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Posted (edited)

Ma ludjak, jebo ga otac. Imam nuklearne, pankera i neki live album dje je i cuveni spot 'oci u magli'. Bio je legenda.


Beogradski pasaluk, jede samo crni luk

Takva im je sudbina, Srbija se smanjila


Dobar je rif i na 'Dragi sine moj'. Pravi black metal rif.

Edited by morbid god
Posted (edited)

Ja imam kasete "Kako je panker branio Hrvatsku" i " Nuklearne olimpijske igre". Ovo drugo je kompilacija hitova kao sto su: Trpi Kurvo,Lepi Mario,Odrezi-narezi,zarezi,Odrezite sise,Beduin itd.


Mnoooogo bolestan lik. Nikola Vranjkovic je u intervjuu za Rock Express pricao ,and I quote "Kad bi jedan Marilyn Manson znao da je je na ovim prostorima prije 15ak godina postojao Ivica Čuljak,objesio bi se od muke". Kaze da je bio totalno poremecen lik. Ono,nista novo,ali kad to kaze covjek koji je sa njim i saradjivao,onda dobija na tezini. 


edit: sad vidim da imamo iste albume.

Edited by In The Flesh

I ja sam imao te kasete, al sam ih ispustio iz vida kad sam nabavio mp3. Kad se samo sjetim koliko se to slusalo jedan period.


Inace jeste bio poremecen covjek, al iz njegovih interjvua se moglo zakljucit da je bio i vrlo elokventan. Dakle, klasicna definicija ludaka.


Hot shit on the horizon:


I SHALT BECOME are currently working on a new studio album for MORIBUND RECORDS, with the band slated to enter the studio next month. As yet untitled, I SHALT BECOME's new album for MORIBUND will be their second full-length for the label (the band's cult Wanderings demo was reissued by the label in 2006, with 2008's Requiem the band's first post-retirement recording) and also the first to feature real, live drums. Mainman S. Holliman reports, "Honestly, I'm not sure what I can say about it as it's genuinely unlike anything else I've heard," while drummer A. Scherer offers that it's "atmospheric, orchestral plague metal for those whom ride gallant on black steed from the foul, gaping maw of Hell itself to wage War on ignorant mortals" or just "really fucking good."



I nešto za prave momčine:

Deiphago interview Metal Sound


Dole as in



E da, video sam Lunara na PLostu. Nije umro, smuvao se sa Astralisom kad mu je nosio krofne u zatvor (Astralis je jos tamo zbog Nile). Pise post o 3 nova benda koja je otkrio sto ce mu oduzeti aproksimativno 6,5 meseci (typos included).

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