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  • 3 weeks later...

haha, taj rad. :D


Elem, snimio sam jos jednu pesmu konacno.. smilovacu se ovih dana da je okacim na net. :)


Sledeca svirka bi trebala da bude u Studiju 21 pocetkom januara, javicu jos tacan termin.


Evo okacio sam jos jednu autorsku - Stronger.

Kvalitet je krdza posto sam sve radio za kompom, ali eto cisto da cujete dok se ne smilujemo da odradimo to u nekom studiju. :D



Ako neko zna nekog bubnjara koji bi hteo da svira progresiv metal neka se javi.


Za to vreme cemo biti u studiju polako krece priprema za album..

To je to za sada...


Dao sam mu pesme pa ce da vidimo kako ce da ispadne. ;)


Nego, okacio sam jos jednu stvar (I believe), na nasu MYSPACE Stranu

Opet je "home production" jbg. :)

Preslusajte i bacite neki komentar, kritiku ili slicno.


Nadam se da cu u toku sledece nedelje zavrsiti i Kervan Saraj i Another World pa cu i to okaciti.


U toku su pregovori sa ljudima iz par studija, trebalo bi da za 2-3 meseca udjemo u studio i snimimo ovo kako bi trebalo. :muzicar:

Nadam se da cemo do tad uspeti da se unormalizujemo sa postavom..

  • 1 month later...

Sporo. :)

Cekamo da Roki ozdravi, to ce biti za nekih mesec dana pa se bacamo na posao. :muzicar:


Snimace se najverovatnije u studiju Arch Sound u Beogradu ili eventualno kod Mikice i Cikija (alogija).

Idem u petak da vidim kakav je studio i da ugovorim termin.


U Aprilu bi trebalo da izadje EP - "Eternity" sa 5 pesama:

1.) Eternity

2.) Kervan Saraj (instrumental)

3.) Another world

4.) Stronger

5.) I believe


Prvi album ce se zvati "Another World" i imace 11 pesama..


  • 3 weeks later...

Hvala! :pivopije:



Evo par tekstova ako nekog mozda zanima.. :D


I believe


1. Strofa

I have reasons for the acts I ve done

things I am not proud of

which wont let me sleep at night


This nightmare tarries me on and on

I fell like taken

for role of demising rite



falling... through timeless void...

living... my life in vain...



From chains of pain - I’ll be set free

To throw off the burden of guilt

Above the clouds of inifinite skies

once I shall roam I believe


2. Strofa:

Mesmerized by the treacherous eyes

Misled from the path

The way of eternal peace


Crawl like serpent through the halls of vice

Drifting away from all I was meant to be




Stride trough domain

Of the everlasting flame

Shrouded by the pain

Of the forsakens


Twisted by fate

Aching for the golden dawn

To retrive the souls

Of the ones I known


Predrefren 1:

voice of the past

haunts me for foul deeds

compels me to truly reedem



The faces all I known

the memories of past life

in the ignorance thrown

but in darkness shines the light

on the winds of the gnosis

for etrnity I ll fly


2. Strofa:

guided by the lies

blindly sunken in despise

I have been a slave

For ages


No one to blame

for the gambit I have played

I `ll repay my debts

Have my dignity reclaimed


Predrefren 2:

Bleeding wounds

Are now about to heal

the secret lines I shall reveal






1. Strofa

Sullen thoughts

Of ones who kept the lines

Shown me the way….

The words of savior

Among the flaws

Of virtue lies a key

Beyond the gates of truth

The peace I’ll endeavor



Seek for aims of justice

The reign of light is coming

We shall stand as righteous



I'm Stronger!!!

On the edge of the world stand like glower

Avenging the fallen


The eons of sorrow are over

The rising `will` shall prevail…



Silent skies grew crimson

Like the blaze

Announcing “the” storm

Will cleanse the vile


Obscuring fog of war

Faded away

My vision is cleared

I am not beguiled


  • 2 weeks later...

imam nekoliko sex snimaka dok smo snimali solo za Stronger, probacu da uploadujem na yuoutube pa cu da bacim linkove ovde. ;)


Ovo snimanje se oduzilo u picku materinu.. Jebem ti studiranje..


pa za snimanje treba jos 7-8 dana.

Posle toga ide MIX, mada ja se u to ne upustam. :D


Mozemo mi i umedjuvremenu da napravimo Djem session, ako si nastrebao pesme. ;):muzicar::opusteno:

  • 1 month later...

rekoh ja 7-8 dana pre 2 meseca.. :)



U nedelju se zavrsava snimanje i onda jos MIX i hvala k..cu gotovo.


Grme (bass) i Stefan (bubanj) nisu vise u bendu, sada cekamo da se novi clanovi uvezbaju i krecemo malo sa live nastupima. :D



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