobro mozda je i bolje shto ne ochekujem nishta od novog albuma, mozda ipak naprave neko remek delo... Iommi je to...


Meni je "Ear In The Wall" genijalna pesma, a i druge dve su bash bash dobre. Da sam oni, ubachio bih barem nesto od tih na albuma..


Ух, кад би поновили "Dehumanizer"...


Pa realnije to nego HaH2 il' MR2...


Не тражим ја да нови албум буде други део ниједног од претходних, али тај фазон кад би ухватили било би страва.


TESTAMENT frontman Chuck Billy announced onstage last night (Sunday, April 6) at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City that his band has been confirmed as the opening act on the upcoming JUDAS PRIEST, HEAVEN AND HELL and MOTÖRHEAD tour, which is scheduled to take place this summer.


"We'll be on first, and we're only gonna have 30 minutes, so we won't be doing any talking," Billy said. "We're just gonna hit you hard — bam, bam, bam, bam — with everything we've got."



Daklem, turneja je sigurna! :rockdevil:


А шта мислиш где им је главна публика? У Америци? Неће бити.


Kad bi pao koncert u Srbiji, al sumnjam. Mada skrpio bih se nekako da ih gledam i u nekoj od susednih drzava samo kad bi dosli. Najbolje bi bilo da ih dovedu ovi iz Arene al ne znam koliko im je ovakva vrsta muzike u interesu.

In an interview with "The Classic Metal Show" which aired on March 29, JUDAS PRIEST singer Rob Halford stated about the rumored trek with HEAVEN AND HELL, MOTÖRHEAD and TESTAMENT, "Live Nation are promoting the tour, and I guess the professional way of dealing with this is to say that Live Nation will be making an official announcement probably a few days from now. But it's difficult to keep that kind of thing quiet 'cause… If it does happen, and it's looking very real, it's gonna be one of the biggest metal shows in the States this year. . . You have to wait for the official announcement because it has to be sanctioned by management and the lawyers in the suits and that other rubbish. But if we get what we are hoping to get, I think it's gonna be an absolutely sensational, killer American tour — 'cause it won't happen anywhere else in the world, this lineup. It'll just be for the States."


kurac, samo amerika.


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest --OgY--

ja sam potpuni otpimista da ce dio da dodje u srbiju...nema sumnje...pored svih ovih dogadjanja!!!! :rockdevil:

  • 4 weeks later...

Danas sam vrteo malo Mob Rules, posle dosta dugog vremena, i zamishljao kakav bi koncert to bio kad bi doshli kod nas...pa ako ne bih bio u prvom redu, mogao bih ladno da prestanem da slusham metal, ali stvarno...


New Studio album in "Early 2009": Previously it was expected that the new album Heaven & Hell would have been out late this year, but apparently that's not happening. According to this press release, the album will be out in "early 2009". Now before a lot of fans go and get their panties in a knot, remember Early 2009 means more than "Up to January 10th". Don't forget, we're getting a new Sabbath (yeah, yeah, yeah - It's Black Sabbath, and you know it), album with Ronnie Dio - let's give 'em a chance to do it right before bitching about WHEN, eh?





Ја знам да то јесте Black Sabbath и баш ме брига шта било ко каже!

  • 2 weeks later...

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