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  On 11/17/2009 at 1:51 PM, Куруз said:

Пушите га.  :mrgreen:


mislim kukuruze da ti je dosta sto MU milosevicevski igra u PL,molim te zaobidji nas sa homoseksualnim zeljama.


Mozda im se pridruzi i Rio Ferdinand :meshuggah:

do tada, samo za fanatike:



WIN! – A training session with Rio Ferdinand for next to nothing...



That's right, the man himself will come to you and supervise a training session with your team.


To win this money-can't-buy prize simply answer the following question


Q: Rio joined Man Utd from...

a) The Dog and Duck

B) Leeds United

c) The Harlem Globetrotters


Text MEMO RIO followed by a, b or c to 82055


For more information, click here...



More prizes...


Win: Noel Gallagher’s guitar


WIN! An England shirt signed by Rio Ferdinand


WIN! iTunes gift cards worth £1500



Issue 3 Click Here

#5 Magazine The Music Issue – Out Now!



With nearly half a million readers spread across 20 countries, the #5 army gets stronger by the day, so what better way to celebrate than with a music special?


Issue three features:

LeBron James on Jay-Z, Kasabian confessing their sins, M.I.A on bullets and beads and tributes to Oasis and Kurt Cobain.


Obviously there's the usual mix of film, gadgets and fashion, plus a red-hot photo-shoot with Playboy's Victoria Moore. So what are you waiting for? Sign up immediately!



Read Issue 3 at:


#5 Magazine Issue 3 (It's free!)







We had so many entries in issue one that we had to hire a village full of technical people to sift through them all.


James McKay Wins a Signed Pair of Roger Federer Wimbledon Collection Shoes.


Ian Runnalls, Jonny Claude, Chester Andrew, Nick Board and Charles Davenport each win a Marc Ecko Watch.


James Smith, Gavin Brooks, Gregg Stirkland, Robert Farside andOliver Knowles each win a pair of Signed Usain Bolt Shoes.


Donald Hemphill wins A Pair of Limited Edition Air Force 1 Rio.






Видео сам осми и девети гол Јевреја, оно је смешно. Осми је слободњак са 25 метара, лопта погађа пречку, одбија се до Киркландових леђа и улази у гол, а девети је дао дебели Хрват, исто се одбила од пречке лопта. Кад неће, неће.


Јунајтед лако добио Евертон, Гигс игра као младић.

Posted (edited)

Koji car onaj Stojanovic :haha:


''Sudija Mariner govori Esliju Kolu nemoj da djidas'' :haha: Sta god mu to znacilo xD


Ugasio sam tv posle drugog gola, ne mogu da gledam onu sramotu :angry:

Edited by Zoidberg

Da,jeste.Ako tebi vise leze keceri,onda su ti verovatno i bolja ona dva maloumnika.Izvale su sastavni deo prenosenja fudbalske utakmice,na to smo navikli,sa druge strane "sasuke i keceri" stil prenosenja utakmica u fudbalu nemaju mesta.

I reci ti meni jednu stvar:sto si se toliko zakacio za mene?Je si l' derpe?Ako jesi,moram te razocarati,ja sam heteroseksualac,i to poprilicno konzervativan,tako da gubis vreme.Ako nisi,onda nadji neku picetinu pa nju impresioniraj svojim peckanjima...na kraju krajeva,tu je i srpski King Diamond,neka te uputi u tajne zanata.

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