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Pojavio se novi album, na osnovu omota i naziva pesama očekivao sam nešto avangardnije... što nisam dobio. Ruku na srce, ovaj album mi se čini aranžmanski zreliji i finiji od prethodnika, svaki album im je sve bolji ali opet to još meni nije TO.




Stvarno odličan omot, da je opet bio neki govnar sa oreolom ili sredenjevekovna freska stvarno bih batalio BM na neko vreme.

Evo link:




Cenim da će Gojku da se svidi ovo.


Pa ako su ti bili dobri pre, mislim da ćeš biti sasvim zadovoljna. To je to. Ima i klinova čak ali fear not, jedna pesma ima latinski naziv a tu su i takvi biseri originalnosti kao There is but one light :) zezam se, kakvih govana ima ovo je milina.


Nije ovo lose. Fino zvuci, ima atmosferu, moze lepo da se slusa. Omot je takodje jako dobar, samo mi se cini da mnogi metalcore bendovi koriste onaj font kojim je napisano ime benda. :) :) :)


ne znam,pocev od ideja koje bas i nisu najbolje resene na albumu,nekako mi je nabacano,rifovi dugacki i smorni,vokal neadekvatan totalno,ocigledno da filozofija benda ide u jednom smeru koji meni ocito nikako ne odgovara.

na stranu atmosfera albuma,muzicki mi je totalno promasen i bezidejan

  • 7 months later...

French black metallers GLORIOR BELLI have uploaded a new video clip and sample taken from their forthcoming fourth full-length album, entitled "The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light". Due out soon via Candlelight Records, the follow-up to last year's "Meet Us Of The Southern Sign" is described in a press release as a "a unique glimpse into an honest experience for the sake of truth, exploring the very essence of 'light' defined by the Demiurge's most virulent adversary!"


GLORIOR BELLI mainman Julien (a.k.a. Infestvvs) states, "After (too) many changes and (too) many mistakes from my side, I have decided to go on my own way and do what I should have done in the the very first place with GLORIOR BELLI: A SOLO project, helped by a handful of musicians for LIVE-related matters.


"I want to make sure this isn't going to 'hurt' the people we have recruited lately, as there was absolutely nothing wrong with them, besides the fact that I AM a control freak.


"So please note that this is on ME only. The solitary path is the only one I know and the only one that gives satisfaction at the end of the road for me.


GLORIOR BELLI in May 2009 cancelled its participation in the "CIII" tour with U.S. black metal legends ABSU, Austin-based AVERSE SEFIRA and Los Angeles-based SOTHIS. According to a statement released by GLORIOR BELLI, the band "couldn't acquire the appropriate papers" in time for the tour and therefore had "no other choice but to pull out."





Doooobro. Kakav li će biti album.


French black metallers GLORIOR BELLI have uploaded a new video clip and sample taken from their forthcoming fourth full-length album, entitled "The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light". Due out soon via Candlelight Records, the follow-up to last year's "Meet Us Of The Southern Sign" is described in a press release as a "a unique glimpse into an honest experience for the sake of truth, exploring the very essence of 'light' defined by the Demiurge's most virulent adversary!"


GLORIOR BELLI mainman Julien (a.k.a. Infestvvs) states, "After (too) many changes and (too) many mistakes from my side, I have decided to go on my own way and do what I should have done in the the very first place with GLORIOR BELLI: A SOLO project, helped by a handful of musicians for LIVE-related matters.


"I want to make sure this isn't going to 'hurt' the people we have recruited lately, as there was absolutely nothing wrong with them, besides the fact that I AM a control freak.


"So please note that this is on ME only. The solitary path is the only one I know and the only one that gives satisfaction at the end of the road for me.


GLORIOR BELLI in May 2009 cancelled its participation in the "CIII" tour with U.S. black metal legends ABSU, Austin-based AVERSE SEFIRA and Los Angeles-based SOTHIS. According to a statement released by GLORIOR BELLI, the band "couldn't acquire the appropriate papers" in time for the tour and therefore had "no other choice but to pull out."





Doooobro. Kakav li će biti album.


Uh , kako ovo obecava, shvatam da najbolje tek dolazi od njih(pardon njega). Imam osecaj da ce ovaj album lichiti nesto na Ulverov Themes.

  • 3 months later...

French black metallers GLORIOR BELLI have unveiled the cover artwork and lyrics for their new single, "Agitation In The Glorious Theme". The track will appear on the band's new album, "The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light", to be released later this year.


The track listing for the CD is as follows:


01. The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light

02. Agitation In The Glorious Theme

03. The Night Scalp Challenger *

04. Reckless Beacons Attraction

05. Verses From Which To Whirl


*Featuring SHINING's Niklas "Kvarforth" Olsson on guest vocals.


"Agitation In The Glorious Theme" lyrics:


Can you tell the difference by looking at this scene?

