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Mindless Self Indulgence Interview in Support of You’ll Rebel To Anything


by Wes Robertson




PunkTV.ca: This is my first interview with anyone so…


Urine: Alright, poppin’ your cherry! [Laughs]




PunkTV.ca: To begin, musically, I have a few questions.


Kitty: Uh-oh. We just have to warn you, because this is your first interview, we’ll just go EHN! every time you ask us a question we have heard in the past.




PunkTV.ca: Between Frankenstein Girls and You’ll Rebel To Anything, there seems to be a change in the sound style you are going for. Have you guys decided to slightly change the direction MSI is going in on the new albums?


U: Yeah, we made the songs slightly longer and we pulled the BPM down just a bit. Not for the people out there, but for the industry people, for the guys on the radio station that were like “this is minute long and it is 250 beats per minute! We can’t play this!”


K: We’re dumbing it down.


U: We’re dumbing it down for the format.




PunkTV.ca: Was there a reason the album was so short in comparison?


U: They are actually both similar, there is really not that huge of an amount of difference in the time.




PunkTV.ca: But in the number of tracks…


U: Number of tracks yeah, because in the first one there was like a fifty second song and a one minute song and then a minute thirty song… what is the longest song on that?




PunkTV.ca: Three minutes, with “I Hate Jimmy Page”.


U: Yeah, that comes in at just about…


K: That’s our epic, our rock opera.


U: Our eight minute “Stairway to Heaven”.




PunkTV.ca: You are definitely growing in popularity, you have a MySpace with over 100,00 fans, a huge amount compared to four years ago. Do you see this popularity affecting your musical direction at all?


U: No. I hope it affects our paychecks. That’s all I care about.




PunkTV.ca: Has it been?


U: We’ll find out [Laughs]. I have a hovercraft.




PunkTV.ca: You’ll Rebel seemed more polished…


U: Did it? We worked on that for a while.




PunkTV.ca: Really? I’ve read interviews where you said you spent very little time…


U: Well, we don’t spend a ton of time, not compared to most people.


Lyn-Z: Compared to us…


U: Compared to us it was a lot of time. It was a month. That was damn on schedule I have to say, I was proud of that.


L: No, we banged that shit out.


U: Yeah, Machine was really helpful on that, as far as ching-ching-ching-ching-ching.




PunkTV.ca: Do you plan on continuing the…? [Editor’s note: Steve, Righ? enters the room]


K: There he is!


U: Answer this question!


Steve, Righ?: Four times if we’re in the north, seven if we’re in the south.




PunkTV.ca: Do you plan on continuing this…


U: I cannot predict what is going to come out of my ass!


S: I can predict what is coming out of my ass.


U: All right!




PunkTV.ca: Will it be more polished?


U: [Laughs] It all depends. What did you have for breakfast? Are you a twenty-four hour pooper?


S: Yeah, just stick it in my ass. What are we doing?


U: We are doing an interview.




PunkTV.ca: Are there any plans to do anything with Tight? Like a re-issue?


U: Maybe, one day. We are going to wait until the eBay selling price is like 600 dollars instead of this lousy 200 dollars.


S: Yeah.


U: Then we will release it. Ha-ha! Just when it is 600 dollars and outbidding ours that go for 200, we’ll put it out and they will all fall!




PunkTV.ca: Just to crush the hopes of the guy selling at 600?


S: Crush everything.


K: Crush!




PunkTV.ca: Is there any plan for a second Left Rights?


S: We are working on the Blue Reds right now. [Laughs]


U: I’m the Revs! The South will rise again!


S: Blue RED.


U: Ohh… I wanted to do the Blue Revs.


S: You are pedantic.


U: Was there ever a plan for the first one?


S: No, we didn’t even plan the first one. There is no plan.


U: You guys think we plan stuff a lot of the time. “Is there going to be a plan?” “Is the next one going to be polished?”


S: Oh, he thought Rebel was polished?




PunkTV.ca: Moreso than Frankenstein Girls, yeah.


S: Yeah, because the recording levels were up.


U: Thanks for coming!


S: We are going to polish it so much that it will sound above a dog whistle.


U: Only dogs can hear it. Just blowing the fucking dog whistle.


S: You blow your bone…


U: One hundred and twenty-five dollars.


S: Wow, steep. [Laughs]




PunkTV.ca: Do you guys ever get bored of us? Touring?


U: Interviews?




PunkTV.ca: Interviews, the fans, the touring, the general nonsense? Or is it still a lot of fun?


U: It’s fun…


S: How do you want us to answer that? If we answer it honestly we look like geeks. Yeah, it’s fun. Why wouldn’t it be fun? It is just as fun as it ever was.


L: My favorite thing to do, actually, is when the bus pulls up next to the lines and…


S: Staring at people.


L: Yeah.


S: Say things about them.


L: Yeah.


S: If you think about what we are actually doing… even last night I was signing some stuff and some kid was like, “don’t you get tired of doing this?” and I was like… “would you?”


U: Honestly, for me, and I think it may be the same for you, once we are not able to get away with anything more…


S: Oh yeah, definitely.


U: Then it will be really sucky. But, hopefully, we can kind of take what we have been doing and push it up but, I don’t know.




PunkTV.ca: What do you mean “not get away with anything”?


U: Like once it gets to the point where… like you have seen a giant band in a huge arena that don’t get to jump down and hang out with fans. They go to the bus, have to be rushed by security, and once it becomes ridiculously over the top and you aren’t allowed to get away with anything, when I can’t run around like an idiot and jump everywhere, then it is going to get more and more… the more confined you are.




PunkTV.ca: So… excess popularity would be the downfall of MSI, perhaps?


