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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

vreme je za novo glasanje ovde, pa da zaključimo polako ovo:


Renewal - 11

Europe After the Rain - 9

Winter Martyrium - 5

Realitätskontrolle - 5

Karmic Wheel - 4

Brainseed - 3

Zero to None - 3

Depression Unrest - 3

Reflection - 1

Edited by Talvi
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

On when fans can expect to see KREATOR's follow-up to the 2012 album "Phantom Antichrist":

"I'm having ideas for a couple of songs, but, to me, it's important to wait for the right moment to come, to get together with the band to rehearse the songs. At the moment, I don't have much to say, really. Maybe in 2017. But maybe next year we'll start writing. I don't think it's gonna come out next year, though. You know how quick time passes…

"I don't wanna put out an album just for the sake of it. I wanna put out an album that really, really [matters]."

"In my perfect world, we would start rehearsing for the album in January 2016, then record it in the summertime, because we wanna go to Sweden [to record the album with producer Jens Bogren], and we don't wanna go there in the wintertime. And then release it in 2017… January or something. That's my plan, but I don't know if that's gonna [pan out].

"[All of us in the band are] on the same page — we don't wanna release something that we're not a hundred percent happy with. And I'm always preparing the songs, and then we go in and play. And when we jam sometimes, we have better ideas even.

"It was just not the time yet. I don't feel that I have anything to say yet. To me, it's important to come up with songs that matter. And if I don't have anything to sing about, and I'm not inspired, I'd rather not come up with something."


Mille forever anti-štanc :rockdevil:

Edited by Angelystor
  • 4 months later...

Au al je zamrla tema, vidim Dimon imao predlog za najbolje stvari sa Outcasta, inače veoma potcenjen album, mada jako čudan, nekako ga vremenom zavoliš, ni meni lično se nije nešto dopadao kad se pojavio, ali par godina kasnije nekako ti sve draži, ima tu neku mračnu atmosferu propasti, osame, tuge... meni sada možda i medju 5 omiljenih Kreatorovih albuma, zasigurno bolji od ovih novijih pokušaja vraćanja korenima, mada nisu ni oni tako loši(pre svih VR).

Mane Outcasta su što stvarno ima par filera, a mogao je Mile i bar jednu-dve brze pesme u stilu ekstremne agresije da ubaci, ali jbg.


Evo mojih pet favorita :


Leave This World Behind

Black Sunrise

Enemy Unseen


Alive Again


P.S. mnogo dobar spot za pesmu LTWB, meni jedan od najboljih u thrashu, baš mračan i bolestan!

  • 3 months later...

Па нема шта посебно да се каже. Не мислим само за Креатор. Погледај Металика тему. Препуцавања око најбољег албума, уау... Чека се нов албум и свирка, остало је тривијално. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Kreator mi je bio omiljeni band kad sam bio mladi metalac.Smatrao sam ih za najbolji metal band svih vremena.Danas sam uzeo malo da obnovim gradivo pa slusam Pleasure to Kill. Kakav album :rockdevil: Nikad ih nisam gledao uzivo i ako su bili ovde valjda dva puta ako se ne varam.Znam da su jednom sigurno bili na Exitu pre par godina.


Inace od njih dve omiljene pesme Tormentor i Extreme Agression


Doduse nove albume nisam slusao, Phantom Antichrist i zadnji album.Zadnje sto sam aj od njih slusao je Enemy of God koji sam kupio u Mordoru bese to davno :no:


I Pleasure to Kill naravno medju omiljene pesme od Kreator :blek:

Edited by Speedz Maniac
Posted (edited)

Видео са почетка каријере. Не верујем да су икада после тога свирали ту песму на концертима.

И вокал једва да се и распознаје јбт. Који култ, ВХС квалитет.

Edited by Сале
  • Downvote 1
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

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