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Children Of Bodom


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"Blooddrunk", the new album from CHILDREN OF BODOM, has registered the following first-week chart positions around the world:


Finland #1 (1st + 2nd week)

Japan: #2 (International)

Canada: #7

Germany: #10

Japan: #12 (International chart #2)

Austria: #19

USA: #22

Sweden: #28

UK: #44 (Rock chart #1)

Ireland: #51


Commented the band: "We are so surprised about these chart things that are going on, it's amazing! Even though it's not the main thing for us to be high in charts, or whatsoever, it still feels really good. I think it indicates that metal people buy their records, even though the Internet things can make music easily illegally available! We wanna thank people who've been supporting us in this matter! Respect!"

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Guest LadyCorpse
Alexi nije COB! Tachka!



Smarate vishe svi sa njegovim jebenim izgledom, gitarama itd.Bend se slusha zbog muzike, a ne zbog necheg drugog!Zajebite nas vishe takvihg smor tema.Ako niko nema neshto pametno da kazhe(ja spadam trenutno u tu grupu) neka - chitaj: ODJEBE!!!!



Je li to neshto na moj rachun?!-.- .............XD :mrgreen:

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Guest LadyCorpse



Ma, baci pogled na zilion strana ovde i videcjesh o chemu se vodi glavna polemika... :violent::opusteno:



Tako je na svim forumima CoB-a...:/ ...eh, hejtujm Alexija!XD (voJim BudaLe!)XD

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Guest LadyCorpse

pih, naravno, chim ....khm, prodje Legacy, i chim kupimo new stuff....doci ce i oni jednom na red, al' obecavam, necu ih ranije preslushati!:P...pa kad ga preslushamo, mecemo ga u kolekciju!XD....

Edited by LadyCorpse

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Pa logicno, COB je isto tolko EMO band kolko je ,nemam pojm, EMO neki band tipa Tokio Hotela, linkin park itd. , koje mrze metlaci iz dna duse. Nebi ja ovo postovao da se nisma iznervirao zbog toga danas :), jer imam par ljudi koji gledja una COB ko naznam sta, a pritom su ultra emo heateri , i sve su tipa ovo je troo nebi ovo emo slusao ni da ga kolju........


Sorry, bilo je jace od mene XD.

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Pa logicno, COB je isto tolko EMO band kolko je ,nemam pojm, EMO neki band tipa Tokio Hotela, linkin park itd. , koje mrze metlaci iz dna duse. Nebi ja ovo postovao da se nisma iznervirao zbog toga danas :), jer imam par ljudi koji gledja una COB ko naznam sta, a pritom su ultra emo heateri , i sve su tipa ovo je troo nebi ovo emo slusao ni da ga kolju........


Sorry, bilo je jace od mene XD.



Ja mislim da si ti sada tako pijan da ne mozhesh da potrefish slova na tastaturi.xD

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Ako ovo nije gay ja neznam sta je.......<br /><br />Gluplji photo shoot za band nisam duze vremena video.......<br /><br />


http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h156/Grbonk/6e88a838.jpg <<< evo vam ovako slika je mnogo velika da bi se postovala na temi.

Edited by Ninja-Viking

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Naprave nekoliko glupih slika zarad malo medijske pazhnje i odmah su gej. xD

Ali, da, slika je zaista gej (GAY - full of or showing high-spirited merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the reunion"; "jolly old Saint Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry laughter"; "a mirthful laugh"). :da:

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Negde sam cuo, da COB ima najveci EMO fan klub, od bilo kojih drugih metal bendova. Naravno pod metal neubrajaju se Linkin Park, Tokio Hotel i slicni..........


Sta on zna, on je samo smrtnik. Nisam cuo novi album, dajte link za rapidshare?

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