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I od mene velika podrska za ponovno dovodjenje Cynica :pivopije:

ја се прилично слажем са овим предлогом...

нисам била на првом, али бих зато радо на други...

уколико га наравно буде...


Nova pesma, nja kvalitet:


The Unknown Guest


nisam nasao bolje...


Jesu, a i taj novi gitarista jebe kevu i solidno verno peva i stare growl vokale. Lici zesce na Mirka iz Through Art-a :mrgreen:


Haha, nije mu se svidjelo poredjenje, kaze da vise lici na Joe-a iz Gojire :)


U sledećem broju časopisa NOCTURNE interview sa Paul Masvidal-om :rockdevil:


Ja sam čuo da postoji odličan bootleg sa tog nastupa u Beogradu... samo, snimao ga je jedan zajeban lik... Teško može da se dođe do njega...


i ja sam cuo....kazu neki pokojni toza....;) ne znam koj je taj...cccccc

e tozo, razmisljamo da podelimo svima snimak, ali razmisljamo, videcemo da li da ga uplovdujemo na net....;)

mora gazda Frubi da se pita...

i ja sam cuo....kazu neki pokojni toza....;) ne znam koj je taj...cccccc

e tozo, razmisljamo da podelimo svima snimak, ali razmisljamo, videcemo da li da ga uplovdujemo na net....;)

mora gazda Frubi da se pita...


Pa valjda se i ja tu nešto pitam... :) hehehe


Ma znaš ti mene... samo napred!


dobra ova nova, mislim da je najkompleksnija od svih novih sto smo culi.


bice to dobar album.


i svaka cast Mirku na solazi. prelepa.

Na tacno koju to "novu pesmu" mislis?


Reunited progressive metallers CYNIC — whose 1993 album "Focus" is regarded as a landmark release in the field of technical/progressive metal — will release their new album, "Traced In Air" on October 28 via Season of Mist Records (one day earlier internationally). The CD contains eight songs, and the band worked once again with renowned artist Robert Venosa (who created the unmistakeable cover and visuals for "Focus") on the art for the new album, which can be viewed below.


"Traced In Air" track listing:


01. Nunc Fluens

02. The Space For This

03. Evolutionary Sleeper

04. Integral Birth

05. The Unknown Guest

06. Adam's Murmur

07. King of those Who Know

08. Nunc Stans




Returning from the "Focus" era for the new eight-song, 35-minute effort are are founding members Paul Masvidal (guitars/clean vocals) and Sean Reinert (drums) along with Sean Malone (bass), and joining the band in the studio is newcomer Tymon Kruidenier (guitars/growls). The band recorded the effort at a California studio with producer Warren Riker (DOWN, SANTANA).


Commented Masvidal: "We're thrilled to share the new CYNIC alien seedling with the world. I trust that this magical plant will be watered well and tended to. The roots are intact, now the branches get to soar high into the sky and provide shade for those of us stressed about current weather conditions. We've all been on this journey together. It's time we tell a new story. One of my favorite thinkers Ralph Waldo Emerson said: 'We live amid surfaces, and the true art is to skate well on them'. Well it's time, we let the dance begin!"


CYNIC will be direct support slot on the OPETH European trek in November/December. The band has also been announced as the headliner for this year's ProgPower Europe festival, and will be playing a special extended set at the show. A U.S. tour will follow in early 2009.


For more information, visit www.myspace.com/cyniconline.




To je to!


Nadam se samo da ce Opeth privuci ovdasnje promotere da dovedu taj paket, pa da gledam Cynic, a na Opeth cu da izadjem :)


PA, koliko se sećam i Cynic je sam bio interesantan "paket". Paul kaže da im je koncert iz Srbije jedan od dražih sa turneje... Opako je bilo....


To je to!


Nadam se samo da ce Opeth privuci ovdasnje promotere da dovedu taj paket, pa da gledam Cynic, a na Opeth cu da izadjem :)


Izgleda da taj paket neće dolaziti ni u neku susednu zemlju čak, čemu onda mi da se nadamo? :udri: Najbliži koncert u Austriji...

Posted (edited)

Tozo, ma kakvi. To ih Frubi doveo. Osim njega, nema ko drugi sem ako ne ide uz Cynic i neki "jaci" bend (smislu prodaje i hajpa).


edit: A koncert jeste bio savrsen.

Edited by Vajar

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