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To je zato sto Pasi pati od Tomi Joutsen kompleksa. :haha: Mada, ono - ako Anaal Nathrakh mogu da izgledaju kao da su izasli iz lokalne diskoteke ne vidim nista cudno u dredovima. :haha:


Ljudi treba mi link za kompilaciju Phases: The Dark Side of Music, to je valjda end records izbacio, moze i torrent.

Posted (edited)

Uvek sam se pitao da li bih slušao hrišćanski black metal kada bi se zapravo pojavio jedan kvalitetan bend tog tipa. No, do sad nisam imao problema jer se nisu stekli uslovi za takvu dilemu :rockdevil:


BTW, pazite prevod Bože Pravde na engleski, koji orthodox black:


God of Justice; Thou who saved us

when in deepest bondage cast,

Hear Thy Serbian children's voices,

Be our help as in the past.


With Thy mighty hand sustain us,

Still our rugged pathway trace;

God, our hope; protect and cherish

Serbian lands and Serbian race!


Bind in closest links our kindred

Teach the love that will not fail,

May the loathed fiend of discord

Never in our ranks prevail.


Let the golden fruits of union

Our young tree of freedom grace;

God, our Master! guide and prosper

Serbian lands and Serbian race!


Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance,

Thunder of Thy dreaded ire;

Bless each Serbian town and hamlet,

Mountain, meadow, heart and spire.


When our host goes forth to battle

Death or victory to embrace-

God of armies! be our leader

Strengthen then the Serbian race!


On our sepulchre of ages

Breaks the resurrection morn,

From the slough of direst slavery

Serbia anew is born.


Through five hundred years of durance

We have knelt before Thy face,

All our kin, O God! deliver,

Thus entreats the Serbian race!

Edited by oʞɾoƃ
Posted (edited)

Ako se ne varam, Vanja Nincic je negde rekao da je srpski black metal uvek surovao sa latentnim pravoslavljem. :haha: Btw, ovaj prevod bi mogao i uz neki NSBM. :haha:


Sto se 'riscanskog blacka tice, meni bese muzicki interesantan onaj Order Of Splendour iz Bugarske, sto izdade album za REX pre cca 10 godina, a u tekstove ne bih da zalazim. :haha:

Edited by Talvi

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