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Posted (edited)

Dobar je tribute, a jesi poslusao onaj Nuclearhammer?

Blasphemophagher volem, vidim izasao je EP iz 2009e godine koji cu potrazit. A Deiphago sam sad metnuo da se skida, nisam slusao prije.


voleo bih da usisivaci postanui novi BM trend

gojko ce biti idealan indikator.

Edited by morbid god

Dobar je tribute, a jesi poslusao onaj Nuclearhammer?


Nisam, svuci cu pa cu se javiti.


ajde dajte novi vulcano,to se sad ceka.


Nisam znao ni da treba da izadje, prosli je bio super.


Hahahaha, sto da ti kazem. Upravo prelazim na Satanik eon, ovo je nagrdjeno do daske, al ima nesto smekersko da mogu da ga slusam. Hahahahahaha, jebote, bestijalna devastacija bubnih opni.


Daj ne seri, ovo raznosi.


Evo moje recenzije:


I found out this horde (I think that you can easily guess their homeland from the album title) some years ago when an interview with them was published in Metal Maniacs; Nathan T Birk, whom I consider one of the greatest journalists in metal, praised them to no end, so my interest was sparkled. „Filipino Antichrist“ got the „album of the month“ title by the same man in Zero Tolerance and I knew I just have to hunt it down so luckily this promo CD came to ease my pain and what to say... This is probably the first time I did not enjoy in Nathan’s recommendation. It should be said that Deiphago plays War Metal inspired by Blasphemy, Beherit and Sarcofago (you can find "Hate" cover here) and that is indeed one tricky genre, if you don't pay attention you can easily slip into pure noise territory and that is just what Deiphago did here. The production which puts up the heavily distorted vocals and drums in the front doesn't help much, it often burry the riffs underneath the deep wall of sound. You will have to put great effort to distinguish what is going on here and even then you will realise that songs often go on without any hint of direction, they seem to be made of random sounds thrown at each other. Even the playing sounds too much sloppy for its own good, and not sloppy in the good Autopsy-like way, I am speaking about some serious mistakes. Sure, this may sound like storm of demonic hate at first listen but when you delve a little deeper you will find a little substance here; I guess I will stick with latest Archgoat and Teitanblood if I want quality war stuff from 2009. At least, the cover of "Filipino Antichrist" looks good, that got them a better score...


Uvatih predah i upalih novu stvar od Ihsahna, ko da slusam prasku filharmoniju na uvce da mi svira.


Vidi meni na Lastu šta sad ide :P

Posted (edited)

Koji kraljevi, nemam reči. Bend za sva vremena.

nego kako,zna se ko je tata :rockdevil:

Metal Camp naredne godine ti je zapravo Paganfest + Immortal i Behemoth. Golo govno u poredjenju sa prethodnim godinama.

zaboravio si cannibal corpse :P ja bih samo zbog ta 3 benda i isao.mada skupo je uzasno,gledam bas kings of the black metal fest i nastupaju Immortal + Inquisition + Den Saakaldte + Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult + Forgottem Tomb i jos neki bendovi,a karta je 33eura.opet ni brutall assault nije los,a 55eura je karta....no ja najvise zelim da vidim immortal sledece godine,ovo ostalo mi nije toliko bitno....

Edited by dimmu1

Jel' zna neko neki sajt gde mogu da se skidaju omoti albuma u lepoj rezoluciji? Nesto mi se valja po nervnim zavrsecima misao da je Grob svojevremeno kacio neki link ali ne mogu nidje da ga nadjem.

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