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Legend of the Shadowking

Written by Chris

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Hi Callers,


the past months we spent our time in our studio and now the time has come for finishing the recordings of the last remaining tracks.


We are totally happy about the result.

Also, we could arrange some specials for you...


For making the symphonical parts sounding authentically, we invited a classical musician for playing some parts by violin.


The working titel of the new album is called "Legend of the shadowking".

The basis of concept is an aristocratic person of the german history in the 19th century, which inspired us in writing lyrics and harmonies.


We are sorry, but the release has to move to end of summer...

We hope the release date will be around august/september 2009.


Beside the production we also take care of live activities for Freedom Call.

There are many ideas and concepts for touring in europa in fall/winter 2009.


Take care & Greeez


Freedom Call


Dakle... Novi album je pred vratima, a ko zna.. Možda bude bilo i nekog koncerta kod nas. :D

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Legend of the Shadowking - Cover + Tracklisting Written by Chris Saturday, 19 December 2009




FREEDOM CALL are about to release their 6th studio album. All 14 songs are based on the story of King Ludwig II.


Although he hated politics and the real world with all it's responsibilities and duties throughout his life, his people loved him for his romantic nature, his blooming fantasy, his affection and support over art and music and his youthful but impressive appearance. When Bavaria lost its centuries-old independence and power after the foundation of the First German Empire on January 1st, 1871, he once said "I don’t want to be a shadowking without power!".


He escaped more and more into a self-created dream world which was inspired by Richard Wagner's compositions and preferred solitude. He neglected his state affair duties and eventually drove the state into financial ruin with his outrageous building projects.


His fondness towards Wagner and especially his compositions was not returned. Wagner took advantage of his naivety and childish admiration and distanced himself when Ludwig tried to intervene in his works of art. This separation was only one of many disappointments during King Ludwig's life! He found himself in a devils circle, couldn't see a way out anymore. At one point he got pulled down more and more.


At the end he became a victim of a state’s complot and dies in the dark waters of the Starnberger See lake on June 13th, 1886 - as stated in an official version.




  1. Out Of The Ruins
  2. Thunder God
  3. Tears Of Babylon
  4. Merlin - Legend Of The Past
  5. Resurrection Day
  6. Under The Spell Of The Moon
  7. Dark Obsessions
  8. The Darkness
  9. Remember
  10. Ludwig II. - Prologue
  11. The Shadowking
  12. Merlin - Requiem
  13. Kingdom Of Madness
  14. A Perfect Day



Zanimljiva tematika albuma, nadam se dobroj prici...

Edited by DBrave
Posted (edited)

jeeeee super :pivopije:

jedan od mojih omiljenih happy-metal bendova :rockdevil:

jedva cekam ..... inace prvi album mi je daleko najzanimljiviji i najmelodicniji i najraspevaniji i najnajnaj :smile:

Edited by facaly
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Freedom Call dosad nisam slusao i glupo bi mi bilo da odem na koncert a neznam niti jednu pesmu. Molio bih nekoga ko poznaje ovaj bend da mi preporuci neki album od njih. :pivopije:

Edited by Thrasher
  On 1/28/2010 at 5:37 PM, Thrasher said:

Freedom Call dosad nisam slusao i glupo bi mi bilo da odem na koncert a neznam niti jednu pesmu. Molio bih nekoga ko poznaje ovaj bend da mi preporuci neki album od njih. :pivopije:


hmm pa evo matori da pocnemo:


Pre svega Taragon (EP)


pa onda Crystal Empire


pa onda Circle of Life


nakon toga poslusaj Stairway to Faryland... bar je to moje misljenje...


al ono ima dosta dobrih pesama na svakom albumu! :pivopije::pivopije::pivopije::pivopije:


evo ga link odakle sam ja skinuo celu diskografijuTHE LINK :D a mozes da poslusas i novi album (koji mi se skida upravo) jer kontam da ce da sviraju sa njega dosta zbog promocije, sad nznm ja ne bi voleo da je tako jer zelim cuti Warriors-e, Pharoh, Land of light, Tears of taragon i naravno DANCING WITH TEARS IN MY EYES!!!!:rockdevil:

Posted (edited)

edit: zaspao sam na pola albuma...:spava: :icon_ne:Merlin najbolja pesmica, u njoj sacuvali stari duh... ostalo cu da poslusam kasnije... ali razocaran sam... Zahvatio ih je PROG virus koji pokazuje znake pandemije na power sceni... strasno! nisu vise onako veseli kao pre!:cry:

Edited by FëanorSonOfFinwë
Posted (edited)

Slusam ja tako ovaj Taragon EP i Crystal Empire i sve me neodoljivo podseca na Helloween. Inace je dosta dobra muzika. Svidja mi se sto koriste visevokalno pevanje tj. horsko pevanje. Dobro su obradili Dancing With Tears in My Eyes.

Edited by Thrasher

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