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PMK RECORDS predstavlja novo izdanje

u okviru edicije "Treba mi skloniste od buke" vol.1


DAŽD "NAŽIVO" cd (pmk007)

živi album

mracni pagan stoner stenchcore

po uzoru na Axegrinder, Pentagram, Amebix, Deviated Instinct...


Promocija CDa:

30.5.'07. klub Gavez, Beograd

After The Massacre / Nakot / Dazd

u organizaciji SubWar collective


Tiraž: 33 kom.


band: www.myspace.com/dazdthecult

pmk rec: www.myspace.com/childrenegoism

c/o Loncarevic Goran

Trg St. Rodoljuba 14/16

19370 Boljevac

[email protected]

[email protected]

064 3835413[/i]

  • 3 weeks later...
evo javlja se jos jedan zainteresovan za definiciju...

vikipedija kada se ukuca stenchcore preusmerava na crust punk...



Crust punk (sometimes called crustcore or stenchcore) is one of the many extreme evolutions of anarcho-punk. Crust punk was created by combining anarcho-punk with Extreme Metal. Crust punk is characterized by guttural or shrill vocals (often in the form of dual vocals) and an unpolished gritty, bass-heavy sound. Crust is very closely related to and influenced by D-beat, anarcho-punk, and grindcore.


o svashta... gde nadjoste to da meshate sa pagan-om???


Sto je neko provalio da kombinuje pagan, sa ne-znam-ni-ja, blekom, to ne znaci da ljudi treba tome slepo da se vode. Imaju valjda svoje srce i dushu...


genijalan bend

magija, okultizam, paganizam starih slovena, ali ne na blek metal nacin

pevach je ozbiljan covek i savrseno dobro zna o cemu prica

svi tekstovi su na srpskom


muzika ima uticaja bendova koji su preteche crust muzike poput benda Amebix

stoner Black Sabath uticaja, a i nekih doom-core

to je neka moja skromna procena...

jedan veoma zreo bend, i jedinstven kod nas

preporucujem da poslusate

cesto sviraju u bg-u pa poslusajte ako stignete


naravno kome nisu jasni ovi muzicki pravci, imate google za 10-ak minuta se mozete upoznati sa zanrovima i podzanrovima...





  • 9 months later...
  • 5 months later...
gde se može nabaviti onaj split singl? zna li možda neko....da nije rasprodato :confused:


Ne bi trebalo da je rasprodat, mogo je da se kupi na svirci Hanga i Punished-a,

al ,islim da ovaj jedan ortak radi distro, pa cu ga pitati...

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...





FY#27//29 DAZD - s/t LP//CD

"Existing in different shapes, DAZD (Belgrade, Serbia) have been crafting their rituals under the sign of libertarian mystic forces for almost 15 years.

A product of alchemy; ingredients included are earth power, surrealism, horror, crusty thrash and heavy doom not unlike AMEBIX, PENTAGRAM, GISM and HELLHAMMER.

Artwork courtesy of Jason Barnett.

Vinyl limited to 400 black and 100 white copies. The CD version contains one extra song. I also made some embroided patches.

The LP costs 10 euros, the CD is 5 euros, the patch is 3.5 euros."


Disk mozete nabaviti preko Dazd myspace stranice i Fuck Yoga Records, a cini mi se da ce biti i preko PMK Records-a.

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