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e bre, pa ovo je super

lako je nadoknaditi ovaj zaostatak, sve sto treba da uradite je da glasate u internet klubovima sirom zemlje, po univerzitetskim kompjuterima, firmama, hakerisete...


e da kome ne radi u int exploreru neka proba iz opere i iz fire foxa ili neka se strpi minut dva da mu uchita stranu icon_wink.gif


slusao sam sinocj mariju na 202jci.. prichala samo o ovome...


evo glasao




Sacrum (272 Votes)

Unfeigned (232 Votes)

Unmaker (169 Votes)

Seven Year Existence (111 Votes)

Abonos (109 Votes)

Azure (SWE) (22 Votes)

Naumachia (7 Votes)

EXIT 11 (4 Votes)

Wrong Brothers (3 Votes)

Warborn (2 Votes)

Leprosy (2 Votes)

nevolution (2 Votes)

Traumabox (2 Votes)

SONIC DOOM (1 Votes)

Growing Old Disgracefully (1 Votes)

sickeversince (1 Votes)


LoveBone (1 Votes)


Verovatno cu moci da glasam i sa faxa.


Malopre sam glasao ali tamo vec istakli polufinaliste..?


Da, svakog meseca izdvoje par bendova sa najvise glasova u polu-finaliste. Glasanje traje do kraja maja i time se zakljucuje konkurs. Cilj je da do tad skupimo dovoljno glasova da udjemo u polu-finale i onda ziri bira tri najbolja.





evo liste:


Metal Band Contest -- May Standings

Sacrum (1067 Votes)

Unmaker (921 Votes)

Abonos (651 Votes)

Unfeigned (468 Votes)

Seven Year Existence (136 Votes)

Azure (SWE) (40 Votes)

Naumachia (13 Votes)

Wrong Brothers (10 Votes)

Growing Old Disgracefully (7 Votes)

EXIT 11 (5 Votes)

sickeversince (5 Votes)

Warborn (3 Votes)

SONIC DOOM (3 Votes)

Leprosy (3 Votes)

nevolution (3 Votes)


LoveBone (3 Votes)

Traumabox (2 Votes)




Abonos je treci i po svemu sudeci tako ce i ostati jer su prva dva vec daleko... ja uporno glasam ali jbg...


idu li prva tri ili dva ili samo prvi?!




Ne gubiti nadu! Bili smo pri dnu liste sa 1 glasom na pocetku meseca jer smo tek 3. maja saznali da smo na listi, tako da smo u zaostatku tri dana dok su ovi pre nas imali vec 100 i nesto, a evo gde smo sad, tako da...u napaaaaaaad!



Ne znam da li dalje ide samo prvi sa liste ili prva 2 ili 3.


Ovo je sa njihovog sajta (www.sickmetal.com):


1. You enter your band’s picture and music which will go on our web site. Online voting will take place by your fans, yourself, your mothers, whoever … spread the word. The more votes you get, the more likely you’ll get to be a finalist. Each month the top vote getting band(s) will move up to the semi-finalist category, the votes will all be wiped out -- and the voting will begin again. That way, late entries will have an equal chance to win! We will provide you with voting buttons (see the bottom of your entry when it's online) for your own web site and be sure to get all your fans to put your personalized banner on their sites! The voting rules will be posted online. You are encouraged to tell the world, pass out flyers at your shows, get your fans involved and banners for you on their sites and at their myspace pages as every vote counts!


2. On June 1, 2006, the Top Semi-Finalist Bands ranked according to the voting will have all their submitted music, applications, and video footage given to our Judges to make the final selection. Songs may be in any language. Quality of production will not be a factor. The Judges will first consider each band’s all-over talent and potential to make it to the top. We are looking for a band that will become a MAJOR PLAYER. Contest will be judged based on the following criteria:


· Technical Expertise with instrument(s) and/or voice(s)


· Song writing talent -- lyrics, melody and composition


· Personality & character projected through performance


· Creativity, originality, professionalism, and headbanging appeal


Sto se tice glasanja, najbolje je slati lancane mailove.Ja sam tako uspio ukljuciti ljude koji nemaju veze sa metalom.To je najbolji nacin za stizanje ove razlike. pivopije.gif

Posted (edited)

Postoji jos jedan nacin da se glasa vise puta sa dial up konekcijom. Kad god se konektujete ponovo, to se vodi pod drugim IP brojem, tako da se moze glasati i po vise puta dnevno sa istog kompjutera. Kad god se ponovo konektujete refreshujete stranu i on (uglavnom) ponovo ponudi opciju VOTE. Probajte pa recite dal' radi.

Edited by Laser

e da  moze li jedna lekcija icon_smile.gif

Odes na neku od adresa koje smo El_Nino i ja ostavili i pokupis spisak proxy-ja.


U Internet Exploreru ides na: Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections; Odaberes konekciju koju koristis sa spiska konekcija i kliknes na settings. Ukljucis "use a proxy server for this connection" i u polja upises proxy i port. Npr:	: 80
      ^          ^
      |          |
    proxy      port 


Onda OK na taj i prozor ispod, refresh i ponovo glasash.


U Operi: Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Proxy servers.

Stiklirati prvo i uneti adresu i port.


U Firefoxu: Tools -> Options -> General - > Connection settings.

Odabrati "manual proxy configuration" i uneti dresu i port, bla, bla...


Primetio sam da ne rade bas svi sa onog spiska koji sam ja ostavio. Ako neko zna moze da napise i script koji ce automatski da glasa. icon_wink.gif

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