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Za Melindu i ekipu, evo sta jedan okoreli britanski ded metalac koga sam intervjuisao ovih dana ima da kaze o omiljenim prog rock izdanjima:


TTI: I’ve noticed in one of your previous interviews that King Crimson, Yes and Genesis found their place on your all time favorite albums list. Being a fan of ’70s prog rock myself, let me ask you a few questions. From In The Court Of The Crimson King to Starless And Bible Black, which one is your least favorite album by King Crimson and why?


D.L.: I would choose Starless And Bible Black. King Crimson to me always excelled when they were mixing melody with experimentation and dissonance, for example on Red, Lizard, and well, In The Court Of The Crimson King and In The Wake Of Poseidon from start to finish, whereas Starless And Bible Black as well as parts of Larks’ Tongues In Aspic rely too heavily on dissonance and being difficult for difficulty’s sake. They don’t have enough contrast to make them as engrossing to me as the other early albums. Perhaps one day they will finally make sense to me, I certainly don’t write them off as bad albums as they all have their moments, but to me they are the weakest of the golden period albums.


TTI: You named Going For The One as your favorite Yes album, which is sort of a strange choice, considering that 95% of people would quote Close To The Edge or Relayer if being asked the same question. What about that particular album you find so appealing and why do you prefer it to these other two?


D.L.: Simply for the B-Side track Awaken, which is one of the most amazing moments in rock music, every note of that song is perfect. I find it hard really to pick a favourite though, with the exception of Tormato, their output between 1971 and 1980 (The Yes Album through to Drama) is flawless.


TTI: There is one relatively obscure UK prog band from the early ’70s called Catapilla that had released two very good albums back in the day. Have you maybe heard of them?


D.L.: Yes, I actually discovered this band quite recently and I’ve been acquainting myself with their albums. Out of the two albums, I prefer Changes, but both are great.



  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Nekad, dok je bila ona lepa opcija da ti piše u profilu na kom si podforumu najaktivniji, meni je stajalo Death & Grind :bigblue:


Posle ga je prestigao crni metal, al' nestala opcija :blek:


Mogli ste ovo na opštu prog diskusiju, ja probao da prešaltujem tamo komentarišući Harmonium, al' džaba :P

Molio bih Melindu, ako je ne mrzi, da prešaltuje tamo sve od kako smo prestali da pominjemo Genesis, pa da nastavimo.

Da ne moraju deca da listaju mnogo unazad da vide worship. :bigblue:


Slažem se sa čovekom iz intervjua potpuno za ovo što kaže za KC albume, a Yes sam počeo sa Tales from the Topographic Oceans, vidim da će prava poslastica tek da stigne. :obrv:

Edited by Demon Seed

Slažem se za stavku o premalo kontrasta na SABB, lično isto više volim Crimsone sa više raznolikosti. Džem sekcije, disonantni rifovi, lepe melodije, od svega po malo - zato su Lizard, Court i Red majka. Yes sedamdesetih jeste besprekoran, izuzeci su Tormato i Going for the one, gde baš njega izabra pored onakvih pet prethodnika? Vidim da će imati šta da se piše na Yes temi. ;)

  On 8/2/2015 at 11:19 AM, Face Of Melinda said:

Nekako tesko zamisljam djed metalce da slusaju prog, ali ima toga verujem :haha:


Čemu ovakav muzičarski pigeonholing? :haha: :haha:


A drugo, ne bi me čudilo da se ovde radi o nekome iz benda tipa Tribulation, odnosno death metala u nekom malko širem smislu :]


Pa ono, kad može Mika npr. da sluša death i svira prog (ili to beše nekad bilo? :haha:), ne znam što ne bi moglo i obratno...i sl. :D


Da se muzičari drže samo usko svojih žanrova mislim da se nikad ništa interesantno ne bi dešavalo.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Jel ima negde da se vidi Mikina "now listening" lista? Nešto ne bih smeo da se kladim da toliko sluša danas prog kao ranije.


Ima na Stevinom HQ sajtu uvek sa strane kao njegova plejlista, super sam ako prepoznam bar jedno ime benda u dve liste :haha: Interesantno bi mi bilo isto tako i Mikinu da vidim.

Edited by Angelystor
Posted (edited)
  On 8/3/2015 at 10:05 AM, Angelystor said:

Jel ima negde da se vidi Mikina "now listening" lista? Nešto ne bih smeo da se kladim da toliko sluša danas prog kao ranije.


Ima na Stevinom HQ sajtu uvek sa strane kao njegova plejlista, super sam ako prepoznam bar jedno ime benda u dve liste :haha: Interesantno bi mi bilo isto tako i Mikinu da vidim.


Nema, nazalost...

Ali ima ovaj intervju koji ce ti reci dovoljno o uticajima ;)



edit: Fleshko super je ovo! Hvala :da:


znaci YT mi je sa ovog benda odmah skocio na Ozric Tentacles <3

Edited by Face Of Melinda

The members of the original Nirvana took Kurt Cobain to court over the name, eventually reaching a settlement. Patrick Campbell-Lyons also stated that Nevermind had a very similar cover to Simon Simopath.







Izjele droge mozak xD

  • 2 weeks later...

Nemaju oni ništa drugo, samo taj album... Malo kao zakasnili na žurkicu sa fazonima, al' šta ima veze, nije loše, dobro kad se izgustiraju svi ovi što su uticali na njih :D


Evo koga interesuje napravila sam listu sa malo manje poznatih prog bendova iz 70ih... radi se obendovima koji su imali do 4 albuma mozda, vecina je imala jedna-dva, ili jednostavno ljudi tesko dolaze do njih pa sam napravila listu jos prosle godine ako neko zeli da siri vidike :da:


Simone s obzirom da si uplovio u prog rock vode, javljaj utiske ;)



Posted (edited)

Vrlo rado, al' će da prođe dosta dok budem sve to svario, treba prvo propuštene nosioce žanra lepo da prostudiram, a varira mi volja za tim, jerbo mi je Genesis postavio visoki standard :D

Edited by Demon Seed

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