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Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]

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The phenomenon of religious black metal has already placed itself strongly on the world metal scene. I say this because around its core (bands like Watain, Deathspell Omega, Funeral Mist etc.) new, younger bands get formed, and - more importantly - present very good music. When a tree has a core and strong roots, new branches will eventually grow and so the tree will gain strength. What we behold is not a trend that will fade as the time flows, but a powerful, idealistic current of sounds and thoughts with great potential.


Ne bih ni ja bolje rekao.

Posted (edited)
Ne mogu da editujem, kakav je novi Nazxul?


14 years in making. XD Odlichan je.


Evo jedno pregolemo razocarenje. Nouveau Gloaming od Code je bio odlichan album, i stvarno sam jedva cekao novi da vidim kako ce da napreduju.




Artist: Code

Album: Resplendent Grotesque

Year: 2009

Rel. Date: 2009-08-12

Genre: Black Metal

Label: Tabu Recordings

Source: CD

Type: Album

Quality: VBR, 44.1kHz, Joint Stereo




Produkcija je prechista, klina je 80% pevanja i vishe nema ni malo ambijentalnosti. Bash sam se smorio kada sam ga slusao, ima tu i tamo po koji fini rif, ali sve u svemu veoma slab album. :(

Edited by Lunar
Posted (edited)

Mene je Nazxul smorio. Mozda opet probam, al tesko...


edit: dodao bih da se nisam bas posvetio albumu kako treba. moguce da grijesim, al prosto me smorilo jer sam sve ono vec cuo 100x. Kao poslednji Glorior Beli, sve fino zapakovano, al ko da slusas genericni religious black metal.

Edited by morbid god

Nesto mi dodje sad u momentu:




When I'm gone and my time had come to shut these eyes of mine

No stones must be erected I will leave but ash behind

Tell no tales about me when you gather around your fire

I'll be one with mother earth not dining in no hall up high


I have no master I swear no oath

The gods may pass me by

I steer the horse I choose to mount

When the storm draws near and the blood rain from the sky


One life hardly a notch made in the bark of tree of time

One death hardly a drop of blood on the reapers shiny scythe

I take not a thing with me where I will go on the day I die

When my star has ceased to shine, but in a shallow hole I'll lie, I'll lie


Nobody died for my sins

No faith tied to my name

The path I choose to walk is mine

When the clouds turn red and the horizon as in flames


My blood my heart my soul my hands my feet

My hair and eyes my head my lips and teeth

My arms my legs my cock my choice and life

My loungs my mind till the day I die


Jeb'o vas religious black metal. :da:

Posted (edited)

Fuck Off religious black metal :rockdevil: napravite svoj religiozni forum, jebo vas ovo vise. Koju god temu otvorim ono u vrhu neki trendi kurac palac, umro ovaj dio foruma definitivno.

Edited by Sadomator
Posted (edited)

Ma ide mi na kurac taj trend, to sam uvijek mrzio u muzici. I na doom forumu sve jebeni trendi bendovi u vrhu. A opet, kad malo bolje skontam, uzalud nerviranje kad je takvo stanje uvijek bilo, ono sto je trend lako se prodaje masama.

Edited by Sadomator

E, brate, zajebi te priče, za cenu jednog nastupa Immortala se može pogledati kompletna orthodox scena uživo (tj. oni koji još uvek nastupaju uživo). Ako se iko na BM sceni kupa u lovi, to svakako nije religiozna ekipa. Uostalom, pogledaj koje majice BM klinci nose, pa će ti se samo kasti.


Pa normalno da ce nositi te majice kadse sa tim bendovi pocinje posto su najveci klasici zanra, nece nijedan klinac koji hoce da pocne da slusa BM prvo udariti na Ondskapt, Nazxul ili random Jesus' cocksuckers (oh we are so ironic) religious BM bend.


Poceli da ga podjebavaju dusebriznici sa Randoma pa se pogubio. Svi u odbranu Gojka! Mogu da ga puse, njega samo mi ovde mozemo da zezamo :)


Nego, danas sam se bas navadio na Sadistik Exekution, obrnuh 3 albuma da se podsetim. Kakav jebeni bas! Nisam znao da je Magus snimljen cak 1986, kakav kult!

Posted (edited)
  On 9/14/2009 at 5:24 PM, Grobodan said:

Poceli da ga podjebavaju dusebriznici sa Randoma pa se pogubio.


Recimo :) Pa pogledaj mi reputaciju u profilu, znaš ti koji su to napadi, misliš da je lako ostati hladne glave? :)


Elem, a konto religiozne priče, danas poručih originalno DSP izdanje Deathcrusha. Imam i ja dušu :)

Edited by Gojko

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