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  • 4 months later...

This is why I admire Mr. Jarzombek. I love his style of music, because technical is just second nature to him. But above and beyond his playing ability is the mind of a genius.

From Ron's forum, in case you haven't seen it yet:


I didn't have a 7 string at the time I recorded the Machinations material , but I do have one now. It's a stock BC Rich, but I'm going to build a different body and transfer the parts. I used two gtrs to record the Blotted CD, one tuned to E (E A D G B E), and the other tuned to drop A (A E A D G B).


Alex and I were looking for a theme to base songs on and the brain/sleep disorder topic came up, so we went with it. I did a lot of reading on various brain related subjects, but didn’t know too much about the medical side of things, so I got some help from people who were more knowledgeable about the subjects. I did research enough to find ways to make the music tie in to the topics…


The ‘Adenosines’ (‘Buildup’ and ‘Breakdown’) are the same sets of tunes, but played backwards.


‘Oscillation Cycles’ taking the same musical theme and plays it at 4 different speeds (getting there via metric modulation), mimicking the 4 stages of sleep.


‘Amnesia’ plays 3 main themes, then during the 2nd half of the song, the same themes are played but lots of the notes have been left out or “forgotten”.


The main theme of ‘EEG Tracings’ plays the notes EEG in various timings.


Then there were the songs where we just tried to basically write a score to fit the titles, including Night Terror, Bleeding In The Brain, Laser Lobotomy, Vegetation, Sleep Deprivation.


Probably the most fun was the nightmares song “Activation Synthesis Theory”. Alex said he has dreams of suffocating, and drowning in quicksand. ‘Dead Guy’, ‘Monsters’, and ‘Flight In Space’ go back to when I was a kid. Probably my favorite though is ‘Spiderchase’ where I wanted a real fast melody line for spiders, but the music also fit for being chased, so we combined the two and came up with ‘Spiderchase’.


‘REM’ is a guy sleeping, then having the twitching eyes, REM sets in, then he wakes up.


‘Narcolepsy’ has the scattered string/filmscore sections where the subject is falling asleep, then waking up right in the middle of musical phrases (as if he is awake then nods off at random).


We also wanted to have a band/project name that could work with various themes and concepts should we decided to do another record. Of course the “Science” ties into the techy side of things, and the “Blotted” refers to where Alex and I came from, the ink blots, and Cannibal CD covers usually being full of blood splatters.



  • 10 months later...

Ladno postoji tema... Mnogo dobar album, nabavio sam ga skoro, stvarno kida, al nabavih brdo neke muzike, pa nisam imao vremena da ga vise preslusavam...

Uvek sam se pitao kako bi zvucao Webster kad svira neku prog/tehnikal ziku, tj kako bi zvucao van Cannibala, i najzad sam saznao...

  • 4 weeks later...

Ja imam The Machinations of Dementia , i mnogo je zajeban album.


E da svima bih preporuchio kojima se dopalo ovo da dowuju Behold... the Arctopus - Skullgrid , mozda je manje melodichniji ali mnogo vishe techinicalniji i uvrnutiji. :)

  • 3 weeks later...
E da svima bih preporuchio kojima se dopalo ovo da dowuju Behold... the Arctopus - Skullgrid , mozda je manje melodichniji ali mnogo vishe techinicalniji i uvrnutiji. :)


Meni je ovo mnogo bilje od Beholda... ne znam Behold...The Arctopus me podsecaju na technical dath metal(nije da se ovaj bend po tome puno razlikuje), ali Blotted su mi mnogo bolji za slusanje od Beholda...


E da svima bih preporuchio kojima se dopalo ovo da dowuju Behold... the Arctopus - Skullgrid , mozda je manje melodichniji ali mnogo vishe techinicalniji i uvrnutiji. :)


joj koliko se meni to ne sviđa,e jes video onog lika što tu svira warr?

meni oni deluju kao totalni kreteni!

mada verovatno grešim al...


B...tA su zakon.


Skullgrid je najbolji technical album od prvog Spastic Ink-a.


i uopste mi ne lice na neki death metal technicki, 1,000 puta sa komplikovaniji harmonski od takvih death metal bendova.


jednostavno su prezajebani. ponosno furam njihovu majcu od 2003 :D

Posted (edited)

ne kazem da lice na technikal dm bendove, vec da mene podsecaju malo na njih(jednostavno osecam neki DM prizvuk kad ih slusam)...mada ne bih mogao nesto puno reci o ovom bendu poodavno sam cuo za njih i slusao kod druga na plejeru(ima sigurno 2 godine), ali sam ih ja nabavi tek pre par meseci, a uz njih na tom cd-u mnooooooooogo dobre muzike, pa sam taj dvd stigao samo ovlas da preslusam, a taj album mozda samo 1-2 eventualno 3 puta i to onako ovlas tako da ne bih da pricam mnogo o ovom bendu... kad budem stigao slusacu ih vise...


PS gde si nabavio majicu majke ti???? I ajde uploaduj onaj booklet od spastica sto si obecao(na Spastic temi) :D


EDIT: ja imam samo Skullgrid :D od njih sad sam proverio, tacno se secam na ekskurziji u 3cem razredu sam ga cuo prvi put


EDIT: pardon pardon pardon, hteo sam da proverim koji album imam od Beholda, a greskom napisah naziv albuma Blooteda... dakle u recenici iznad umesto the Machinatons..., staviti Skullgrid, njega imam od Beholda...

Edited by Uruk Hai

rekao sam da nemam skener, jbg.


narucio sa njihovog sajta kad je Arctopocalypse Now... Warmageddon Later izasao.


ima sliku imperial space kornjace na ledjima :D


kornjaca :wub:


Ja nisam poslusao ishta drugo od B..tA osim Skullgrid , ali ja nevolim neznam zasht oda sluisam Livove, EPove i singlove. XD


"Skullgrid je najbolji technical album od prvog Spastic Ink-a. "


Sta? Skullgrid prvi album Spastic Inka?



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