S: No, no, no, no, no.


U: No… I don’t know yet. I mean, we’ve gotten this far…


S: We thought this would suck. I don’t think we would ever do that, we would always find a way. I think that a lot of those bands want to be rushed away. The just make it this routine where they have the hotel room, they have these skank hos in there, and that is all they fucking do. Which is fine for them…


U: We are never just backstage I mean… look at this! This is just a room. We are out there, and then when the music is done we continue.


S: We stay out there. We come back here for five minute, take a water, throw up.


U: Make sure our hair looks fantastical!


S: And then go back out until everyone is ushered out.


U: Sometimes we usher them all the way to their cars. Not you though.




PunkTV.ca: This is good enough. So, say MSI became platinum selling…






PunkTV.ca: Would you guys still think you would be out in the audience?


U: I’d try to be. I don’t know where it stops. Something is going to have to go.


K: The day I get shanked.


U: Yeah, the day I get stabbed is the day that this ends. There are a couple of kids going “ok, I know what to do now” [Laughs]


K: I want to throw that gauntlet down.


S: I want to put it this way: it is not impossible that we’ll get to that point, but why bother speculating what we will be doing?


K: Even if we did, we would work out something.


S: Who is to say it is even going to get there? Fuck thinking about that shit.


U: We’ve got a show to put on!


S: We’ve got a show to put on! We enjoy doing it, people seem to enjoy coming to it, and that is it. If they decide it isn’t fun anymore, we’ll still be doing it.


U: Especially if they hate it.




PunkTV.ca: When you first started MSI, when you first started recording, what inspired you? Or was it just a let’s just do it for fun thing?


U: Let’s just do it.


S: Not for fun necessarily.


U: For lack of anything else like it.




PunkTV.ca: Do you have an influence at all, musically?


S: Everything.


U: Too much stuff. Too many options.


S: Influences both positive and negative, we were more influenced by bands we didn’t like than bands we liked, “artists” that we liked, because we wanted to do something that was completely apart from what we hated at the time. That is what we really wanted to do at the time. We wanted to see this band, but we couldn’t, because they didn’t exist. So let’s do it. And let’s annoy people the most while we are doing it.




PunkTV.ca: What band that you hated the most has inspired you the most?


U: Oooooh, he flipped that on you nigga’.


S: I would just say, as a collective, Jock Rock. That whole testosterone infused shit.




PunkTV.ca: What is the worst of the worst? The cream of the crap?


U: There are so many, that’s the problem. We can’t lay it on one motherfucking band, there is no motherfucking band that is that bad. Backstreet Boys, Limp Bizkit, no. There is a whole slew of shit.


S: And all of those bands have something good about them. Like Wes Borland was cool in Limp Bizkit.


U: And I really like the chair thing that they did in the Backstreet Boys. That was dope.


S: Well Backstreet’s back!


All: Alright!




PunkTV.ca: As a genre, you’d say Jock Rock is the worst?


S & U: No!


U: You aren’t getting the answers but you are asking the questions!




PunkTV.ca: We can change this line…


S: No, no. We want you to understand it.


K: Can I put Stoner Rock in their too?


S: Anything that is…


L: Jam bands.


K: Jam bands are awful.


U: It could even be a band that is ok but maybe the lead singer says the stupidest shit live.


S: Like us.


U: Whatever you find that you can’t stand. Things that people do, and it doesn’t matter what band they are in. They do the same stupid shticks all the time. “Hey, alright, get up you motherfuckers!” It doesn’t matter, you could be in a Jock Rock band, a fucking war band, or 30 Seconds to Mars and the guy is going to be like, “Hey you motherfuckers!”


S: How about Gerard, that is the most bizarre one, from My Chemical Romance?


U: Oh, I know! I expected him to be…


S: “Get your hands in the air! Alright you fuckers!”


U: Yeah, what the fuck? It is like they go to the 101 school. Shut the fuck up! You have a good shot, why are you ruining it with crap?


S: It doesn’t matter, that’s why.


U: That’s right, you can do anything.


S: Anybody can do anything, but I guess that is why we are quote unquote “different”.


U: Too smart for our own good. It is all about crying about your purple heart.


S: I got a purple heart for lettin’ a fart. No, see, people don’t notice if you do the same shit. They don’t care. They will just eat what is force fed to them, but it gives us stuff to stay away from.


U: We should do that tonight guys, just go “Alright! Get your hands in the air! You motherfuckers want to rock?”


S: Bring out a chair…


U: The problem is they aren’t smart enough for that and will go “wow… that’s cool…”


S: That is the problem. But for our own amusement, we don’t like doing that shit.




PunkTV.ca: As far as the people do the opposite of what you are talking about, who has been the most impressive or fun to see when you were touring with them? What band has been the most engaging with the audience?


U: That we’ve toured with?




PunkTV.ca: Yeah, that you have toured with. Who did the opposite of what we are talking about?


S: Actually, the more you do what we are not liking, the more you engage the audience.


U: The bigger the audience, and the lower the common denominator, the easier you are going to get everyone to go “YEAH!”




PunkTV.ca: Who impressed you the most though?


S: By not doing that shit?




PunkTV.ca: Yeah, with onstage persona and what they did with the audience. That you toured with.


U: That we’ve toured with?


K: What about…


U: I have to say, I like a lot of the smaller acts. The smaller acts that are not set up like bands always intrigue me.




PunkTV.ca: Not set up like bands?


U: Like the opening guy tonight [Editor’s note: The Show is the Rainbow] is just a guy with a projection screen and a microphone. I like that kind of stuff, the opening band that isn’t a band. When it is local support it is like, “hey… we’re Burning Soul” and it’s crap. But, a lot of times, because of the kind of band we are, we end up attracting a lot of geeky weird basement bands.




