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Posto je tema neobjasnjivo nestala se Death foruma, opet otvaram temu ali ovde jer tamo ljudi nisu imali sluha za ovako nesto pa se nadam da ce ovde situacija biti drugacija.


Mrzi me da opet sve pisem vezano za bend (a i zaobravio sam sta sam pisao). Evo vam par info linkova i link ka drugom albumu koji je odlican!







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Posted (edited)

e cuo sam nesto od njih jos ranije, cini mi se da su ok

fala za link za album :D


edit: imam predlog jedan, da otvorimo ovde na podforumu temu u kojoj bi mogli da ostavljamo linkove za albume, umesto da otvaramo gomilu tema koje ce se zaustaviti u najboljem slucaju posle dva-tri posta ;)

Edited by zombie autopilot
Posted (edited)

Odlican bend...najslicniji red harvestu..al nije mi jasno zashto je tema na ovom forumu...ajde bar predlog da se baci ovo na avangarde..ipak kabalah,plus zajebani likovi...plus industrial ritmovi u nekim pesmama...






cak i izgledaju avangardno...

Edited by darthmaul
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Evo link ka spotu za citava dva-tri fana koliko ih ima na forumu. Izasao je jos odavno. Pojavio se i novi ali nemoze jos uvek da se downloaduje.





Novi spot:




A da, evo ako nekome fali prvi album ima ga odje:


Edited by Sinstrel

Ovaj debi album "Futility" je mnogo dobar bre! :) Meksi je od Hinderers ali je daleko experimentalniji. Opasna ekipo fanova skinite obavezno prvi album! :da:


eto skinuh danas ova dva albuma sto imaju i sta znam... nije lose, mada mi na prvo slusanje nije bas uslo u usi... ali mozda ce se to promeniti... :D


DAATH: Remix By DANNY LOHNER Due In July - June 6, 2007


Atlanta-based extreme metal band DAATH will release an exclusive remix of "Dead on the Dance Floor", a track from their debut Roadrunner release, "The Hinderers", via digital EP this summer. Due in July, the track was remixed by Danny Lohner, former of NINE INCH NAILS and A PERFECT CIRCLE. DAATH guitarist and co-founder Eyal Levi states, "At some point in our lives each member of DAATH has done their time with NINE INCH NAILS' music. They are a huge part of our musical upbringing and collaborating with one of their main minds is an honor that we are very excited about." Describing its sound as "versatile," DAATH strays away from a traditional approach to death metal — weaving deep pockets of groove with electronic nuances, making a remix by Danny Lohner a natural progression for the band.


Having just completed a sold-out U.K. tour alongside metal juggernauts UNEARTH, JOB FOR A COWBOY, and DESPISED ICON, DAATH will hit the road on June 2 and will tour through August 30, showcasing its bombastic live show throughout North America. The band's touring journey will begin as part of the Summer Slaughter Tour, featuring a bounty of respected extreme metal acts such as NECROPHAGIST, DECAPITATED, CEPHALIC CARNAGE and CATTLE DECAPITATION. Following Summer Slaughter they will play a string of select dates with DYING FETUS, PSYOPUS, and COVENANCE, until launching into this year's Ozzfest. DAATH will dominate the second stage with fellow underground acts such as HATEBREED, NILE, 3 INCHES OF BLOOD and CHTHONIC and will be playing select "off" Ozzfest dates with NILE. "This is a breakthrough time for extreme music," Levi says. "Ozzfest has begun to pick up on the value of underground, truly extreme music. For us it's not only a great honor, but also a huge opportunity to see how much we can help push the genre."

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