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Of Fire, Wind & Wisdom

To neko na svoju ruku ubacio u taj DIVX? Ja imam DVD i na njemu nema tog spota... Al' ima foto galerije, jej.



Elem, nabavih ovih dana albume i pomenuti DVD, onako na blic slušanje not bad at all, razlog više da se ne zajebem (opet) pa propustim Kreator. :mrgreen:


Samo, ne znam zašto imam osećaj da će old school thrasheri da ih ishejtuju samo tako... :ph34r:


sad news from the Eluveitie camp


After a long time playing together with us, Sevan (flute, whistles, bagpipes) and Rafi (bass) decided to leave Eluveitie. Both of them came to this desicion due to personal reasons.

Both, Sevan and Rafi, were longtime members. Sevan was with Eluveitie from the very beginning on. So their step was kind of a shock for us. Yet we also understand and accept their desicion. We won't forget the years we spent together and we wish Sevan and Rafi all the very best on their future musical as well as personal ways! "Thank you both for your dedication and for the time we spent together the last four years! Take care & horns raised!!!"


To vise nije onaj Eluveitie! :(

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Nisam bas odusevljen zvukom, ali setlista je prejaka, sve hit do hita :rockdevil:

Ovaj disk se inace prodaje uz Slaniu, kao Tour edition. Nadam se da ce da bidne da se pazari na svirci.

Kako cu da izludim u februaru...

Edited by Grobodan
  • 1 month later...

Pa sta znam..Vecinu si verovatno vec cuo,ali opet.. Asmegin,Heol Telwen,Folkearth,Manegarm,KromleK,Menhir, XIV Dark Century,Heidevolk,Wolfchant,Thyrfing,Suidakra,Black Messiah,Lumsk,Kivimetsan Druidi,Adorned Brood,Thiasos Dionysos,Metsatoll..

I sve su..tu i tamo..an taj fazon neki vise,neki manje. Moja posebna preporuka Trollech. Mada je on vise celtic/black nego death..

Svi su dosta dobri..Eluveitie i dalje ubedljivo vodi :wub:


Ne bih da budem neobjektivna, ali po meni su eluveitie otkrice i najbolji bend u 2008. godini. Sjajan konceptualni album, sjajna ideja da se ozivi tradicija njihovih predaka i sve to u modernom metal okviru. Eto, za sada jedini od bendova koje volim, a da ih jos nisam videla uzivo.


Meni jedino sto smeta je to sto imam utisak da forsiraju metal zvuk u bendu, kao da rade na silu. Mislim da bi slobodno mogli da smanje gitare i da cepaju cist folk, sa nekim uplivima metala

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