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Koliko znam nesrecan slucaj a ne obracun navijaca. Valjda ga je udario autobus dok je on bio na skuteru.



udario ga prazan autobus koji je pre toga odveo navijace Juventusa na Delle Alpi :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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udario ga prazan autobus koji je pre toga odveo navijace Juventusa na Delle Alpi :rolleyes::rolleyes:



Prazan AUUUUUUUUUUU majko mila :ph34r: Vudu magija, da prebacimo temu na RMF :confused:




Zezam se, da bude jos ludje vozac autobusa ga nije ni video, nego je murija zaustavila vozaca i rekla mu da je ubio lika :confused:

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Ni ja neverujem,ali komentarisem svaku vest i svaku mogucnost koja se pominje.Samo se nadam da na kraju nece ispasti mucak,pa da najveca pojacanja budu Melberg i neki njemu slicni.


Evo jos jedne solucije:




Ova ideja mi se ne svidja.

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10 najgorih transfera iz ove sezone:


1) Emerson (Real Madrid to Milan) – The whole world was puzzled when Milan announced the signing of the once-great but now overweight Brazilian last summer. During his days at Roma he was world class, his decline had already began when he joined Juventus, and by the time he moved on to Real Madrid he was most certainly past it. So why should this descent not continue at Milan? Well it didn't.


2) Tiago (Lyon To Juventus) – There are two words to describe Tiago and they are – ‘no personality’. Tiago has never been a top-class midfielder, this was proved conclusively at Chelsea. The player’s sympathisers can argue all they like about the fact that Claudio Ranieri’s 4-4-2 formation doesn’t suit him, which is true to an extent. They can also point to his limited first team opportunities. The truth however is that Tiago is not up to the standard of a huge club like Juventus.


3) Alvaro Recoba (Inter to Torino) – I have always admired Recoba, ever since he single-handedly saved Venezia from relegation in the late 1990s. Such a naturally gifted player, it is a shame that the best years of his career coincided with a time when Inter were being run like a circus. Nevertheless he is nearly 32 now, and his best years have gone. His loan move to Torino just hasn’t worked out, and he has scored just one Serie A goal in 17 appearances this term.


4) Joaquin Larrivey (Huracan to Cagliari) – Was labelled as the “new Gabriel Baristuta” by some after his summer move from Huracan to Cagliari. Never has the saying “couldn’t hit a barn door” ever been so relevant. The Argentine has not scored in his 24 games, and the only thing he shares with Batistuta, other than the same nationality, is a cool hairstyle.


5) Mauro Esposito (Cagliari to Roma) – Players both departing and arriving in Cagliari last summer have not had the best of luck. David Suazo has struggled at times at Inter, while Esposito, who had formed a deadly partnership with the Honduran in Sardinia, has been a catastrophe since moving to Roma. He has made just eight Serie A appearances, and is way down the pecking order behind the likes of Mancini, Taddei and Giuly.


6) Nestor Muslera (Nacional to Lazio) - Muslera was signed as a replacement for the retiring Angelo Peruzzi after problems arose with the transfer of Juan Pablo Carrizo. Muslera was handed the goalkeeping jersey in Serie A, but he was so bad that the 44-year-old Marco Ballotta, who had already been playing professional football for four years by the time Muslera was born, was soon recalled. A horror-show in the 5-1 defeat to Milan particularly sticks in the memory.


7) Bosko Jankovic (Mallorca to Palermo) – Has improved a little lately but the Serbian has been a real disappointment. Jankovic was hailed as one of the best youngsters in Europe after some fine displays at last summer’s European Under-21 Championships in Holland. However the midfielder has scored just once in 19 Serie A games.


8) Sergio Almiron (Empoli to Juventus) – Another of Alessio Secco’s masterful buys for the Bianconeri. Labelled as the “new Juan Sebastian Veron”, all that he shared with the ex-Lazio star were negatives, i.e. no pace, and a bald head. Was soon shipped out to Monaco in January, and will certainly be sold permanently this summer.


9) Stephan Makinwa (Lazio to Reggina) – Reggina hoped that Makinwa would be the man to replace Rolando Bianchi, but they were very wrong. The Nigerian has made just eight Serie A appearances, four of them starts, and has scored no goals. Was once a highly rated youngster, his top-class career is now in serious danger.


10) Maniche (Atletico Madrid to Inter) – When Maniche joined Inter on-loan in January they were running away with Serie A, were still unbeaten, and were still in the Champions League. They have since (not including Coppa Italia) won six, drawn five, and lost four. They are out of the Champions League, and now hold just a four-point lead over Roma. Maniche was perhaps not a bad signing, but he was certainly a wrong signing. By this I mean that he may not be personally to blame for Inter’s problems, but for sure he was not what the club needed.






Ovo podrzavam 100 jebenih posto!!!!!

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Jos jedna pobeda nad rivalima najveceg italijanskog kluba svih vremena!!!Svi redom su pali!!!


Milan je drugi gol zabio iz cistog ofsajda,ali je zato Braco naplatio za sve!


Moram priznati i da sam napravio gresku oko Sisoka...tvrdio sam da je los potez i da se nece uklopiti,ali pogresio.U zadnjih par utakmica je zaista odlican,i odlicno se uklopio u igru.Iako i dalje mislim da je previse placen.

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Juventus - Milan



Jako interesantan mec i jedan od onih zbog kojih je Italijanski fudbal cenjen... Nisam bas ocekivao 5 gola...


Kao navijac Milana, nisam razocaran, jer je Milan igrao prilicno dobro... I da nije bilo par gluposti, ostalo bi nereseno... Tacnije, dve gluposti pojedinaca su prelomile mec:

- Bonerin crveni karton je plod njegovog idiotluka, i to je to.

- Treci gol Juventusa je postignut iz prekida, za koji ja mislim da nije postojao... Bilo je remplovanje... Ali dobro... I to je fudbal.


Sve u svemu, Juve je ovaj put bio bolji, i zasluzeno pobedio.

Iskoristili su ono sto su trebali da iskoriste... Svaka cast!


A Kalac me je zadivio svojim odbranama...


I Del Piero je na zaista, maestralan nacin dao gol.







Eh,,, Hteo sam da postavim ovo:


Edited by evil dead

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