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Battle Of Mice / Julie Christmas

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Koji vam je kurac? Sta smarate devojku?

Da li imate neki sopstveni problem pa mrzite emo?

Ne mogu to da shvatim, ono u fazonu: "E brate ruzan sam k'o guster, sada cu nekoga da mrzim", "Maaaaamaaaaaaa, da li smem da mrzim nesto sto ne znam ni sta je?"


Nadjite drugu zanimaciju...

Npr: podjebavajte princa hehehehehehe


Iako nisam emo, volim poneki bend, ali povraca mi se od klinackih pubertetlija tipa Tokyo Hotel BLJAK!!!!


Sto se tice Battle Of Mice, zaista zanimljiv bend!!

Cave Of Spleen mi je favorit!

Edited by From Funeral Skies

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Thursday, September 03, 2009



Battle of Mice is dead.


Aftertwo critically acclaimed releases, Battle of Mice has been officiallyand amicably dissolved. Never before has the story of a violent,interpersonal flameout been so aurally documented. It was intense whileit lasted, but we should all be thankful that the band has ended; notwith a bang, but with a whimper.


What the future holds:


The full length vinyl may still make an appearance sometime next year. We are waiting for the final word on that one.


Julie Christmas is currently working on a solo record, be on the lookout. The record

features almost an entirely different lineup on each song, featuring many special guests.


JoshGraham's new band, A Storm of Light, has a new release coming outSeptember 2009. The record is called Forgive Us Our Trespasses, andfeatures Jarboe, Nerissa Campbell, Lydia Lunch, and more.


Joel Hamilton and Tony Maimone are both working on the next Book of Knots record.

Bothare recording madmen as well. Joel recorded and plays on A Storm ofLight's record, and just finished recording the new Black Keys album.


Joe Tomino has been on tour with his band Dub Trio, as well as playing with many others including Mike Patton.


That is about it.


Be Well. Sleep and Dream.

Battle of Mice 2005 - 2009

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