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Nisam moga da verujem kada sam video ovo....

Pogledajte Fishera na shta lichi.....


Osim toga Fisher nece vishe imati moderne spravice koje ce mu pomagati jer je od USA vlade dobio nogu u dupe :) ali ce zato moci da koristi sve predmete iz svoje okoline....


Jedva chekam da vidim kako ce to izgledati...


Screenove mozhete naci ovde:





Posted (edited)

Wow ovo je bash preokret... postao je kljoshar. Mozda se ovo desava pre nego sto je postao zajebani agent?

Meni kewl deluje. :da:


Huh ja nisam ni prethodni deo igrao.

Aj na stranu sto mislim da mi nebi dobro radio nego sto ne mogu od autorun-a nista da radim. Kako mi se upali to sranje ukoci mi kompjuter nacisto. Igra se pokrece iz autoruna pa je to problem. Jel se jos nekom desilo ovako nesto?

Edited by Sinstrel

the story will take place two years after the events of Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Sam is brought out of hiding/retirement because of an unspecified danger to his friend and co-worker Anna Grimsdottir. Upon his return to Third Echelon, he discovers the organization has fallen into disarray caused by bureaucratic limitations and internal power struggles. Incensed by the inability of Third Echelon to do what's right, red tape be damned, Sam strikes out on his own, becoming a wanted fugitive in the vein of the exploits of Jack Bauer or Jason Bourne.

  • 3 weeks later...
Igra se pokrece iz autoruna pa je to problem. Jel se jos nekom desilo ovako nesto?


Meni sasvim normalno radi....zavisi kakvu verziju imash...ako imash onu na 6 diskova shto ide ta je verzija puna bagova...ja sam sa neta skinuo verziju koja ide na jedan dual layer disk i igra sasvim normalno radi.....


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...
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