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Section A


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Having released a few instrumental albums, the Danish guitarist Torben Enevoldsen needed a change of pace and wanted to write an all vocal album. The basic idea was to simply put together a band of musicians Torben admired and would like to work with. So in the beginning of 2001, he began writing down names of musicians and only a few enquiries were made before the line-up was a reality.


The drummer of the German band VANDEN PLAS, Andreas Lill, was the first musician to join. Torben had heard the band live, opening for Dream Theater back in 1998 and having recently purchased their album “Far Off Grace”, Andreas ranked high on Enevoldsen's list of favourites. Andreas and Torben exchanged a few e-mails and an agreement was quickly made.

The second musician to join was the Swedish vocalist Andy Engberg. Torben had been a huge fan of Andy's for years, so he was at the very top of the list. Engberg had recently parted ways with his band LION'S SHARE and was immediately interested in working with Torben and Andreas.

Meanwhile recruiting members for SECTION A, Enevoldsen had been busy writing material for the band. The style would be a blend of very melodic hard rock and the more aggressive and complex prog metal. While Torben was keeping busy writing the music, Andy Engberg and his friend Conny Welén wrote the lyrics...




2003 The Seventh Sign


2006 Parallel Lives


Kratka recenzija albuma Parallel Lives


Nisam pronašla temu o njima, a albumi su mi se baš svideli, pa rekoh da vidim kakvo mišljenje ljudi ovde imaju o njima.



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Jul 15, 2007 6:19 PM

New album update

The progress on the new Section A album is going very well indeed. Torben Enevoldsen is currently busy in his studio working on the recordings and Andy Engberg and Conny Welén are right now just as busy working on the lyrics.


We are happy to announce that Günter Werno (Vanden Plas) will be playing the keyboard solos on this new album.


We will of course continue to keep you updated on all the details via the official Section A MySpace page, but don't forget to check out the band web site as well: www.torbenenevoldsen.com/sectiona




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Ha, ha...

Vremenom ćeš i sam shavtiti koji je pravi put istine :)

A imamo mi još mnogo načina da te izvedemo da na pravi put :) :) :)

When there is will, there is always a way :D


Vidi šta sve ima novo na blogu, sinoć sam okačila neke klasike, sramota da toga nema na prog blogu ;)

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Oct 26, 2007 8:24 AM

Section A line-up change!

We are happy to announce that Thomas Heintzelmann (Decoy) is now the new drummer of Section A. We have parted ways with Johan Koleberg on very friendly terms and mainly for practical reasons. We all wish Johan the best of luck!


Meni je Johan bio odličan tako da mi je krivo zbog promene, ali ne sumnjam u Torbenov izbor...

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