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Evo sada naleteh na bend koji se zove HORSE the band i oni sviraju nintendocore...


Nisam znao sta je pa evo sa wikipedije objasnjenja tog zanra.


Nintendocore is a genre of music inspired by the music or soundtracks which accompany 8-bit video games[1], most notably those on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)[2]. It is characterized by sounding similar to 8-bit video game music/chiptunes, often combined with other genres of music, or remixed variations of old NES video game themes - such as those performed by the Minibosses.


The term has been coined by several bands and labels, however, there is only one record label which has gone out of its way to represent Nintendocore and its related genres, this being At The Surface Records. Notable bands which have been labelled Nintendocore are HORSE the Band, Anamanaguchi, Chaos Con Queso, and Eight Tentacles.


Jebote patak,sta sve nece dokoni ameri izmisliti a? :rolleyes:


Онда можеш да преслушаш и Helloween 'The Game Is On', кроз целу песму се провлаче звукови из Нинтендових игрица, а песма се завршава крајем из "Супер Марија" чини ми се.


Ja se samo secam Hore The Band-a po tome sto smo posle toga BaalBehrit i ja pocheli da dobijamo banove :)


Ps. Nintendo je institucija i ne treba ga skrnaviti nema shugavim core bendovima. Skinite Best Of Nintendo music i uzivajte :da:

  Angelystor said:
Ja se samo secam Hore The Band-a po tome sto smo posle toga BaalBehrit i ja pocheli da dobijamo banove :)


Ps. Nintendo je institucija i ne treba ga skrnaviti nema shugavim core bendovima. Skinite Best Of Nintendo music i uzivajte :da:

Slazem se...Ovaj Horse The Band je bas flj....A ovi ostlai bendovi kakva li su tek ona strava...

Posted (edited)

odlichan bend


poslushjte i nintendoGore - SCEX

midigrind - A Beautiful Lotus

bubblegum octopus



horse the bend je odlichan, samo sto kod njih ima dosta gitara, a klavijatura nije u prvom planu.


sad mi pade napamet i jedan midi/nintendo black grind - Metropolitan Balcony Jumpers



We Are Pterodactyls

Tinky Winky


Rotting Gnome

I am a cat


A sparrow with a machine gun

Take a spin down the rainbow road

two headed cat vs unicorn octopus




banana banana humus humus



Beauty Killed The Beast

8-Bit w0nder

pepermint pony


mozda nisu bas svi skroz nintendo nego se preklapaju zanrovima

a mrzi me vise da pisem

stvarno sam se naslusao ovih dana tona takve muzike.




Edited by gadget2
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System or Super NES (also called SNESa[›] and Super Nintendo) was a 16-bit video game console


Ono govno sega saturn je bila na 32 bita...

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