PunkTV.ca: Like the Super 8-Bit Brothers.


U: Exactly. That type of a thing. Those kind of bands I enjoy more, because at least I am going to be entertained by “what’s the shtick?” The video game thing is the shtick and they have the sword… what was it… Fun Club… these little bands with a cool shtick that aren’t set up like a regular band I always find entertaining.


L: Steven and I got to watch AFI the other day and they did good. They were amusing.


U: They actually did stuff?


S: Yeah, but we didn’t tour with them. We want to.




PunkTV.ca: My friend told me to ask you: what is art?


U: Is it a god?


S: What kind of person is your friend?


U: Does he have a beard? Art is getting paid a dollar to kiss every single person in the front row.


S: That is art.


U: That is my art. I take home a lot for my art, I get like two hundred bucks a night.




PunkTV.ca: You make two hundred bucks a night kissing people?


S: At least.


U: Watch me tonight. You’ll see it.


K: It’s a social commentary.


S: That is thing. Really, what is it? It is a way to make two hundred dollars. But it is your art. If he says it is his art, it is his art.




PunkTV.ca: Speaking of social commentary…


S: Uh-oh. Are we going to have to kick you in the balls?




PunkTV.ca: Hold up, hold up. Let me finish before I get kicked in the nuts. If I deserve it, I will take what’s coming.


U: Alright! [Laughs]




PunkTV.ca: It seems like from Frankenstein Girls to You’ll Rebel the lyrics seem to be less “just for fun” and more to have some “point”, if I can use that word…


S: I get what you are driving at.


K: That is just what we want you to think.


U: It’s probably because you can actually understand the lyrics this time.


S: The songs are a bit slower, number one, and number two I think there is a little less jabberwocky going on. I don’t think that is on purpose though.


U: No, I just think that is the way it is.


K: The anti-message is our message.




PunkTV.ca: The anti-message? The anti-message is what?


K: Our art.


S: Yeah, that’s art. Don’t ask her to explain it! It is her art!




PunkTV.ca: Would you say MSI has a single message?


U: What do you want us to be? You seem to be… “are you going to me more popular? Are you…”


S: It is interesting though.


U: I know, I know.


K: I’m actually quite serious about that. Our message is the anti-message.


U: It is.


S: But I don’t think that is necessarily…


U: Not anarchy.


All: No.


S: And not “not having a message”, but I think in doing that we put across a message.


U: We do. We collect a bunch of people who believe the same thing.


K: The whole thing is that we don’t want to hit people over the head with a message.


U: And look at the people we attract… we get a lot of geeky, not nerdy, but you know… not just someone who might read a lot, but someone who knows all the lines to Star Wars, and at the same time people that like fast, crazy music.


S: And Star Wars.


U: And Star Wars! All sorts… a big, bizarre fucking collection out there.


S: But then there are also quote-unquote “normal people” out their too.


L: I mean, our audience is awesome. At most shows it is all the same kind of person, but at our shows they are all…


S: Different types of people.


U: People say they can always tell our fans. You can see them a block away.


S: That is true, you can kind of spot them.


K: They all have the same odor.


U: [Laughs] They do have the same odor.




PunkTV.ca: How would you describe MSI fan musk?


K: Cold cuts.


U: Cold cuts and chicken soup.


S: I smelled a girl the other day who smelled like a straight up hamburger with raw onions on it. But, then again, I smell like shit and cat piss most of the time.




PunkTV.ca: I didn’t mean to try to put you in a box earlier with questions.


S: No, it is engaging questions, and we aren’t used to that.


U: Usually it is “so… where are you guys from…?”


S: You actually know something about us. It is just like “ugh” because now we have to think.


U: Engage us again. What is the next question?




PunkTV.ca: I have one more question from my “what is art” friend, which is even dumber, but if you could have a farm, and raise either pegasi or unicorns, which would it be?


K: Awesome question.


U: Pegasus.


S: Yeah.


L: Of course! They can fly.


K: Unicorns just have a horn.


U: Yeah, what does a unicorn do?


K: Horses that fly…


L: Unicorns have magical powers.


U: I don’t like fucking narwhals anyway.




PunkTV.ca: Does MSI have a vendetta against narwhals?


U: [Laughs] Yeah we do, why do you think there are so few of them left in the world? We have a whole bunch of narwhal horns in our van.


K: That is the name of our next album.


U: What? Horns in the Back of Our Car?


K: No, Narwhal Vendetta. I’m thinking of making a side project.


U: No! THE Narwhal Vendetta.


K: Lyn-Z and I are The Narwhal Vendetta. Officialy.


S: I think that should be the name of your band.


K: Lyn-Z and I should wear horns on stage.


L: Yes!


K: We should!


U: She has a fine shackle so she can go into the frozen north and…


S: Shut up…




PunkTV.ca: Will you be using authentic narwhal horns is the question.


U: She’s got to sharpen her fucking harpoons.


K: We’ll just make them out of glitter and stuff.


U: Most narwhals have glitter on their fucking horns. Swimming through the artic going “oh I’ve got glitter everywhere whooo”.




PunkTV.ca: A narwhal horn made from 100% glitter would be an impressive sight.


U: Hell yeah, that would be a lot of glitter. Lot of glue.


L: It’s magic.


S: Do what you can with that.




PunkTV.ca: Thank you very much for your time, is there any final thing that MSI… I have no idea how to end an interview so…


U: Telling you how other people have done it so you can avoid that, they usually go with your “any final words?” or station ID or some shit.


