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  Diaboli Juna said:
To bi bilo dobro.


Ovdje su svirali (ne tim redom) "Follow the Reaper", "Downfall", "Angels Don't Kill", "Children of Decadence", "Silent Night, Bodom Night", "Living Dead Beat", "Lake Bodom", "Hate Crew Deathroll", "Sixpounder", "Smile Pretty for the Devil", "Blooddrunk", još jednu sa novog albuma koje se ne sjećam... Ajme, još su nešto svirali, ali mi je stao mozak potpuno. xD

U jebote pa iznenadjen sam, uopshte nije losha setlista, da to sviraju voleo bi da ih gledam opet. Priznajem zao mi je sto ih nisam gledao sa ovom listom, ocekivao sam da pola liste budu zadnja dva albuma. Mada svejedno i da sam znao ne bi mogao da idem ali ovo je kul.


  Sirius said:
Auu,svirali su Children of Decadence? To bi bilo dobro cuti

Ja slushao 2004 :rockdevil:

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


hm sad izgleda da im je ovo standardna u set listi :) :) :)


nije ovo je bila zajebancija na Wakenu :) :) :)


cuo sam nesto da ce biti predgrupa Slipknotu je se za to nesto zna ili?

Edited by Mita
Posted (edited)

mada reci vidis Bodome u Areni :D

mada sto posto ce povesti neke druge bendove nismo mi te srece :(


da se zna ne slusam Slipknot :)

Edited by Mita

Ma ja ne bi. Onda bi morao da placam karU da 3k da bi gledao Bodome kao support act, a ove maskirane ne bi gledo da mi daju kartu za dz ...

Dajte Bodome u SKC, da se sakupi 500 vernih fanova, i josh nas 200 shto volimo stare albume i RIOT ... samo sto se to nece desiti mnogo su oni skup bend.. trebalo ih je dovesti u Reaper/HateCrew fazi, sad koshtaju koliko ko da su Ameri a ne Finci...

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

ocekujem svakog casa ono njegovo jau jau jau mnjau mnjau :) :) :) :)


solo nije u njegovom fazonu :)




Sicpebrate (1 week ago)

Sale (gitarista) je kraaaalj!!!

Check-irajte njegov bend ORGANIZED CHAOS!


Edited by Mita
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

CHILDREN OF BODOM will release a new album, titled "Skeletons In The Closet", in September through Spinefarm Records. The follow-up to last year's "Blooddrunk" is a selection of cover versions, some of them existing recordings, others specially laid down for this release.


CHILDREN OF BODOM has been recording covers since the early days of its career, some predictably heavy ("Silent Scream" by SLAYER, for example), others reflecting an altogether broader taste ("Talk Dirty To Me" by POISON), so fans will be intrigued to see which of the existing ones get the final nod here, and also which news ones are added to the list.


The following is a list of most of CHILDREN OF BODOM covers recorded thus far (Note: It is not yet known which of these songs, if any, will make it to the "Skeletons In The Closet" collection):


* "Aces High" by IRON MAIDEN

* "Don't Stop At The Top" by SCORPIONS

* "Hellion" by W.A.S.P.

* "Mass Hypnosis" by SEPULTURA

* "No Commands" by STONE

* "Shot In The Dark" by OZZY OSBOURNE

* "Rebel Yell" by BILLY IDOL

* "Talk Dirty To Me" by POISON

* "Latomeri" by KLAMYDIA

* "Bed Of Nails" by ALICE COOPER

* "She Is Beautiful" by ANDREW W.K.

* "Silent Scream" by SLAYER

* "Somebody Put Something in My Drink" by the RAMONES

* "Oops!... I Did It Again" by BRITNEY SPEARS

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