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Pa, pоštо је Sabinа bilа zаdоvоljnа коncеrtоm у KSТ-у, rеklа је dа ćе vеrоvаtnо uradiтi nоvu tutnејu kаkо је тrеbаlо dа budе: Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Holy Moses. Vеrоvаtnо nаrеdnе gоdinе.


Pa, pоštо је Sabinа bilа zаdоvоljnа коncеrtоm у KSТ-у, rеklа је dа ćе vеrоvаtnо uradiтi nоvu tutnејu kаkо је тrеbаlо dа budе: Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Holy Moses. Vеrоvаtnо nаrеdnе gоdinе.

Cekaj, cini mi se da nisam dobro shvatila!!

Jesi li ti rekao da ce Sodom, Destruction i Kreator nastupati u YU?????????


Nemoj da me držiš za reč, ali ako se bude našao neko ko bi to organizovao sigurno će svirati. Da se i ove godine tako nekakav našao, svirali bi Kreator i Destruction u maju i u Beogradu. Ali, jebiga...


I ja se iskreno nadam tome. Sarajevo jeste lep grad, ali cimanje je ići tamo. Sem toga, jevtinije je ovde ih videti, u našoj prestonici.

  • 2 weeks later...

Kreator mrzi Bush-a biggrin.gif


Frontman Mille Petrozza for legendary German thrash metallers Kreator has recently voiced his dislike of U.S. President George W. Bush. Here's Petrozza's conversation wih music website, KNAC.com.

"A lot of Americans on tour have told me that they don't agree with some things that Bush does," explained Petrozza. "It's really cool to see that. I think the majority of the people just follow this patriotic bullshit that is going on at the moment. They are proud to wear their flag or whatever. If that's all they identify with, in my opinion, that's really lame — it's like 'I don't have anything else but my stupid flag.' I don't think that the way Bush is handling things is the way they were meant to be handled. America stands for something else — not just this redneck dictator. He just tells people what to do and sends them to war. It's fucked up. I'm really anti-Bush. Even though I'm not from this country that's how I feel."


"I think the government is responsible to come up with other solutions besides violence. It's like caveman behavior… It works, too. It's just wrong though. I don't think the United States has ever stood for stupidity in the first place. The U.S. has always been a very progressive country, but what Bush projects to the rest of the world is very conservative. It's like this redneck fucking cowboy attitude."


When asked if Germans are more cognizant than Americans of not just blindly following political figures, given the country's history, Mille responded: "Maybe, but it's not just Germany that is against Bush — there are a lot of people in the U.S. and people all over the world who don't believe in what he's doing. It's just obvious that you can't support such an idiot."


In similar news, Kreator's recent U.S. tour, with countrymen Destruction and grindcore act Cephalic Carnage, was reportedly the band's most successful jaunt to North American soil since 1993. Kreator reports "sold out clubs, amazing fans, bad food and other chaotic circumstances made the trip the bands most successful American tour since 1993.

  • 4 weeks later...

Bio bih vam veoma zahvalan ako bi neko mimo ovih praznih (ali zaraznih )trucanja bio pametan da mi kaze gde da nadjem textove sa prva dva albuma.JA licno(ma ne,nije da se hvalim)posedujem prvi album na KRVAVO CRVENOM VINILU,koji su mi usput budi receno potpisali MILLE i VENTOR u Sarajevu ali,jebi ga ,nemaju textove.Narocito me interesuje pesma TOTAL DEATH!

A nesto i o kompozicijama-jedna od najvecih i najboljih odlika ovog benda je DINAMIKA. NE,to nije brzina vec PROMENA BRZINE sviranja u toku trajanja pesme.To je ono sto odlikuje dobar NEMACKI THRASH i razlikuje ga od energicng ali monotono brzog speeda!

KreatoR rules

ziveo nemacki metal 8/8 :mrgreen:




Idi na sajt www.darklyrics.com i vidi tamo sigurno ima.


Machine, pretek`o si me... biggrin.gifa:



  • 3 months later...

Jedno malo obavestenje koje ne znam gde da stavim,a posto se tice Kreatora...da skratim...


Kako sam ja cuo,a i video na njihovom zvanicnom sajtu,potvrdili su svoj dolazak u Makedoniju (Ohrid) na festival Alarm koji ce se tamo odrzati,jedino za datum ne znam.Pa me interesuje da li neko nesto zna u vezi toga da li nameravaju ovamo ili ce nas obici?


Citam bas sada u vezi onog naseg festivala u Cacku,ljudi planiraju i Thrashere da dovedu,a Kreator ce nam biti u blizini,pa...


Evo link pa proverite...




Obozavam KREATOR to mi je omiljena grupa.

Najbolji albumi su mi:Endlles Pain,Coma of Souls,Plesure to kill.


Ovaj novi album im je dobar mensi se najvise svidja pesma GETHO WAR

kada se Mille razdere u sred pesme ANARCHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

  • 2 weeks later...

samo stari kreator dolazi u obzir...


ovo novo sranje (violent revolution, kako vec?), je prekomercijalno, i producirano kao kakav pussy bend biggrin.gif


samo stari kreator dolazi u obzir...


ovo novo sranje (violent revolution, kako vec?), je prekomercijalno, i producirano kao kakav pussy bend biggrin.gif








Ejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nemoj ti meni KREATOR

da nazivas pussy bendom EJjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

pa il si ti normalan


Čisto sumnjam da je "Violent Revolution" ispao baš toliko komercijalan album koliko je mogao da bude da je snimljen u neko drugo povoljnije vreme. Svejedno, taj album je ZAKON!


Vokal? Malo mi je bezveze. Ja sam uvek tvrdio da bi bilo bolje za Kreator da je Ventor pevao. One njegove pesme na prvom i drugom albumu su znatno bolje od Miletovih. Uostalom, i dan danas sviraju "Riot Of Violence", mada u dosta usporenijoj varijanti.

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