S: What we could do is throw things at you as you run out of the room, would that work?




PunkTV.ca: Which object would be the best object for MSI to throw at me as I leave the room?


U: I think that burning fucking candle would work well.


S: Hot wax, baby!




PunkTV.ca: Awesome, thank you very much.


haha u principu je sranje, ali ima par highlight momenata. tipa:


PunkTV.ca: My friend told me to ask you: what is art?


U: Is it a god?


S: What kind of person is your friend?


U: Does he have a beard? Art is getting paid a dollar to kiss every single person in the front row.


S: That is art.


U: That is my art. I take home a lot for my art, I get like two hundred bucks a night.




PunkTV.ca: You make two hundred bucks a night kissing people?


S: At least.


U: Watch me tonight. You’ll see it.


K: It’s a social commentary.


S: That is thing. Really, what is it? It is a way to make two hundred dollars. But it is your art. If he says it is his art, it is his art.





The Lef Rights



side projekat Jimmy i Steve Righ?

Nebuloza totalna, samo pevaju o sranju, masturbaciji i slicnim bolestinama (to cak nije ni pevanje vec glupiranje).

And i :wub: it.


Evo i dve pesme koje nisu izdate ni na jednom MSI albumu, tacnije ovo su B-side stvari






I jos samo da IF procuri ranije i bice banja!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Veoma sam zadovoljan albumom, koji je totalno u easy healing and listening fazonu :)


I zanimljivo je cuti sve pesme koje su izbacivali na demoima i na live-ovima sa boljom produkcijom (bomb this track, revenge, mark david chapman, animal, due).


tekstovi su i dalje naravno tounge in cheek stilu, bez dlake na jeziku jelte ;)


favoriti su vec izdvojeni: Get it up, prescription, money...


sada samo da procuri engleska verzija sa bonus pesmama i remiksima.


conclusion me very happy B):wub:



ovo sam upravo procitao na netu:


A b-side was included

on the single, a cover of "closer" by nine inch nails recorded during the

pink sessions. It was released exclusively through American Eagle on February 12, 2008.



Edited by Ultimate Bastich

Svako njihovo izdanje jebe, nisu nista lose izbacili do sada, dobro sem mozda onog shut me up remiks albuma, ne dopada mi se kako su neki bendovi odradili posao <_<


Evo jos jedno malo iznenadjenje za ljubitelje MSI, IF lirike:


Never Wanted To Dance


There is nothin' you can do that I've not already done to myself [x3]

Now there is nothin' you can do that I've not already done to myself (woah)


Never wanted to dance with nobody, not you (doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doo-doo-do-do)

Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you (doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doo-doo-do-do) [x2]

Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you wouldn't take no for an answer you fuckin' bitch








Don't let me go (go)

I'm too cool for the second GRADE


I'm too cool for the second GRADE

THERE IS NOTHIN', YA CAN DO, that I've not already done to myselllllllllllllllf



There is nothin' you can do that I've not already done to myself [x3]

Now there is nothin' you can do that I've not already done to myself (woah)


Never wanted to dance with nobody, not you (doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doo-doo-do-do)

Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you (doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doo-doo-do-do) [x2]

Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you wouldn't take no for an answer you fuckin' bitch








Don't let me go (go)

I'm too cool for the second GRADE


I'm too cool for the second GRADE

THERE IS NOTHIN', YA CAN DO, that I've not already done to myselllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf


Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you wouldn't take no for an answer you fuckin' bitch


Never wanted to dance with nobody, not you (doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doo-doo-do-do)

Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you (doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doo-doo-do-do)

Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you wouldn't take no for an answer you fuckin' bitch



Evening Wear


This is my vindication

With a little decoration

No need to keep you waitin' (nahnahnahnah)


Be intimidated

By what we have created

Kiss underneath the radaaaaaaaaar


I got myself a fuckin' life

Dressed up in evening wear

I dress myself in fuckin' lies

I don't care

Make-up won't help me oblige too much

It's not faaa-air

To be compared to you-ou-ou [x2]

To be compared to

(You-ou-ou bap-bap-bada-bap)

(Be-be-be ba-ba-bada-ba)

(You-ou-ou bap-bap-bada-bap)

(Be-be-be bap-ba-ba-ba-da-da-da)


Just call me "Mr. Modest"

I got it and I flaunt it

You can applaud if you wanna (nahnahnahnah)


Cock-blockin' non-stoppin'

When this ass is a-rockin'

Do not come a-knockin' (nahnahnahnah)


I got myself a fuckin' life

Dressed up in evening wear

I dress myself in fuckin' lies

I don't care

Make-up won't help me oblige too much

It's not faaa-air

To be compared to you-ou-ou [x2]

To be compared to

(You-ou-ou baaa ba-ba-bap)

(Be-be-be ba-ba-bada-ba)

(You-ou-ou bap-bap-bada-bap)

(Be-be-be bap-bap-bada-da-bap)


Everybody wants to join the club

Once you join the club, the innocence is gone

Everybody wants to be the bomb

But once you are the bomb, the innocence is gone

Everybody wants a big ol' slice

Of a little pie, the innocence is gone

Everybody wants in [x2]

Everybody wants


I got myself a fuckin' life

Dressed up in evening wear

I dress myself in fuckin' lies

Guess what?

I don't care

Make-up won't help me oblige too much

It's not faaair

Dressed down until I disappear

But I won't do it alo-o-one

No I won't do it alo-o-one

Oh I won't do it alooone


Be-be-be ba-ba-bada-ba

(You-ou-ou bap-bap-bada-bap)

(Be-be-be bap-bap-bada-da-bap)

(You-ou-ou bap-bap-bada-bap)







Lights Out


Who the hell said any of you get a taste sssssstupid?

