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hmm... chudno da nema tema o ovom bendu...


dakle ovakva im je postava...


Claudia - voice, flutes

Ricardo - violin, chorus

Lanio - drums

Danilo - keyboards, flutes, voice

Marcelo - guitar

Claudio - guitar, chorus


imaju jedan demo:

El Despetar de Briselas Demo, 2006


podsecjaju malo na aes danu, ako je neko chuo...


ak je neko chuo, nek kazhe ne

Posted (edited)

Vidim da su iz Bretanje.


Current line-up

Gwadsec'hedik Kraban (Loïc Courtete) - guitars, vocals, whistle (Nydvind, Bran Barr, Inborn Suffering)

Ossian (Dispater) - guitars, backing vocals

Mylgaon Vibuc'h - bass (Mourning Dawn, Ond Aand, Funeralium (as Toxine))

Yskithyrwynn - drums, backing vocals (Funeralium)

Hades - flute (Bran Barr, Aes Dana, Sword)




Inace, njihovo ime na bretonskom jeziku znaci The Dark Sun.

Edited by Shamandalie
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Izvinjavam se na necropostu, ali ovo stvarno treba ozivaljavati. Inace, Heol Telwen i Aes Dana dele neke clanove, medju kojima je i frulas, pa mozda otud slicnost. Mada, na pazljivije slusanje, i ne lice toliko. Heol Telwen je dosta vise black metal orijentisan, ima brzih delova, dok Aes Dana cesce ima pesme srednjeg tempa. Nadam se da ce i Heol izdati neki novi album, mnogo je vremena proslo.

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