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ljudi, da li neko ima pojma da li ce i kada doci film Inland Empire kod nas u bioskope?


u Americi se film vec prikazivao odavno, a u Evropi kako gde..


u poslednjem broju CKM-a sam video da se za "next month"sto se filmova tice pominje Inland Empire (kao i 300 npr.), ali nisam uspeo da izguglam nikakve informacije koje imaju "Inland Empire", "Beograd" i "bioskop" u istoj recenici. :(


adresa na imdb: www.imdb.com/title/tt0460829/


Nema nigde to.. Ali, evo nade, samo što ćemo morati malo više da čekamo:


"Rhino Entertainment has scheduled a DVD of Inland Empire for release on June 8th, 2007. "The DVD will be really cool," Lynch states. "It will have so much great stuff on there. I am going to load it up and make it exactly the way I want it." According to Rhino video VP Sig Sigworth, "David was looking for a distribution model where he would have total creative control, and we were fortunate enough to develop a model that afforded him that control. He’s taking his hands-on approach to filmmaking and carrying it all the way through theatrical and physical distribution." In accordance with other director-approved DVD releases of Lynch's films, it is likely that the disc will not have chapter selection."

  • 1 month later...

mislim da se ovih dana pojavio DVD u Italiji, doduse sa italijanskom sinhronizacijom ili tako nesto :)


trebalo bi uskoro da se pojavi i italijanski DVD sa originalnom sinhronizacijom i italijanskim/engleskim titlom


to sam i ja cuo. valjda ce se pojavi uskoro ovaj "normalni"


btw, Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) je izjavio nedavno da mu se bas svideo film:


I saw the new David Lynch movie, 'Inland Empire', a couple of days ago. Although you're not totally understanding everything and it's not spelled out for you in black and white, there's something about it that still speaks to you. And that's what's gone from most of society and from most of culture for me. Now it's all lowest common denominator stuff and it doesn't credit the audience with any intelligence to be able to decode anything that's perhaps a little bit more out there, and I think there is definitely now a trend again towards bands being unashamedly ambitious and not caring whether people necessarily connect with that. It's always when you have that kind of sense of not caring that things start to happen, it seems to me.
Posted (edited)

aha, ja skinuo soundtrack pre 10 dana ako nekom treba bacam link



The film features original tracks by David Lynch, a track by Angelo Badalamenti as well as several pieces by polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki.


Chrysta Bell & David Lynch - Polish Poem

David Lynch - Ghost of Love / Walking on the sky



Other songs include:

Little Eva - The Locomotion

Etta James - At Last

Beck - Black Tambourine

Nina Simone - Sinnerman




budo, imam i Lincov album zove se "the air is on fire", ono, prilicno je govno, mozes ga slusati samo nocu ako i tad, neka minimala teska

evo ga i cover:



Edited by marcoman

Gledah intervju sa Lincha gde pricha kako je snimao IE...naime snimao ga digitalnom kamericom, i to je prvo napisao jednu scenu, pa usnimio nju..pa pauzirao par dana/kol'ko vec, napisao drugu scenu, koja totalno nema veze sa prvom scenom pa usnimio nju..i tako jos par nepovezanih scena..i onda je tamo 5/6u koju vec usnimio tak da nekako vezuje ovo prethodno i dalje razvijao..al poenta je da lik nije imao nikakvu jasnu ideju u kom pravcu ce ici film kad je pocheo da snima....znachi, jedva chekam da mu vidim rezultat hehe..

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Ja upravo skidam neku varijantu Inland.Empire.R5.LIMITED.xVID-UNiVERSAL... Iskreno se nadam da nije ona italijanska :)


http://smforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=5817 (Rapidshare.com linkovi)


Edit: Aha... "The film does has Italian subtitles hardcoded into it but only for the non english parts. It's in english and has english subtitles for the non english parts included for anyone who wants them."

Edited by supergeek

odgledao sam film, hvala markomanu :D


ne mogu da kazem jos uvek da je ovo njegov najbolji film, ali dotakao je dosta stvari sa ovim filmom.. ima elemenata svih njegovih ranijih filmova.. treba ga pogledati definitivno :da:


  • 2 weeks later...

Lebe jebote blesav je da je to nezdravo. Kada sam gledao Rabbits pre par meseci, osecah se k'o da me neko jebe u glavu, over and over again. I on to ladno ubacuje sada u film! Ovaj film i jeste kao Rabbits od 3 sata. Samo sto, dok su u Rabbitsu dijalozi ispremestani, ovde je sve zivo ispremestano. Ali ne mogu nikako da skapiram kako ovi imaju veze sa deshavanjima u filmu. Kao i dosta stvari. Anyway, ko nije gledao Rabbits, cenim da bi to trebalo da odradi pre nego sto ovo odgleda!


Ali shta ovaj chovek moze da radi sa slikom&zvukom, aaa, pa jezive scene pravi. One face...neverovatno. Though, moram da zakljuchim, da je malko preterao sa mindfuckingom ovog puta. Gledacu jos film sigurno, ali za ovo stvarno treba svaka trunka koncentracije.


Laura Germ..jest' ruzna u pm, ali odigrala ga je ovde carski..

  • 3 weeks later...

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