Do you ever wanna get up all in your face?

You better t-t-t-t-t-t-take it

And nothin' you can do could make me ever go away

F-F-F-F-F-F-Fake it

Poor baby I'm gonna make it all okay


P-P-P-P-P-P-Punch your lights out

Hit the pavement

That's what I call entertainment

Causin' problems makes you famous

All the violence makes a statement

Punch your lights out

Hit the pavement

That's what I call entertainment

Causin' problems makes you famous



She better get with the club


Who the hell said any of you get a taste sssssstupid?

Do you ever wanna get up all in your face?

You better t-t-t-t-t-t-take it

And nothin' you can do could make me ever go away

F-F-F-F-F-F-Fake it

Poor baby I'm gonna make it all okay


P-P-P-P-P-P-Punch your lights out

Hit the pavement

That's what I call entertainment

Causin' problems makes you famous

All the violence makes a statement

Punch your lights out

Hit the pavement

That's what I call entertainment

Causin' problems makes you famous



(Doo doo-doo doo) [x2]





(Ohhhhhhhh) Punch your lights out (OhOhhOhOhhhhhhhh)

That's what I call entertainment

(Ohhhhhhhh) Punch your lights out (OhOhhOhOhhhhhhhh)


Punch your lights out

Hit the pavement

That's what I call entertainment

Causin' problems makes you famous

All the violence makes a statement

Punch your lights out

Hit the pavement

That's what I call entertainment

Causin' problems makes you famous



(Doo doo-doo doo) [x2]







[Jimmy, L:] Doctor

[Jimmy, R:] Patient


I'm the doctor, I'm the patient

Don't forget that, it's important

If ya love me, like I love me

Everybody will be sorry


Well I don't need nothin' before the show

I don't need nothin', well that's not so

I need something before the show

Just a little something to make me GOOOOO


Wow Woah Ohh

Ya kna-kna-know what I want?

Wow Woah Ohh

Ya kna-kna-know what I want?

Give me more [x2]

Pretty please - a prescription

Give me more [x2]

Pretty please - a prescription


I don't need no one screwin' up my fun

Over the counter, fill that prescription

I don't need no one screwin' up my fun

Over the counter, fill that prescription


I'm the doctor, I'm the patient

Don't forget that, it's important

If ya love me, like I love me

Everybody will be sorry


Well I don't need nothin' before the show

I don't need nothin', well that's not so

I need something before the show

Just a little something to make me GOOOOO


Wow Woah Ohh

Ya kna-kna-know what I want?

Wow Woah Ohh

Ya kna-kna-know what I want?

Give me more [x2]

Pretty please - a prescription

Give me more [x2]

Pretty please - a prescription


I don't need no one screwin' up my fun

Over the counter, fill that prescription

I don't need no one screwin' up my fun

Over the counter, fill that prescription

I don't need no one screwin' up my fun

Turn down the bass and fill that prescription







I don't need nothin' before the show

I don't need nothin', no that's not so

I don't need nothin' before the show

I don't need nothin', noooo that's not so

I don't need nothin' before the show

I don't need nothin' but that's not so

I neeeed something before the show

Just a little something to make me GOOOOO


Wow Woah Ohh

Ya kna-kna-know what I want?

Wow Woah Ohh

Ya kna-kna-know what I want?

Make it stop [x2]

Pretty please - a prescription

Make it stop [x2]

Pretty please - a prescription








*champagne pop and bubbles*


Oohh, I'd rather fuck ya than kiss ya (kiss ya)

But I won't press the issue

You know what I need is (I need, I need)

And ya never gonna be it (be it)

I shoulda hesitated

Limousine inebriated

So unsophisticated (-cated)

Too late to be debated


It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out

Lets go make out with her friends

Make out with her friends' friends

It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out

Lets go make out with her friends





*champagne pop and bubbles*


Oohh, I want a lot of profanity

With a lot less virginity

It's a boy's intuition

With her wack explanation

'Cause I'm on that mission

With deducted admission

Now take my clothes off

And show me what you're made of


It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out

Lets go make out with her friends

Make out with her friends' friends

It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out



Excuse me, do you want to screw? [x2]

I'm so amazing in the sack

Yes, I'm so amazing in the sack




*champagne pop and bubbles*


[Jimmy:] I'd rather fuck you than kiss you


I want a lot of profanity

With a lot less virginity


Now take those clothes off

And show me what you're made of


It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out


It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out

Lets go make out with her friends

Make out with her friends' friends

Make out with her friends, make out with her friends' friends [x8]



Get It Up


[Jimmy:] Gentlemen


Screwin' in moderation

Screwin' is such a bore

None of my time is wasted

I do that shit on tour


[Chantal:] Oh yeah

[Jimmy:] Alright

[Chantal:] Oh yeah

[Jimmy:] Alright


I wanna make some babies

I wanna get it on

I wanna make you horny

But I can't get it up

I wanna make some money

But I don't want no job

I wanna make you horny

But I can't get it up


[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up?

[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up?

[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up? [x2]


It must be your face (eww eww)

Or it's your body

If it ain't your body

Then it must be your face


Screwin' in moderation

Screwin' is such a bore

None of my time is wasted

I do that shit on tour


[Chantal:] Oh yeah

[Jimmy:] Alright

[Chantal:] Oh yeah

[Jimmy:] Alright


I wanna make some babies

I wanna get it on

I wanna make you horny

But I can't get it up

I wanna make some money

But I don't want no job

I wanna make you horny

But I can't get it up


[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up?

[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up?