Of shooting stars and fiends that sprightly tease and beam

Careless about the rules, they constantly dispute

The conformist shepherd whose burden overwhelms


Staring at the abyss he finds himself immerged

Into gallons of hymns and unaltered secrets

His thirst for truth growing he proudly seeks revenge

Over the sun that shines and holds the cosmic fate


But now that he has glimpsed into the rival’s plan

It barely even glows enough to light his grave!

How tempting is the fall for this genuine concept

Of illumination beyond all lies and sense


Can you heed the revolt by peaking at this scheme?

Of floating stars and fiends that loudly mock and scream

Regardless of prestige, they intently challenge

The conformist shepherd whose burden overwhelms


Agitation in the glorious theme

Spill the poison in the orthodox stream

Unrestrained, the clandestine spark unfolds

Initiating fires of the fiercest nature [End Of Lyrics]


Described as an alternative and experimental record by founding member Julien (a.k.a. Infestvvs), GLORIOR BELLI is "one of the most unconventional bands around, once again messing around with the codes, mixing extreme metal and surprising indie tunes together in a massively demented new album!" according to a press release.


"'The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light' is an honest and liberating experience for the sake of Truth, exploring the very essence of 'Light' defined by the Demiurge's most virulent adversary!"


GLORIOR BELLI recruited G. (FROSTMOON ECLIPSE, DEATHROW, MACABRE OMEN) to lay down the drum tracks on "The Full Intrepid Experience of Light".

Posted (edited)

2 stvari sa novog albuma - http://www.myspace.com/gloriorbelli


Ovo je neki eksperimentalni album, progresiva, fanki, kurac-palac. Nema scream vokala, vuce na neki avangard-ish trip.. Nikako ne mogu da uklopim ovo u onu sliku koju sma imao o Glorior Belli.



JES! :bigblue: Odmah se bacam na slušanje.


Btw, pa jesi li skontao šta piše kao žanr? (Na spejsu)


---> rock, progressive, experimental




EDIT - ok, ovo je... pa, recimo razočaravajuće. Ako nisu mogli da naprave dobar black metal album, mogli su da naprave dobar progressive rock album.


Ovako su izmešali sve i svašta i ispalo je užasno.

Edited by Brynhildr

bas im je avangardna friend lista - The Mars Volta, Converge, The White Stripes... Najebali su kad se pojave na 'Under The Black Sun' sa ovim fazonom. :haha: Btw, meni ovo ne zvuci lose.

Posted (edited)

Nekako vise u poslednje vrijeme obrnem Glorior Belli, poslednji album mi je bolje legao nego na pocetku. Najbolja su ipak prva 2.


Ipak ne mogu da se postavim prema ovim novim numerama, vidjecemo kad izadje album. Zvuci mi OK.

Edited by morbid god
Posted (edited)

Francuzi. A i nisu nesto pretjerano relidzs, u normalnim okvirima. Poslednji kover je super, i da Grobe - ima nesto sto mi se dopada u njihovoj muzici

Edited by morbid god
  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)


11 AS IN ADVERSARIES The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light


Info : Those familiar with French black metallers Glorior Belli might want to turn their attention to 11 As In Adversaries' debut album, “The Full Intrepid Experience of Light.” Originally slated to become Glorior‘s fourth studio album, 11 was created to showcase a different sound.


Ovo je izgleda izaslo, al nema linkova.


edit: moze da se preslusa album na http://www.myspace.com/11asinadversaries

Aj da vidimo.

Edited by morbid god
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Izgleda samo ja postujem na ovoj temi :haha:


Kud god obrnem, ja se vratim uvjek ovom bendu. Iako ih u pocetku nisam gotivio nesto pretjerano, vremenom su mi legli kako treba i moze se rec da Glorior Belli kod mene zauzimaju jedno od istaknutih mjesta kad govorim o black metalu.


Inace, juce i danas sam se bacio na preslusavanje pojedinih francuskih bendova koji neko vrijeme nisu obitavali u plejeru. I stvarno mi je super legao taj zvuk - Annthennath, pa Glorior Belli i Obscurus Advocam, Merrimack, Darvulia i na kraju prvi album Temple Of Baal. Sto se Glorior Belli tice, prvi i drugi album i dalje ostaju njihovi najbolji, al su mi narasle impresije u vezi nj. poslednjeg albuma koji definitivno zahtjeva vrijeme i strpljenje da pokaze svoje kvalitete. Ko voli ovakav zvuk, nek obavezno cekira Obscurus Advocam jer su u tom fazonu (dijele valjda i neke clanove).


Eto tolko. Ovaj eksperiment 11 as an adversaries mi je poprilicno cudan, nikako da nadjem link za album i slusam ga natenane. Crno mi 'vako preko majspejsa, ljepota je kad se nedje zavalim i bacim ga na sluske.

Edited by morbid god
  • 6 months later...

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