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Ifolder.ru service interrupted by excessive police action.


Today (March 17th 2010) police investigators showed up at the datacenter located at building 5 on 2nd Entuziastov street. They produced a statement entitling them to conduct operational search in order to obtain some evidence located at the iFolder.ru site.


Employees in charge offered to take each and every reasonable step in order to obtain the evidence, and to track a user responsible for uploading the information in question. However, the offer was unexpectedly turned down. Instead, policemen started to insist on seizure and removing of ALL of the Agava's equipment (approx 100 servers) and taking it to police headquarters for the purpose of their own investigation. After some intense debates the seizure was averted. Unfortunately, as an alternative the investigators switched off and sealed all of the iFolder servers and also a number of servers that had no relation to iFolder whatsoever.


Agava considers that unprecedented event as putting in jeopardy and dimming the future of every business in Runet. We are determined to challenge and overcome the excessive and destructive actions we encountered, to protect our customer's interests. We thank our clients in advance for their patience, and for media and other support they provide us with.


E, do kurca.


E ljudi treba mi pomoc, ako neko moze da mi nadje link za Lantlôs - Îsern Himel, to je demo koji su objavili 2008.

Posted (edited)

Ne mogu nigde da nadjem, jbg. Nego, zna li neko da li je nas unholy moderator uspeo da se skrpi za put do Rumunije na Agalloch/Alcest?

Edited by Talvi

Sreo sam ga nedavno ali ništa nije pominjao, samo je pričao o svojoj novoj vagini.


jbt jos sam se prosle godine dogovarao sa njim da zapalimo za Rumuniju,ali ja sam otpao tu zbog kinte..


nikad necu videti Agalloch..sudbino kurata

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