[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up? [x2]


[Jimmy:] Oh, Jesus

[Jimmy:] I-I'd never had this problem before, it's just a

[Jimmy:] Hold on a second

[Jimmy:] Give it a minute, give it a minute

[Jimmy:] Alright, just give it a minute


[Jimmy:] Ah, te-ugh do something sexy

[Jimmy:] I don't care, do something sexy

[Jimmy:] Just whatever you do don't talk about your fucking boyfriend while we're having sex how about that?


[Chantal:] Oh yeah

[Jimmy:] Alright

[Chantal:] Oh yeah

[Jimmy:] Alright


I wanna make some babies

I wanna get it on

I wanna make you horny

But I can't get it up

I wanna make some money

But I don't want no job

I wanna make you horny

But I can't get it up


[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up?

[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up?

[Jimmy:] Get it up

[Chantal:] Why can't you get it up? [x2]


It must be your face (eww eww)

Or it's your body

If it ain't your body

Then it must be your face





[Kitty:] Okay, alright people

[Kitty:] Come on pay attention

[Kitty:] Girls come on

[Kitty:] Hope everybody remembers the cheer

[Kitty:] Because certain people last time did not remember the cheer

[Kitty:] So lets get it together

[Kitty:] Okay we've got a game next week


[Kitty:] Alright... One *clap*clap* *clap*... Two *clap*clap* *clap*


[Cheerleaders:] (NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa) [x8]


This... is... my... re... VENGE


Have a little tease

Watch what I do

Here's a little taste

Of how it's gonna be from now on


You fucked me and my friend

Dumped my friends and me

Now I'm special enough to make a case for jealousy

Plus secret sauce, I'm gothalicious with cheese

All the gay things I say make such a pretty melody


Now I wanna say all those bad things about you (boo-hoo)

Where she knows intimate things so everyone hates you (boo-hoo)


This... is... my... re... VENGE


Have a little tease

Watch what I do

Here's a little taste

Of how it's gonna be from now on


You fucked me and my friend

Dumped my friends and me

Now I'm special enough to make a case for jealousy

Plus secret sauce, I'm gothalicious with cheese

All the gay things I say make such a pretty melody


Now I wanna say all those bad things about you (boo-hoo)

Where she knows intimate things so everyone hates you (boo-hoo)


This... is... my... re... VENGE


Have a little tease

Watch what I do

Here's a little taste

Of how it's gonna be from now on


This... is... my... re... vegne... is... my... re... vegne


[Cheerleaders:] (NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa) [x8]


This... is... my... re... VENGE


Have a little tease

Watch what I do

Here's a little taste

Of how it's gonna be from now on


This... is... my... re... vegne... is... my... re... vegne


[Cheerleaders:] (NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa) [x8]





Make a wiiiish

Make it huuuurt

With my haaaand

Up your skiiiirt


Signal directional

Institute correctional

I file in alphabetical

Pass the ha-ha-hypothetical buck


This animal, this animal. This animal, unbelievable [x2]

This animal, this animal. This animal, unbelievableeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



Fuckin' incredible

Senses now exceptional

I frustrate out the medical

Fuck the theoretical butt


With my guuuuns

On the floooor

And The Feeeeds

At the doooor


Signal directional

Institute correctional

I file in alphabetical

Pass the ha-ha-hypothetical buck


This animal, this animal. This animal, unbelievable [x2]

This animal, this animal. This animal, unbelievableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



Oh no but not me

I'm pissed off, ripped off, repeat


Oh no but not me

What's my excuse this time?




This animal, this animal. This animal, unbelievable

This animal, this animal. This animal, unbelievableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



Signal directional

Institute correctional

I file in alphabetical

Pass the ha-ha-hypothetical buck (tonight)

Fuckin' incredible

Senses now exceptional

I frustrate out the medical

Fuck the theoretical butt (tonight)





(Ooo) I am the mastermind

(Ooo) Leaving you all behind

(Ooo) That ain't no fuckin' lie


(Ooo) I am the mastermind

(Ooo) It's just a problem of mine

(Ooo) Just like Columbine



Yoooour time has come

Kiss it all goodBYEEEEEEE

Your time haaaas come

Kiss it all goodbyeeeeeee


What's that ruckus, what's that ruckus, what's that ruckus comin' durin' night?

(That's right, that's right, that's right) - this message cannot be denied

What's that ruckus (ruckus), what's that ruckus (ruckus), what's that ruckus comin' durin' night?

(That's right, that's right, that's right)


(Ooo) I am the mastermind

(Ooo) Underline "mastermind"

(Ooo) 'Til your pencil breaks


(Ooo) I am the mastermind

(Ooo) Heals like a suicide

(Ooo) Your credit has been deniIiIiIed



Yoooour time has come

Kiss it all goodBYEEEEEEE

Your time haaaas come

Kiss it all goodbyeeeeeee


What's that ruckus, what's that ruckus, what's that ruckus comin' durin' night?

(That's right, that's right, that's right) - this shit gon' turn your momma white

What's that ruckus (ruckus), what's that ruckus (ruckus), what's that ruckus comin' durin' night?

(That's right, that's right, that's right)


All penciled in yet? [x4]


[L:] I bet, I bet they never will (WAH)

[R:] I rubber-rubber neck 'em (WAH)

[L:] I wish you never happened (WAH)

[R:] I wish you never happened

[R:] Who don't [L:] wish you never-ever?


[R:] Ah, what ah, what ah? (WAH)

[L:] Alright-alright-alright (WAH)

[R:] I wish you never happened (WAH)

[L:] I wish you never happened

[L:] Who don't [R:] wish you never-ever?


