Генеральный Posted July 22, 2007 Report Posted July 22, 2007 E pa ne secam se kada sam zadnji put gledao nesto takvo. у трећем делу јбт? Quote
CitamPoMraku Posted July 22, 2007 Report Posted July 22, 2007 у трећем делу јбт? Da, ali u cetvrtom delu je rukavica bacena u lice Americkoj vladi a ne licno McLainu, kao u trecem delu. U cetvorci stvari postaju licne tek kad McLain ubije medenu agentkinju. Quote
Џрк Posted July 25, 2007 Report Posted July 25, 2007 Dobar je film, ipak ima neku pricu sa zapletom. Dostojan prethodnika. Quote
Diablo-man Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 Umri mushki 1 mi se najvishe svidja.Ovaj,hm,pa i nije losh,a ocekivao sam nesto bzvz. .... Quote
imaginos Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 pojavila se pesma o serijalu, na fazon zajebancije. odlican tekst. :) "Die Hard" (Guyz Nite) Remember when we first met John McClane? Argyle picked him up from the plane, And took him down to Nakatomi Tower... To meet with Holly. He came to get her back and to be her man, But Hans and his buddies fucked up the plan, And that's about when everything went sour At the Christmas party. And the terrorists were over-zealous, But it was sweet when they killed Ellis! And, with a little help from Allen, John McClane kicked ass! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! No one dies harder than John McClane, Even when his wife's stuck on a plane About to crash into the Potomac River... On the eve of Christmas. And airport security kicked him out, But John McClane is just too damn proud, And nothing could have made him not deliver... 'Cause that's his business! And with a lot of fights and gunplay He blew that plane up on the runway. And, with a little help from Allen, Holly's plane could land! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker! No one dies harder than John McClane, Saving all the passengers on the train. But Simon wasn't clear with his intentions: It was just a distraction! And there was no way McClane could know That Hans Gruber was Simon's bro. And that's what made it "Die Hard: With A Vengeance" With Samuel Jackson! And the good cop wouldn't miss this, Even though it wasn't Christmas. He didn't get any help from Allen... But only in part three! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! Finally we're back with John McClane Now we got a choice, and the choice is plain: We can live free or we can die hard, As hard as we can. From taking on a terrorist he's never met, To taking on an F-35 jet, With the greatest car explosions by far... This sure looks sweet, man! And we know what the basic gist is: There ain't no Allen, and it's not Christmas. We don't know but we're pretty sure that John McClane kicks ass! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker! Quote
Diablo-man Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 (edited) hahahhaahahahahhahahahahah Umro sam od smeha !! hahahah hahahahahah Dobra fora... :) Daj link za tu pesmu :) Prepricani filmovi mislim svaka cast onome ko je ovo napisao.Treba se setiti ovoga DO JAJA Edited August 7, 2007 by AeternaAndNightFallFan Quote
imaginos Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 nemam link za mp3, samo sam gledao spot, a to je MNOGO BOLJE: meni je najjaci stih: "with samuel jackson!". :) Quote
Vlaja Buraz Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 Odlična je stvar. Meni je IV strofa najjača. With the greatest car explosions by far... This sure looks sweet, man! Quote
imaginos Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 sjajno, nema sta! a kad sinhronizuju "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!" sa momentom kad mcclaine to izgovara (sa sve flasterom na celu )? i ceo spot koji prati tekst pesme. brine me sto sam se odusevio ko malo dete. Quote
Azizam Posted August 7, 2007 Report Posted August 7, 2007 Čemu briga, čemu strah... To je die hard ffs... pesma rulz Quote
Diablo-man Posted August 8, 2007 Report Posted August 8, 2007 Znaci do jaja ! Odgledao sam sad klip i extra je ! Svaka cast onome ko je ovo napravio! Ali kad god u pesmi kazu Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker! oni pokazu njega iz filma kako im to kaze! Do jaja! Quote
kuruz Posted August 11, 2007 Author Report Posted August 11, 2007 Мислим да сам о томе писао још пре месец дана, та песма је ишла уз неке трејлере. Много се лако памти, толико је глупава да је добра. Quote
Diablo-man Posted August 11, 2007 Report Posted August 11, 2007 Pesma je extra slushash i smejesh se heheheh Dobra fora...a i ne morash da gledash 4 fila dovoljno da preslushash pesmu i to ti je kao da si odgledao filmove Quote
RNA Posted August 11, 2007 Report Posted August 11, 2007 Ја не могу да је слушам, музика је потпуно огавна. Глупава америчка модерна тин баљезгарија. Quote
SerbZmaj Posted August 12, 2007 Report Posted August 12, 2007 Film je super......bam...beng.... hahah A pesma je zakon Quote
krezavy Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 uuu kekstra je film! bash sam ga skoro overio! Quote
Sandman Posted September 1, 2007 Report Posted September 1, 2007 Ја не могу да је слушам, музика је потпуно огавна. Глупава америчка модерна тин баљезгарија. Ma muzika jeste jadna,ali je pesma do jaja za zezanje. Quote
RNA Posted September 1, 2007 Report Posted September 1, 2007 (edited) Ма, и за зезање има много бољих песама. Ово је једнократна нумерица за рекламирање филма и ни за шта друго. Edited September 1, 2007 by RNA Quote
Angelystor Posted March 8, 2010 Report Posted March 8, 2010 Uzeo ovih dana da konacno gledam nastavke mojih omiljenih akcija iz detinjstva, Rambo, Indiana, Dajhard... Pre svega: JEBENO NAJBOLJI UMRSI MUSKI DO SADA!!! KO NIJE GLEDAO ODMA U BIOSKOP!!!!! Jebote WOI na kojim li si ti lekovima bio :] Ne da nije najbolji, nego (kao i nastavci gorespomenutih), nije ni smeo da postoji. DH3 je uspeo da se odvoji super-uspesno od fazona jedne lokacije, a u tome je pomoglo sto je imao Semjuela i Dzeremi fakin' Ajronsa... Koga ovo ima? Dzastinga Longa, wtf? Onaj FBI polucrnac mudo je verovatno jedan od najdosadnijih likova koje sam video u akcionim filmovima. Ovo i 'ajde, ali Rambo je vredjanje mozga. Mogao sam umesto onoga da uzmem Painkiller da igram, sl. efekat. U stvari, najveci problem kod ovih filmova mi je sto...jebote gledam 60godisnjake kako izvode vratolomije, jurcaju, ubijaju se... Indiana se nabije u frizider, Brus Vilis u 24h iskoci iz 10ak automobila, prezivi isto toliko fajtova i prezivi skakanje sa aviona na sjeban put... A? Hvala nebeskim kockicama, pa je Son Koneri gospodin, inace bi verovatno i on za dovoljnu kolicinu para pristao da glumi u nekom Dr. Yes ili sta ti ga znam. Quote
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