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Morbid, Talvi, Gojko i ostali hvala što čitate šta pišem na mom dragom last.fmu, ali nemojte vaše svesne i podsvesne želje šta bi voleli Grob da vam radi da personifikujete kroz mene. Grobov veoma iskren post na temi o Deathu mi je pokrenuo lavinu emocija koju gajim prema tom bendu, i morao sam da okrenem omiljene stvari od te grupe zarad tih emocija.


Jedno par-ekselans pitanje za ovu temu:


Cime se mazu blekeri po faci i sta je najbolje, u smislu sta najduze stoji, najbolje izgleda itd, jebemliga sta su jos faktori koji odredjuju kvalitet korpspejnta??









Posted (edited)

Kao sto rece moj drugar koji je izvalio ovo sasvim slucajno, ako ikada odem u Nemacku, ovo cu prvo da posetim.





nemam pojma sta je u zgradi

Edited by Uruk Hai
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Posted (edited)

Nešto sam razmišljao i prisećao se par detalja iz prošlosti i setio sam se da kada sam krajem osnovne/početkom srednje škole, prešao Xenogears, da sam počeo drugačije da razmišljam i primećujem stvari, i da sam od tada sebe deklarisao ateistom. I malo sada gledam na netu šta piše o igri i nadjem par zanimljivih podataka. Prvo: "The principles and philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Jacques Lacan influence the plot, character design, and world of Xenogears. Additionally, the symbols, theological concepts, and devotional practices of several world religions are represented in fictionalized forms in the game. Major psychological themes are the nature of identity and human memory, particularly as these relate to the phenomenon of dissociative identity disorder." , ali ono što je najvažnije, "Xenogears's story is serious - so serious that it was almost never released in the United States, because the part of the main plot contains questionable dialogues among characters about religion and theology." Eto zanimljivog mementa iz detinjstva. :D

Edited by Lunar
Posted (edited)

Ja to nikada nisam igrao, prvi put čujem i sada mi je mašta zagolicana. Žanr, detalji?

Edited by Lou

''Убојство зато што му је опсовао купус каљу''


Не могу да смислим нешто више некро од овога.


If you listen to Black Metal, but you don't know what phase the moon is in, or what wild flowers are blooming then you have failed. It is shocking to me that one could be seriously interested in Black Metal and not be deeply committed to radical ecology. Is Black Metal supposed to be about concrete high rises, suburbs, television, an easy modern existence with access to 4-tracks and corpse paint from the local hot topic? No! The music is about wild forests, unfettered rivers, nature: furious and vengeful. Frankly, I think a good portion of Black Metallers haven't thought too hard about why they are into the music. I remember reading an interview with Garm of Ulver, I think in Michael Moynihan's "Lords of Chaos". Garm just couldn't say enough horrible things about the youthful malcontents who buy the majority of Black Metal records; I tend to agree with him. Black Metal is a fairly easy thing to get into. There is a style, a sound, a set of beliefs - it's all there to be purchased or downloaded with nary a thought of one's own needed to get the whole package. There is deep truth underneath the façade of grim posturing, but one needs to search for it.


Je li to sa Last.fm-a nekog lika? Ja sam ovo vec citao, na nekom profilu, samo ne znam je li ovo deo nekog intervjua ili je pisao lik ciji je profil.


Kontam da Crnogorci već znaju za ovaj film, ali moram da preporučim ostalima:




Pljuvačina po crkvi kao instituciji, ekstremno bizarne scene pakla, odličan humor, čak i malo lezbo krljanja... Film ima sve! :haha: Rogati Kopitar kult eternal. :rockdevil:


"Narod bez vladara je kao stado bez jarca... Bez pastira!"
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