Dioklecijan Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Interesuje li koga (vjerovatno) najbolji intervju sa Ofermod-om do sad uradjen da pročita??? Radio ga je Timo Ketola sa njima...mogu uslikat iz Dauthus-a??? Quote
morbid god Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Samo ako je kucan Ketolinom krvlju Naravno da zanima. Quote
Dioklecijan Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Radim u toku dana na tome... Quote
morbid god Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 (edited) E ovo je bilo pravo zlo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3vyf4w-Rfc&playnext=1&list=PL8E73B8C8B644222B&index=173 Edited December 5, 2010 by morbid god Quote
Dioklecijan Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Evo intervjua...fotke stvarno nisu neke ali je čitljivo što je najbitnije....posvetite se... http://i56.tinypic.com/mkixww.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/29o1t79.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/2vcxcu1.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2vry13a.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/wwbvht.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/20h0txx.jpg Quote
Talvi Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Naleteh na jednu zanimljivu teoriju na last-u: Quote I'm almost certain Arioch (Mortuus) does vocals for Sigrblot.I advise those skeptical to listen to the song "Kali Yuga Intifada". Not the full length Sigrblot album, but the split with GBK/Absurd. At some points in the song, the vocals sound identical to Arioch. The only thing really different seems to be the ideology. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCrA9YCc8Tc Jebem li ga. Quote
morbid god Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 (edited) Ja sam cuo milion teorija da Mikko Aspa nije vokal DsO.. pusti Talvi edit: moram priznat da vokal stvarno lici. Ko da je Mortuus odradio ovu stvar.. evo lirike >>> Kali Yuga Intifada "The gospel of perennial truth in its new form which we came to proclaim, and which is more, to live. Nothing can alter our allegiance of thee, stronghold of mankind of the West. Nothing can ever mar our loyalty to the old oath. No threats can force us to believe their lies. No bribery can keep our hearts from hating both. Happier as the storm draws nigh, we wait and watch events go by. We wait and watch the signs of war." These omens will initiate the third edifice of the shrine of impiety; Solomon's grotto of whoredom - ciergy of rats gathering around the surfacing of their covenant ark. Winds of Gehinnom, bearing charred embers of the crimson heifer, shall birth its storm in the sands of time. From the desert tempest - enthroned in the eastern bog; crowned Dajal clad in scarlet wool, goatblood-stained robe of Joseph. The sovereign of leeches claiming the high pirest sceptre, ushered by ram's horn resonance from the Temple Mount. Bleached bones of the past be damned, unborn flesh decomposing before birth. "And every fleeting second brings us further away from the long nightmare of defeat." Triumph of the unclean and conquering the of the Old World. With us they did not reckon when setting forth their vast utopian schemes. They thought thee dead, and us also. They thought our faith had slackened. They thought, the fools, that they could rely upon our loyalties to values which we hate. They thought they could send us to die without us ever asking why, when we had grown too weary to say no. They thought they had become the masters of our fate. And here we rise and here we stand, and give the world to understand, that we shall never fight but for our same old dream. For honour and for might, and what we know is right. "For the joy of asserting the privileges of our birth." Rising secular embodiments of our end, foretold in arcane doctrines, as we remain shackled to a quest beyond redemption. Chained to a dreary strife in a descending spiral - eternal conflict linking gentile to hexagram. Omnipotent lodestar of Bethlehem glowing with an oily radiance - its nauseating illumination blinding those who still can see. Beacon of an unseen war fought for aeons - the host's struggle against the malevolent sarcoma. Destruction waits for no man as the hounds of time come stalking; wolf of the west and eagle of the east - unlikely tribes facing doom from the same yoke. Impending ruin in a joint consensus. "And every dreary hour that passes by into eternity glaringly shows the soundness of our claim, and tells the world the inanity of thy enemy's victory. Thus we march invincibly towards our lofty end along the way of blood and tears. It matters not how much we gave. It matters not how much we shall yet give, to see all those who hated descend into their graves." Swords of the light boreal - scimitars of the obsidian stone. Anguish in blood smeared runes - fervour welded in the burning jade flames. Symbols of the sol invictus, patterns of the glazing crescent night eye. To reach out and bestow death, yet shroud oneself in its loving embrace. Dual warrior mythos to behead the global serpent. "We are grateful to the immortal gods who made us free. Serene, even in hell, and loving only thee." Edited December 5, 2010 by morbid god Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 On 12/5/2010 at 10:58 PM, morbid god said: Ja sam cuo milion teorija da Mikko Aspa nije vokal DsO.. Ja sam potpuno siguran da nije. Quote
morbid god Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Ja mislim da je od SMRC pa naovamo vokal isti. Pa ko god to bio. A jeste Aspa. Sto bi koji kurac uzimao 'zasluge' za nesto sto nije odradio? Nema logike. Quote
Lou Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Nigde, koliko ja znam. Čovek se ne oglašava po tom pitanju. Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Pa zato i kažem. Naprotiv, u onom AJNA DSO intervjuu ga intervjuisani član jasno odvaja postrance, govoreći da je Mikko takav i takav, a da su članovi DSO takvi i takvi, pa da samim tim baš i ne dele ideologiju, ali mogu da ga cene, pogotovo njegov izdavački rad. Quote
Lou Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Znam da ti znaš, više komentarišem, vidim da morbid god nije upoznat sa situacijom. Quote
morbid god Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) Znam da nije najpouzdaniji izvor, al na metal archive godinama stoji da je Aspa vokal DSO. Cak ako ih uporedimo sa onim iz Clandestine Blaze, prakticno su isti (minus akcenat). Upoznat sam ja vec duze vremena sa tom pricom jeste il nije, al prosto nisam previse paznje pridavao tome obzirom na stvari. Al ajd.. Edited December 6, 2010 by morbid god Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Istina je to za Arhive, i ne znam zašto to stoji kad lepo piše ispod da se ne zna ko su i da postoje samo glasine. Quote
morbid god Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Nije bas da se ne zna ko su. Bivsi clanovi Hirilorna, koga bas zanima moze da se raspita kod Shaxula. Odakle Aspa u toj prici onda, nemam pojma. Al ako uporedite Clandestine Blaze i DSO, primjeticete ogromne slicnosti izmedju vokala.. Quote
Grobodan Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Kad smo već kod DsO, upravo slušam njihovu verziju iz Rusije EVANGELIVM - Nightside of eden, ne zna se ko su članovi, album ima 6 pesama, intro i outro su instrumentali... hm. Quote
morbid god Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Subvertio Deus su pljunuta kopija DSO. Cak im je prva numera nazvana Alpha, a potonja Omega Quote
morbid god Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 On 12/5/2010 at 10:42 PM, Talvi said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCrA9YCc8Tc Citav dan slusam Sigrblot dio splita, posebno ovu stvar. Inace mnogo volim njihov album Blodsband, ne znam jel se komentarisao ovuda. Cini mi se jeste samo Goksi, on je i preporucivao ove ludake. Quote
Grobodan Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Da, on obično sluša bendove koje neiko drugi ne pipa. Quote
Grobodan Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Ne dovodim u pitanje kvalitet, samo opskurnost. Lepo mi leže pomenuti Evangelivm zbog jedne stvari - shvatio sam koliko je DsO dobar bend. Quote
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