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Posted (edited)



The Canadian Death tribute band SYMBOLIC has announced the release date for their long awaited DVD featuring former Death members such as Shannon Hamm, Scott Clendenin, Bobby Koelble. This DVD also features Nicholas Barker (Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth), Antoine Baril (Augury, MAG Project), Matthew Sweeney (Quo Vadis) Marc-André Gingras (MAG Project, Quo Vadis), Michael Sweeney (Superior Enlightenment), Jon Lee (The Autumn Offering), Alexis Robitaille and Daniel Perron.



Edited by Chicken Little 420
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Meni je nekako zao da skinem. Ipak mi je Sound of jedan od najdrazih albuma u metalu, i gajim neke posebne emocije prema zvuku tog albuma. Tako da mi nije do slusanja nikakvih remastera.

Posted (edited)

Sta tu pa ima da se remasteruje, kad vec fenomenalno zvuci.


Sta tu pa ima da se remasteruje, kad vec fenomenalno zvuci.


Sta tu pa ima da se remasteruje, kad vec fenomenalno zvuci.



EDIT: Ne znam kako se ovo desilo, ali mi se svidja hahahahaha

Edited by Demon Seed
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Nema sta da nas mrzi da skidamo al eto ja necu skinuti jer sam i original cuo par puta i nije mi se dopao. Meni je pasovao do cetvtog, super su i Individual i Symbolic a Sound mi nije lego zbog boje glasa. Jebi ga volim growl



The Flesh And The Power It Holds


I told you once but I will say it again

when you live the flesh it is the beginning

of the end

it will take you in

it will spit you out

behold the flesh and the power it holds

passion is a poison laced with pleasure bitter sweet

one of many faces that hide deep beneath

it will take you in

it will spit you out

behold the flesh and the power it holds

touch, taste, breathe, consumed

deja-vu. already knew from the first encounter

but know I know to let go of words to speak no more

like a wind upon your face you can't see it

but you know it's there, when beauty shows

its ugly face, just be prepared.



Passion burns like fire carried by the wind

the end of a time, a time to begin

it builds you up one way and tears

you right back down, a time to begin

the end of a time.


Touch, taste, breathe, consumed.





Zlo. Ne mogu da prestanem. Slušam kao nenormalna. :bigblue:

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ne vidim apsolutno nikakvu razliku izmedju novog i starog scavenger-a. pretpostavio sam da ce tako biti pa nisam ni hteo da skidam remaster. tsop ionako ima savrshenu produkciju, ne znam koji ce mu kurac remaster.


Producer/engineer Jim Morris from Morrisound Recording Studios (TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, ICED EARTH, CANNIBAL CORPSE) in Tampa, Florida has just finished remixing the legendary 1991 album from DEATH called "Human".


Commented Morris (pictured below): "[This was] an awesome experience for me." He added, "We were contacted by Chuck Schuldiner's intellectual property lawyer, Eric Greif, the former manager of DEATH."


"Human" will be reissued in 2011 internationally in a partnership between Relapse Records and Perseverance Holdings Ltd. The reissue will mark the 20th anniversary of the original release of "Human" on Relativity/Sony and will include loads of extras, including DEATH's cover of "God Of Thunder" by KISS.


Added Eric Greif: "The former DEATH guys Paul Masvidal (guitar), Sean Reinert (drums) and Steve DiGiorgio (bass) are all 'ecstatic' about the prospect of a heavier mix, where all the instruments can be heard and modern technology utilized. Jim said he took into account everything he and Chuck agreed upon during the making of 'Symbolic' (1995) and 'The Sound Of Perseverance' (1998) as his guide for what he believed Chuck would want from such a remix. I myself am thrilled."


Ал' смарају с тим постхумним издањима, 'бем ти менаџере гладне зараде на мртвацу... Још мало па ће бити ко с Џими Хендриксом...


Pf, necu cak ni da skinem bilo sta od ovog, a kamoli da kupim. Nije vredno paznje.


Nista ne fali Death albumima, najbolji su bas onako kako su prvobitno i snimljeni.

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Bogami ja videh neke skenove 3CD editiona Sounda, rado bih posedovao tu svinju. I bonus materijal je zanimljiv, ima finih demo verzija.

Što se tiče Human remastera - ja bih tu bukvalno samo bas pojačao.


Bogami ja videh neke skenove 3CD editiona Sounda, rado bih posedovao tu svinju. I bonus materijal je zanimljiv, ima finih demo verzija.

Što se tiče Human remastera - ja bih tu bukvalno samo bas pojačao.

volio bih da morris odradi pos'o po svome,al' se plasim koliko se tu on pita.ovakvi alumi i jedino trebaju da se remasteruju jer mogu sonicki da se poboljsaju jer atmosfera nije u samom zvuku.




Sad sam slušajući Symbolic shvatio zašto mi toliko prija ovih dana da vrtim kultne albume


"Relive the gift of precious memories

In need of a fix called innocence"


I naravno:


"A high that can never be bought or sold"


A ovaj deo


Do you remember when

Things seemed so eternal?

Heroes were so real...

Their magic frozen in time

The only way to learn

Is be aware and hold on tight


mi je jedan omiljenih stihova u metalu, ako ne i najbolji - tako jednostavno a tako predivno.

Uopšte cela Death diskografija je bez ijedne mrlje i prikazuje tako fascinantno razvoj jednog genija da prosto ne mogu da nađem adekvatnu paralelu u muzici. Što bi rekli jednostavno - to majka više ne rađa. Kad se i posle 15 godina aktivnog slušanja iznova i iznova oduševljavam...mislim da ću slušati Death dok sam živ sa istim uživanjem.

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Posted (edited)

Svaka ti je ka Njeguseva. Meni Sybolic zauzima posebno mesto, i uvek ce ga zauzimati, odise nekom vanvremenskom atmosferom, i posle toliko vremena mi i daje zvuci sveze. I tekstovi iz te kasnije Death faze su mi super, nekako filozofski pomalo. A Sacred serenity mi je pesma za sva vremena, ono ladno moze da se obradi u nekom sroz drugom ne-metal fazonu, i opet sjajno da bude, toliko je dobra, i nekako fleksibilna.

Edited by Uruk Hai

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