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Nemam stalnu IP adresu, ali mi "prepoznaje" komp i ne mogu da skidam 2 puta zaredom.


Probao sam i da "cupam" modem, i resetujem konekciju, restartujem komp...

Moguce da je EUnet podelio domene i ostavio im iste IP adrese pa da tako prepoznaje...

Ako neko zna resenje neka javi. ;)


Bedak. Jesi li brisao cache, cookies i te fazone? Ako nista izgooglaj neke hackove, nacices neki da radi...

Ja sam uplatio pa se klatim :mrgreen: Zao mi bilo vise da zezam rapid :)

A tebi, Sanjos, ne znam sta da kazem, meni radi komotno...


E narode sad sam se setio sta smo radili sa Medom na nekom koncertu :)hahhahaa . Ladno smo ga dizali na stage dive !!! :))buahhaahahahahah a vi se zalite nesto ?! :))) eee moji vi :))ahahahahahahaha h


mislim da to bese na tankardu ili na agent steel, ili na nesto trece ne mog se sad setim :) uhahahahahaha


Pa vidi s ovim tvojim Pančevcima pa uplatite RS majku mu... I onako stalno skidate nešto! :)

PA to sam i planirao. :D


Bedak. Jesi li brisao cache, cookies i te fazone? Ako nista izgooglaj neke hackove, nacices neki da radi...

Ja sam uplatio pa se klatim :mrgreen: Zao mi bilo vise da zezam rapid :)

A tebi, Sanjos, ne znam sta da kazem, meni radi komotno...

Ma jesam... mrzi me da se toliko bahcem, lakse mi je da platim 700 kinti i miran sam. ;)



Evo slike, mrzelo me sve da kacim:
















Jel primetio neko da je za vreme King For Iljadu Godina, pushten onaj zenski glas kao matrica???? To mi donosi sumnju....


Primjetio sam taj fazon sa matricom, ali me nije iznenadilo. Nedavno sam gledao ‘Live on 3 Continents’ iz Brazila i takodje na toj stvari ide ta matrica. Tesko je ocekivati da sa sobom na turneju vode pjevacicu samo radi te jedne pjesme. Kako bi pjesma bila sto vise autenticna, moraju se sluziti takvim pomagalima kao sto je matrica.


meni je smetalo jedino to sto sam znao set listu iz Madjarske i onda sam se tokom koncerta nervirao sto je prepisana do u sekund a ovamo sam cuo da ce kao biti malo drugacija kombinacija za Srbiju ,no dobro,Nemci su Nemci


Iduci put nemoj unaprijed da gledas setliste i bice ti mnogo bolje na koncertu ;) ;) trust me ;)


Evo linkova za par kracih izvjestaja sa ovog koncerta:








Posted (edited)

The European portion of the Hellish Rock Tour 2007-2008 has started with a big bang. Over 2,000 crazy Hungarian fans came to see HELLOWEEN and their very special guest GAMMA RAY in the Petöfi Hall in Budapest. One day later the package sold out the SKC in Belgrade, Serbia and the next day 5,000 totally enthusiastic Bulgarians came to the Winter Palace Of Sports. The venue where HELLOWEEN have recorded portions of their recent live double-DVD, 'Live On 3 Continents'. After a concert in Istanbul, Turkey the tour will bring the bands to Greece and Italy in the next couple of days. Hot on the heels comes the news that the Novesta Hall in the Czech Republic where the bands will play on December the 15th 2007 has already been sold out in advance with more than 3,500 tickets."



Znaci najgori smo ubedljivo... :(

Pesta vise od 2.500(to mi promoter rekao), Bugarska 5.000, Ceska rasprodata 3.500, a mi gede jedva 1000 , u kur ....



Edited by Frubi666
Posted (edited)

Strava fotografije!


The European portion of the Hellish Rock Tour 2007-2008 has started with a big bang. Over 2,000 crazy Hungarian fans came to see HELLOWEEN and their very special guest GAMMA RAY in the Petöfi Hall in Budapest. One day later the package sold out the SKC in Belgrade, Serbia and the next day 5,000 totally enthusiastic Bulgarians came to the Winter Palace Of Sports. The venue where HELLOWEEN have recorded portions of their recent live double-DVD, 'Live On 3 Continents'. After a concert in Istanbul, Turkey the tour will bring the bands to Greece and Italy in the next couple of days. Hot on the heels comes the news that the Novesta Hall in the Czech Republic where the bands will play on December the 15th 2007 has already been sold out in advance with more than 3,500 tickets."



Znaci najgori smo ubedljivo... :(

Nimalo nisam iznenađen.


Edited by Totamealand
Shta bre 30 evra minimum??????? Ko ce tu da ti dodje na cert?


Pa dolazila bi manje-više ista ekipa, samo još relativno umanjena, mada gore od ovoga nešto i ne može. :) Jedino da probaju kao Bugari sa drastičnim smanjivanjem cena. :mrgreen: Jbt kod njih Mejdeni za 1200 dinara!


Ne znam samo da li to nisu hteli da obrukaju bend(ove) ili nas, ako su to zbog nas prećutali, svaka čast!


Ma kod nas neka totalna letargija, evo i za fudbal... Jedino što je protiv Milana Zvezda rasprodala stadion u skorije vreme, a djavola bi za Srbija-Poljska bilo puno i da smo imali šanse, pogotovo što je bio Sv. Arandjel, 'de će Srbin bilo gde drugde da ide kad ima džabe klopa i cirka... :)

Posted (edited)

evo Kai poceo da pishe dnevnik - evo sta kaze za nas:


Belgrade, Nov 17th

Yesterday was the first show of the Tour, went very well for us, even though the the whole day was pretty chaotic with the stagebuiding for both Bands and time was short as Hell because the Truck and Busses had been stuck in a snowstorm chaos for some hours around Vienna at night. The audience in Budapest was great and gave us a very loud and warm welcome. Thanks to you all!!!

Later on did some jam with my former mates and had good fun. Hung out with some Hungarian Fans until the convoi was ready to roll and off we went.

In the early morning, in the middle of the sweetest dreams, they got everybody out of the busses at the border, Bastards, no fun!

Today the stage and venue is smaller, so there will not be a full stage set for the Bands, but we're gonna rock the house anyway and we're curious what the serbian fans will be like since we've never been here with Gammaray. I'll let you know soon.....



hahahhaha...nezna on gdi je dosahooo....bash me interesuje da li ce da pomene deshavanja posle certa i upadanje nash nekolicine u onu rupu :) :) :) :) :) !!!


Edited by The Wicker Man

lici kao da nas je iskulirao u dnevniku, ali, jbt, ako ostane po snegu, na -5(ili tako nesto) da se slika sa svima(bar sam ja takav utisak stekao, jer se niko nije zalio da je ostao uskracen), tesko se moze reci da nas je iskulirao, na globalnom nivou :)

Pa dobro,jeste da nas je bilo manje,ali mislim da smo bili GLASNI!!!!!!I TO VEOMA koliko mi se cini bili su mnogo odusevljeni!!!!

Nego šta. Nas kada je i najmanje, pokušavamo da budemo glasni kao da nas je pet puta više.

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