(Ooo) I'm the mastermind

(Ooo) Indulgent by design

(Ooo) This makes me wanna cry

*wah* *wah*wah-wah-wah*


(Ooo) I am the mastermind

(Ooo) And now that I'm satisfied

(Ooo) It's time to say goodbye



Yoooour time has come

Kiss it all goodBYEEEEEEE

Your time haaaas come

Kiss it all goodbyeeeeeee


What's that ruckus, what's that ruckus, what's that ruckus comin' durin' night?

(That's right, that's right, that's right) - I will not apologize

What's that ruckus (baby), what's that ruckus (baby), what's that ruckus comin' durin' night?

(That's right, that's right, that's right)



On It


Wait (wait), I masturbate

Let another motherfucker come and share my fate and pray (pray)


Imma kill a motherfucker with a fax machine and break... it down... for you... to see


'Cause I'm on it - yes indeed

On it - watch me bleed

On it - rest in peace

On it - h-h-hide

You are... So good so far [x2]


Better than this, better than that

Better watch out when you get me goin'

Better than this, better than that

Better watch out when you get me goin' (goin'-goin'-goin'-goin')


Fake (fake), I'm not awake

It ain't my fault you can't relate

Towed (towed), corporate accounts

Gonna hurt somebody with my 24 ounce and break... it down... for you... to see


'Cause I'm on it - yes indeed

On it - watch me bleed

On it - rest in peace

On it - h-h-hide

You are... So good so far [x2]


I'm gonna be the one with my face in a magazine

I'm gonna be the one I have to face


Better than this, better than that

Better watch out when you get me goin'

Better than this, better than that

Better watch out

In the morning I have come

Rock the walls, rock the bass

In the morning I'm gone

Putting you in your place

In the morning I have come

Rock the walls, rock the bass

In the morning I'm gone

Putting you in your place

In the morning I have come




'Cause I'm on it - yes indeed

On it - watch me bleed

On it - rest in peace

On it - h-h-hide

You are... So good so far [x2]


I'm gonna be the one with my face in a magazine

I'm gonna be the one I have to face


Better than this, better than that

Better watch out when you get me goin'

Better than this, better than that

Better watch out when you get me goin'



Pay For It


I know I'll feel this way forever

I know no one will beg to differ

Goodbye, so long, it's been a pleasure


They love me when I say that

I don't want you to hate me (oh no) I want you to wanna to hate me

I don't want you to date me (oh no) I want you to wanna to date me


I wanna pay for it, all of this shit

I wanna pay for it like a god damn son of a bitch

I wanna pay for it, all of this shit

I wanna pay for it like a god damn son of a...




Never gonna be perfect

(No, never gonna be, never good enough, not for me)

I know I'll feel this way forever

(No, never gonna be, never good enough, not for me)

I know no one will beg to differ


They love me when I say that

I don't want you to hate me (oh no) I want you to wanna to hate me

I don't want you to date me (oh no) I want you to wanna to date me


I wanna pay for it, all of this shit

I wanna pay for it like a god damn son of a bitch

I wanna pay for it, all of this shit

I wanna pay for it like a god damn son of a...




Never gonna be perfect


It's never gonna be perfect



I let my motives be my motivations

I'm gonna rock you like a fornications

Too much of her ain't ever hurt me babies

It is aggressive that's the message we send

I let my motives be my motivations

I'm gonna rock you like a fornications

Too much of her ain't ever hurt me babies

It is aggressive that's the message we send


I don't want you to hate me (oh no) I want you to wanna to hate me

I don't want you to date me (oh no) I want you to wanna to date me


I wanna pay for it, all of this shit

I wanna pay for it like a god damn son of a bitch

I wanna pay for it, all of this shit

I wanna pay for it like a god damn son of a...







(DadadaDaDaDaDa DadaDaDaa DadaDaDaa) [x2]


Everyone knows (WHO?) what to know

All except me and that ain't right

Let me know (WHO?) where to get

The respect that I'm due, if only for tonight


Watch me fix it in my basement

With no make-up, I feel naked now



I never really lost the fight but I never really won it


In time my darling


P.S. Welcome to my life


(DadadaDaDaDaDa DadaDaDaa DadaDaDaa) [x2]


Everyone knows (WHO?) what to know

All except me and that ain't right

Let me know (WHO?) where to get

The respect that I'm due, if only for tonight


Watch me fix it in my basement

With no make-up, I feel naked now



I never really lost the fight but I never really won it


In time my darling


P.S. Welcome to my life


(DadadaDaDaDaDa DadaDaDaa DadaDaDaa) [x3]





I'm so money

So mo-nay

Oh baby I'm so money

So mo-nay


(VALLET) I will conform

(HEY) I will play ball

(HAPPY) I won't save for

I make a sacrifice because I want it all

The weu-weu-wittle dog

Weu-Weu-Want it all



I'm so money

So mo-nay

Oh baby I'm so money

So mo-nay





Daddy want the new, persue our new car [x2]

Daddy wants all the money

(VALLET) I will conform

(HEY) I will play ball

(HAPPY) I won't save for

I make a sacrifice because I want it all

The weu-weu-wittle dog

Weu-Weu-Want it all



I'm so money

So mo-nay

Oh baby I'm so money

So mo-nay



(VALLET) I will conform

(HEY) I will play ball

(HAPPY) I won't save for

I make a sacrifice because I want it all

The weu-weu-wittle dog

Weu-Weu-Want it all




Bomb This Track


Yo thanks for the party and the Maserati

Y'all grab my body but now I'm gone, bye

Thanks for the party, the Moet, the girls, the front row tickets - yeah, goodbye

Thanks for the party and the paparazzi

Everybody nosy and now I'm embarrassed

Thanks for the party, the house, the girls, the presents, oh yeah, and doing my laundry


I want to testify, I was not notified, when did my mother start ballin' now and gettin' high?

I want to take a chance, deep in your underpants, all my little girls, everybody kiss my ass


(haha-ha-haha) [x4]






Yo thanks for the party and the Maserati

Y'all grab my body but now I'm gone, bye

Thanks for the party, the Moet, the girls, the front row tickets - yeah, goodbye


I want to testify, I was not notified, when did my mother start ballin' now and gettin' high?

I want to take a chance, deep in your underpants, all my little girls, everybody kiss my ass


(haha-ha-haha) [x4]






For all my scrawny ladies (lady) and my bony ladies (lady)

That's what happens when you take what they is given, baby (baby)

All my horny mommies (mommy) in my buried monies (money)

Pop a cherry and you'll prepare yourself for stormy weather

Quit lookin' at me baby (baby), beats this crooked baby (baby)

Don't you know that they is readin' what I'm writin', baby (baby)

For all my scrawny ladies (lady) and my bony ladies (lady)

That's what happens when you take what they is given, baby






(She don't give up her fucking ass? Don't forget they're walking home) [x4]


Yo thanks for the party and the Maserati

Y'all grab my body but now I'm gone, bye

Thanks for the party, the Moet, the girls, the front row tickets - yeah, goodbye

Thanks for the party and the paparazzi

Everybody nosy and now I'm embarrassed

Thanks for the party, the house, the girls, the presents, oh yeah, and doing my laundry





Indistinguishable from one another

No possible intention to even bother

It doesn't matter what is said or how we say it


We all want to swindle kids out of their money

If you're still doing this because you believe in it



[Jimmy's Mom:] Yo supe que nadie ida comprender tu musica

[i know that nobody is going to understand your music]

[Jimmy's Mom:] Pero tu no mi asiste caso

[but you don't need my help]

[Jimmy's Mom:] Yo te dije

[i told you so]

[Jimmy's Mom:] No te vistes en color rojo

[You shouldn't dress in red colors]


(HEY) When the world's overrun with too many bands

Who's it time for? Mark Chapman

(HEY) We all seem absurd, who will thin out that herd?

Ladies and gentlemen... Mark Chapman


(NOW) There is no heart, there is no fear

We all just cry the same old tear

Don't look to me, I do not lead

I'm just in front and they're following


Some other motherfucker without the balls or cojones to take hold of the reins and use 'em


Why is something so obvious, so elusive?

There is nothing on the menu that will turn abusive

I am part of the problem, not the solution

I'm just a prisoner IN THE SAME PRISON AS YOU

We wait for all the shoes to fall into position

Already obsolete. NO ONE WILL MISS US AT ALL


[Jimmy's Mom:] Yo te dije

[i told you so]

[Jimmy's Mom:] No debes decida firmar una compania de disco tan grande

[You shouldn't have signed with a giant record label]

[Jimmy's Mom:] Ellos no te aprecian

[They don't appreciate you]

[Jimmy's Mom:] Yo no te veo MTV

[i don't see you on MTV]


(HEY) When the world's overrun with too many bands

Who's it time for? Mark Chapman

(HEY) We all seem absurd, who will thin out that herd?

Ladies and gentlemen... Mark Chapman


(NOW) There is no hate, there is no fear

We all just cry the same old tear

I cannot tell. Is it just me?

Or do we all just look just like


Adolf-fuckin'-Hitler with this swoopy emo boy dreamy haircut dangling in our faces

Making us all indescribably indistinguishable from each other

Or maybe I'm just another megalomaniac ooh-hoo-hoo


[Jimmy:] Oohh


[Jimmy:] Reginald, release the hounds!


[Jimmy:] Run to me


(Run to Chapman. Run)


[Jimmy's Mom:] Donde esta todo el dinero que de eres?

[Where's all the money you made?]

[Jimmy:] Ladron


(A de mas, donde esta todo el dinero que de eres? Ladron. A de mas)

[(Again, where's all the money you made? Thief. Again)]





Oh oh oh, oh oh oh

No teachers after school

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh

You're so dead after school

Oh no no

Why don't you beg?

Fatso, hard

Fatso, beg

Fatso, hard


Why don't you say it? Uh-Un-cle [x3]



Why don't you say it you baby?

Run home to momma

Nobody likes you

I'll get you again tomorrow




No good but at least we're down to the road of painted gold

Everyone but you gets down within minutes baby

I really need to decide how I'm going to torture you

Make your life a hell

You can never get over meeting me


Now why don't you beg?

Fatso, hard

Fatso, beg

Fatso, hard


Why don't you say it? Uh-Un-cle [x3]



Why don't you say it you baby?

Run home to momma

Nobody likes you

I'll get you again tomorrow




3 S'


This is what you wanted

This is what you want

And this is what you want baby this is what you want


OH man, I'm gonna to fill you all the way

Up man, I'm gonna screw you all the way

OH man, I'm gonna to fill you all the way

Up man, I'm gonna screw you all the way



'Cause I'm stupid, sadistic, and suicidal

Hard to accept and that's the whole idea behind my motivations

Now is the part for the radio station


I'm the one who's so in love with you


Come out (doo-doo-doo-doo)

You're gonna get it (doo-doo-doo-doo)

Come out (doo-doo-doo-doo)

You're gonna get it (doo-doo-doo-doo)

Right now (doo-doo-doo-doo)


This is what you wanted

This is what you want

And this is what you want baby this is what you want


P.S. Ako neko nadje uncle i 3S pesme obavezno neka postuje ovde.

Ubih se trazeci i nigde jos nema...

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